How are all you new mummies doing?

What did he say?

Nothing you posted was untrue.

I've had a bit of a rough morning at work. Locally there was a lad (28) killed by a car on Sunday morning in a hit and run - 70mph - and he's a relative of a girl I work with. She was telling me about his mum and how she's just so distraught about it especially as he wasn't recognisable due to impact. .. I just got so upset about it, not in front of her but afterwards just the thought of it made me so very very upset. He had 4 kids too (2 are step kids) and the youngest is only 9 months old. - I find that having kids makes you feel these things so much more.
Aww that's awful Jojo. I think once you have kids of your own, you think about the kids they have left behind more :-(
Hubby's dad got hit and killed by a car 7 years ago this month - 2 weeks after MIL lost her mum aswell! Imagine loosing your mum and your husband in 2 weeks :(

There's not a day goes by where hubby doesn't have flashbacks - he drove to the scene around the corner when his mum was crying in crying as he was late home

They had to make decision to turn his life support off . Just horrible :( I never got to meet him - but I'm happy in the fact I was the one to pull hubby from a dark place that the accident had put him in
What did he say?

Nothing you posted was untrue.

I've had a bit of a rough morning at work. Locally there was a lad (28) killed by a car on Sunday morning in a hit and run - 70mph - and he's a relative of a girl I work with. She was telling me about his mum and how she's just so distraught about it especially as he wasn't recognisable due to impact. .. I just got so upset about it, not in front of her but afterwards just the thought of it made me so very very upset. He had 4 kids too (2 are step kids) and the youngest is only 9 months old. - I find that having kids makes you feel these things so much more.

He said : "Starting your shite i see sweatheart, you are so full of shit n lies...Where do you get off on sayin i dont feed hayley. lying little scumbag that you are"

Well he told me he didn't give her a "she was fine without". And his excuse on Wednesday for not feeding her was he "doesn't have time".... :strangle::strangle:

Aww that's awful Jojo! I agree with you on that one. That's such a shame as well Bex! Alot of tragedy to go through all at the same time. That's good that you were there to help your husband deal with that.
Aw god that's awful bex :( I knkw a few people who have died in car crashes not actually been hit by a car though.

I've started applying for a job.. Spoke to my old boss and she can't get me in her place just yet so I'm applying for a diff childrens home ran by the council, the application has to be in by Friday and the person spec is massive! HATE doing app forms argh. It's only part time too which suits and if I need more hours I'll no doubt get them, so fingers crossed.

Stanley gives kisses now it's so cute he's been doing it for about a week or so! He's been rolling all over the floor, today he got on all fours at one point, he's very strong on his legs and pulls himself up using my fingers, he walks forwards and backwards when I'm holding his hands.. But still no teeth!!
Ditto here Stacey still no teeth!

Was up 3 times in the night and eventually co-slept as he wouldn't be put down without crying again - very tired this morning
Aw god that's awful bex :( I knkw a few people who have died in car crashes not actually been hit by a car though.

I've started applying for a job.. Spoke to my old boss and she can't get me in her place just yet so I'm applying for a diff childrens home ran by the council, the application has to be in by Friday and the person spec is massive! HATE doing app forms argh. It's only part time too which suits and if I need more hours I'll no doubt get them, so fingers crossed.

Stanley gives kisses now it's so cute he's been doing it for about a week or so! He's been rolling all over the floor, today he got on all fours at one point, he's very strong on his legs and pulls himself up using my fingers, he walks forwards and backwards when I'm holding his hands.. But still no teeth!!

Aaww! Austins started to give his tongue with kisses. I keep telling him not until he's older & definitely not with mummy!
Aw god that's awful bex :( I knkw a few people who have died in car crashes not actually been hit by a car though.

I've started applying for a job.. Spoke to my old boss and she can't get me in her place just yet so I'm applying for a diff childrens home ran by the council, the application has to be in by Friday and the person spec is massive! HATE doing app forms argh. It's only part time too which suits and if I need more hours I'll no doubt get them, so fingers crossed.

Stanley gives kisses now it's so cute he's been doing it for about a week or so! He's been rolling all over the floor, today he got on all fours at one point, he's very strong on his legs and pulls himself up using my fingers, he walks forwards and backwards when I'm holding his hands.. But still no teeth!!

Aaww! Austins started to give his tongue with kisses. I keep telling him not until he's older & definitely not with mummy!

Haha, Emma gives kisses too and then tries to lick. But she also likes licking shoes :-/ Still no teeth here either!
Luke likes licking people, but also biting people's toes! Idol what is wrong with that boy! He dido likes to grab peoples teeth and try and pull them out.
So relieved, hubby went for a new job a couple of weeks ago and they've come back and offered it to him. Such great news, although has some downsides as he will need to do a 4 hour commute twice a week. Will be great though as he's been having problem with one of his bosses who seems completely sexist against men!!

Going to affect child benefit if he takes it but should be great.
So relieved, hubby went for a new job a couple of weeks ago and they've come back and offered it to him. Such great news, although has some downsides as he will need to do a 4 hour commute twice a week. Will be great though as he's been having problem with one of his bosses who seems completely sexist against men!!

Going to affect child benefit if he takes it but should be great.

That's great news but boo on the long commutes!
That's great, boo about the commute but sounds all in all better for him :) is the money better?
Yes 7k pay rise which is amazing. The commute should only be for the first 6 months while he works closely with a team te rest of the time his job will literally we 2 minutes walk from our house
thats a nice rise! thats more than my annual wage lol.

how much is everyone feeding their LO as far as milk goes? the last few days its like luke it trying to wean himself off his daytime bottle but if i dropped that he would only be on 14oz a day (not including cheese/yoghurt during the day) hes having 3 good meals and 2 small snacks a day

im not sure what to do because he doesnt seem to wantto drink it but i dont want to cut it down.
We have 3 x 8oz at breakfast, afternoon and bedtime. Sometimes at bedtime she wants more too!
We are the same 3x8oz morning afternoon n night sometimes she drinks it all others hardly any just depends xxx
I've just upped thomas' food but he's still have about 24oz of milk a day. I make a 9oz in the morning, 8oz at lunch and 9oz for bedtime.

Perhaps you should think about vitamin drops jojo

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