How are all you new mummies doing?

Saw your post on fb Bex . Poor oscar! Did they send him home or did they keep him in?

I've been shopping- found a little Xmas story book in card factory for £2.99 for to write in what they got and to write a story if the day (it's prob for older ones as there's stickers and poxtueeS to draw but I figure I can draw for him lol then an Xmas story. So cute

Also a little first Xmas bowl and spoon with a teddy and a first Christmas photo frame that hangs on the tree :)
I saw your fb post too Bex. Are you home now? Is he getting better?

I've been shopping too. Went to Costco to get some chicken, and came home with all sorts :-/ got some really cool sensory toys for Emma for £8 though. All different shapes and sizes. I've already given them to her :-)
So tired!!

Hope your all ok!!

Kathryn you sound as bad as me for clothes shopping ! I'm terrible - saw that rocking horse on play pennies last night for 18 quid reduced from 49!! Snapped up that for a birthday pressie for him haha

I think so I can't resist a bargain, and some of the clothes are amazing!

Hope Oscar is back on the mend and you've had a nap
I saw your fb post too Bex. Are you home now? Is he getting better?

I've been shopping too. Went to Costco to get some chicken, and came home with all sorts :-/ got some really cool sensory toys for Emma for £8 though. All different shapes and sizes. I've already given them to her :-)

I got a flashing light Santa and Luke seemed to really like it so I'm going to go and get the reindeer, snowman and Xmas pudding too lol. I'm so scores for Xmas this year!!

Luke is going to granny and grandas tonight because me and hubby are going out doe a nice big steak :) and a few drinks - we'll pick him up after but nice to have a nice adult night out.

I need some cheering up- found out on Tuesday that a family friend whom I have known since I was born died on Monday night. Even bough she was on her 80's it was quite sudden for us and it's vey very sad... She was very doting on Luke because her only child was a still born and she loved children but found it hard because she never got any . It's just so so sad.
That's good or mum can cope with Luke. My inlaws won't be left alone with Emma.

Been a bad week with our family/ friends too. Chris's aunt died yesterday morning. She was in her 80's too. We had known she wasn't well for a few years now. Sad, but her quality of life hadn't been so good lately though.

My dad had his op this morning to remove a tumour from his liver. Will be a few weeks till they can report back if it was cancerous or not. But preliminary reports from the surgeon are that it didn't look like a cancer. I'm sure they wouldn't say that if they weren't confident. Phew!
All just went quiet, went looking for Emma and found her sitting between the wall and the back of the sofa. Just sitting there. Lol
That's good or mum can cope with Luke. My inlaws won't be left alone with Emma.

Been a bad week with our family/ friends too. Chris's aunt died yesterday morning. She was in her 80's too. We had known she wasn't well for a few years now. Sad, but her quality of life hadn't been so good lately though.

My dad had his op this morning to remove a tumour from his liver. Will be a few weeks till they can report back if it was cancerous or not. But preliminary reports from the surgeon are that it didn't look like a cancer. I'm sure they wouldn't say that if they weren't confident. Phew!

Can they not look after her? My mum and dad are great with Luke and he loves spending time with them... I'll get him in his pyjamas before he goes - they would've had him overnight but dad has a 7am start and I didn't think it was fair on him and mum who starts at 9, too.

Our family friend had very bad arthritis and was confined to a wheelchair but she fought it and was always turned out in her best clothes and high heels.. She was just such a lovely and lively person. She was taken into hospital on Saturday with a bad chest Andries if a cheat infection 48hrs later
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They don't bother coming to us, so the only time she sees them is if we go to them. So she's a bit apprehensive. It's also hard work as they have lots of little rooms, with lots of little things in them.
That's a shame. My mum lives within a 10 min walk from us and he sees her most Saturdays, every Friday and every Sunday.... She watches him in Sundays and takes him to church if I'm at work. He's very lucky to have that I think. He also sees his great grandma at least once a week, but she can't look after him on her own.
Is nice to have family close. Both our parents live within 5 minutes drive of us so thomas sees all his grandparents at least twice and week and his great grandma once a week.

They're both looking after him when I go back to work. Just got to figure out holiday cover now as Daniels parents have decided to go on holiday the week after igo back to work:wall2:

So may have to do an extra nursery day that week. So annoying I can foresee problems with them already
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My inlaws both live about 5/6 mins drive away. About a minute from each other.

Kathryn, we moved here to be closer to them cause they said they would help with the kids. Didn't last long! My father in laws girlfriend is the only one who will come over to ours to babysit. But she likes to be going by 10, so only works if we've just got a quick parent teacher meeting or appointment to go to. Although haven't left Emma with anyone yet. Tomorrow will be the first. One of the girls from nursery is babysitting, I've known her since the older kids were there, so totally trust her. Also she will be with Emma all day, then back to babysit 2 and a half hours later so I hope it all goes well.
Just popping in before bed, sad news ladies :-( doesn't matter how old people are, death still hits you hard :-(

This week is kicking my arse! Poorly baby (now recovered thank god!) night feeds, 545am alarms and work. It's worse cos hubby is on nights so hopefully it's better next week x
It can only get better ey Jen sorry your having a bit of a rough time at the minute :(

It's rubbish about all the sad news too.

I'm absolutely freezing tonight it's only 15 in my room and 16 in Stanley's got the heating on timer to come on through the night but it didn't make much difference last night :|
Dan other restless night with thomas. Woke up inconsolable at 1am and it took half an hour to calm him down. I honestly think he's having night terrors like I had
Another rough night with Oscar

Childrens ward have given 2 hours for him to perk up else he's got to be re admitted for obs as his temp has been up for 72 hours now :(

I've come to work and if he needs to go to hospital I'll meet daddy there :(
I hope his temp comes down, but if he his in at least they will be able to sort it out and get him well. Poor little mite!
For anyone who hasn't bought a walker & isn't wanting to do the 3for2 at argos, the vtech one is £14.99 in smyths in both colours
Awwww poor Oscar :-( can they give him anything other than calpol?

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