How are all you new mummies doing?

Glad the milk conversation has come up again as I always worry how much to feed Summer, some days she wants more than others, the same with food. On average she has 22-26oz a day, very rare she eats 3 full meals. Does that sound ok?
Emma has 3x 8oz bottles, but sometimes leaves an oz in the morning bottle. She's eating like a horse at the moment too. Big bowl of porridge for breakfast. Then a whole 7+ jar (or equivalent) and 2 cubes of my meals. Then half a sandwich and a yoghurt at lunch and dinner. Think it's because she's on the move more, or having a massive growth spurt.
I've just upped thomas' food but he's still have about 24oz of milk a day. I make a 9oz in the morning, 8oz at lunch and 9oz for bedtime.

Perhaps you should think about vitamin drops jojo

Yeah I will, but I'm
More concerned about weight and things. He'd just rather have food.
Today he had a soldier of toast then a bowl of 10+ museli which seemed to be filling at 9:00 then he had 1/2 a banana as a snack at 10:30 then pork casserole (about. 3/4 of a jar) and a yoghurt then some blueberry wheat snacks at 3:00 then 1/2 a jar of carbonara at 5 with half a jar of blueberry and apple purée and a few cheesey crackers (tiny ones that goodies make)

He had 5-6oz of milk at 8am, 4oz at 2:30 and 6oz at 6:45pm.
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Doesn't sound bad at all.

Thomas' is weight gain is good right now (he's actually starting to reach 75th centile)

He had the following today

5 spoons of porridge powder mixed with milk (total 9oz of formula for breakfast)
Lunch 1 jar of 7+ and a fruit pot
4pm 6 oz milk (normally has the lot)
6pm 1 1/2 jar of 7+ and some grapes
8pm 9 oz
Glad the milk conversation has come up again as I always worry how much to feed Summer, some days she wants more than others, the same with food. On average she has 22-26oz a day, very rare she eats 3 full meals. Does that sound ok?

As long as they are having 20oz a day it's fine
Stanley has 6oz 7:30 8am
followed by 5 spoons of porridge or 1 weetabix
Sometimes half a slice of toast too
10:30 6oz
1pm 2xmy cubes mixed with meaty pouch 1xfruit cube mixed with baby rice and milk
1:30 6oz
4:30 6oz
5pm small bowl of whatever we're having
7pm 7oz

I need to do some more batch cooking and start offering veggie finger foods :)
Does anyone else still worry giving them toast!! Stanley seems to bite too much off!
today was only the 3rd time he had toast

first time he just threw it around, 2nd time he spat it out and tpday he just munches on it but i was cautious still
Haha! Yeh I'm cautious too..

Thought I'd share a pic of stanley and his play mates from baby social! Everyone agreed to having the pic taken and allowed others to share it so Im not doing it without consent :)

I think it's cute! Stanley's next to the little girl in the pumpkin dress, he's dracula!
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Aaarrrggghhh! So pissed off. S just still won't sleep :-( I'm shattered after last week, back at work, doing the housework and still up for night feeds. It's like having a new born again and I just don't know what to do. She eats plenty food in the day, plenty milk, some water and still won't sleep. I'm a woman on the edge!! :-(
I always watch Emma when she has toast. She often jams too much in then gets it stuck on the roof of her mouth, or tries to swallow too much. I'm not too worried now though as I've realised with their mouthes being so small, it's easy just to hook it out. I've found bread and butter, or bread with that cathedral cheese spread goes down well.
Jen, I don't know how you're doing it all. Is S still unwell? Or just gotten in to the habit?

Emma hasn't been sleeping well since she was sick. I had to bite the bullet and just leave her to cry for a few nights. She's still waking in the night, but doesn't need a feed anymore and seems to settle herself. Still getting up 2-3 times a night to her, but so much better than 8-10 times and a feed!
Yeah she's still got a really dry hacking cough that's making her sick cos she keeps boaking. Other than that tho she's doing great, eating all her food and stuff. I just don't understand it, she drank 30oz of milk yest, 3 meals and snacks and some water. Think I'm gonna have to ride it out but I'm really struggling. Hubby is nights this week too so that's not helping. Think tonight I'm going to give her something like a banana or toast before she goes to bed and see if that helps. Fingers crossed!

Aw hope Emma sleeps soon too, I just don't know what happened to our sleeping babies :-( x
Hayley tends to drink 32 oz of milk a day.

The last 2 night's she's been waking up thru the night. 2 nights ago it wad 4.30, last night it was 3. Took ages to get back to sleep so i feelexhausted. Yesterday was a long day, had mediation. My ex basically said if I doubt change contact by the 20th he'll take me to court. So need to phone my solicitor again today.
I struggle to get austin to take 20oz most days. I'm giving him vitamin drops daily just in case
No ones mentioned the vitamin drops to me, so next time i go to drs ill ask for them too.
I had a dreadful day yesterday. Apparently I caught a sickness bug. OH had to come home from work early and has taken the day off today to help with the LO while I recover. I never get sick like that; I guess this is part of parenthood...
No ones mentioned the vitamin drops to me, so next time i go to drs ill ask for them too.

You only need them Kerry if Hayley isn't srinking 20oz or more of formula a day.

Although an hv I saw last week told me that once they are 12 months and swap to cows milk get should be given vitamins as a lot of Holstein aren't getting enough vitamin d leading to rickets!!!!
Kerry, what did he say about not feeding Hayley? If he can't even feed her, how can he expect a court to even allow him to have her!
Just read my post back, autocorrect is getting worse! Meant to say a lot of children not Holstein !!!??!!

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