How are all you new mummies doing?

Aaww that's shit! Why go to the trouble of wasting money advertising & recruiting? What does your hubby do?
Aww Bex that's rubbish! Hope he has a bit of luck after all this and quickly finds a permanent job.

I had a rough night - kept waking with a really sore throat & Hayley was waking a few times to let out a loud cry. She's been quite grumpy and fussy at times today so I think she's feeling ill. I've got a really bad headache, sore throat and feeling sick all day so think we must've caught a bug.
That's proper crap bex, does that mean ur holiday is off the cards? X
Holiday still going ahead - the 1k it will cost was always going to come out the house sale.

Hubby by trade is a windscreen technician - he left the industry a few years back as he had enough and had done 2 driving jobs - one being the one at my place - so he decided to get back in the trade as it pays ok

Waste of breath ! We did wonder why he was employed to cover Hereford and worcester but spent majority of the time in the middle of Wales and Bristol!
Aw Bex that's horrendous! Fingers crossed he gets another job as quick!

Hope you feel better too kaedin!
Bex - sorry to hear about your hubby's job

Iwitch - it's very rare they change the Dreamliners now, only happened at first as they didn't have many, they would now only change if the flight went Tech, but as the planes are brand new doesnt happen very often.

Tenerife is great too, lived there for 4yrs, if you get a chance take a visit to Loro Park & Sism Park also worth hiring a car to visit Mount Teide xx
Hi all, just sat down to catch up.

Aw Bex, that's not good. Why do people think it's ok to muck around with people's lives!

Took Emma to baby clinic and had a chat with the hv there. She's up to 19lb9, so up a lb in a month. but she was useless with regards to the spewing. Said because she's still following just above 75th centile, and 'acting normal' she's not worried. Said she's probably just a spewy baby! Well she wasn't this bad till a week ago, so not accepting that. Today she's spewed up everything other than her porridge and 1 bottle that she only had 4 oz of. Spent ages scrubbing spewed up cauliflower cheese out of my mat, to then have to spend ages cleaning chicken casserole out of it 4 hours later. Bin bag under her tomorrow I thnk! Just had to do a complete clothes and cot change too after she spewed her entire bed time bottle. Off to the GP tomorrow if I can get an appointment.
Stupid hv. Gp sounds best to me. Hopefully she'll get over it quickly but you don't want her carrying on like that!!

I had thomas weighed too and he's now 18lb 15oz - tracking just above the 50th centile. Hv was happy with his weight progress so that's good. His sickness seems to be getting much better as we only have one small spew a day now. Tonight's was nasty as it smelt of stomach acid :(
That's not right Toria

Does it smell acidy? Wonder if your having same problems I did? Oscars meds being upped have solved the sickness! We don't get any now at all, well maybe occasional drip from a heavy burp after a bottle but nothing else!
All this spewing makes me wonder if she's hydrated enough, and had enough food :-(

Yeah those stomach acid ones are not nice. poor Thomas. Good weight though.
That's not right Toria

Does it smell acidy? Wonder if your having same problems I did? Oscars meds being upped have solved the sickness! We don't get any now at all, well maybe occasional drip from a heavy burp after a bottle but nothing else!

Yip acidy, and quite thick like its got phlegm mixed it. She now cries when I put food in front of her cause she knows what's gonna happen.
That's really bad :( it must hurt her - if she's being sick that much it will start to make her throat sore

Why don't you see if GP will prescribe some omeprazole to see if it helps?

You don't want her starting to refuse food etc :(
Oscars not gaining well or wasn't a month ago - he had put on 5oz in a month :/

Hoping to get him re weighed Friday to see if things have improved esp now his meds have been upped
So sorry to hear about your hubby bex how shit just when u think your getting somewhere :-(
Oh no Toria I'd take her to docs something not right xxxx
Will be on the phone first thing in the morning. Need to sort this out ASAP. Chris thinks it could be that now she's crawling she's just ingesting more germs.

Ps: argos have the fisher price cookie jar shape sorter for £8.49
That's awful about your hubby, Bex. Maek went through a period like that for quite a few years before he got the job he's in now, you just gotta stick it out until things improve, because eventually they will improve.

Luke had a scare today. I was changing his nappy and he must have picked up the silver lid from the yoghurt he'd had just before I changed him and I didn't realise until he was in his bouncer choking on it! Had to get my fingers into his mouth to get it out- he was sick a bit but okay... Freaked me out though!
I caught Emma eating a leaf the other day. Think she actually got some down before I yanked it out. Need eyes in the back of our heads now!
Luke ate part if my Rota from work lol if it was a paper kid he probably wouldn't have choked.
I feel so deflated :( today I found out my step dad has bowel cancer I'm absolutely devastated they don't know the severity until a full scan next week. He went to the doctors just over a week ago as he was bleeding they took a sample and done some tests and the doctor said he was fine. He requested a camera to be on the safe side and they discovered a tumour today. I'm fuming the doctor said he was fine when he should have realised there was an obvious problem after he examined him.. If he hasn't requested the camera then God knows what could of happened, we're all just a bit shocked. Sorry for the depressing post guys :(

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