How are all you new mummies doing?

Hopefully you get some help for Emmas sickness tomorrow Toria!

Thats good Thomas' sickness is not as bad now. But it's horrid when they have acidic sickness :( Hopefully that'll be the last of it for him

Hayley was with her dad this evening from 4pm til 7pm as per usual. I told him she was last fed at 2 and he brought her home saying she slept the whole time. He woke her at 6pm for a bottle but she just went back to sleep. She doesn't ever sleep for 3 hours during the day - and i dont want her to sleep that long right before bedtime!. I think it's abit long to go without even a drop of fluids in her system. But then I can't really say anything as he can't force her to drink it..urgh! I've never known hayley to refuse a bottle though. This is the girl that can easily finish a 10oz bottle at times. Thankfully she is in bed asleep just now - I had visions of her being up past midnight. Heres hoping she doesnt wake at 3am ready to start the day
I'm sorry to hear that Stacey! I hope the scan shows it isn't the most severe and it can be treated quickly. I'll be thinking of him, keep your chin up and try to stay positive, someone was looking out for him to request the camera even after being wrongfully told he was fine x
aww stacey - i hope its early days and they can treat it quickly so he gets the all clear.

Bex - this weight marlarky is such a worry sometimes, but take it from experience that once they are sorted (as oscar now is that his meds have been up'd) that they soon make up the difference. Thomas was so tiny for ages and now he's on the 50th centile. he put on 13 oz from his last weigh in a month ago. I'm sure oscar will be fine.

Toria - it prob is more bugs but at least you going to the gp will rule everything out. hope she's abit better tomorrow and she sleeps well tonight.
Stace! Gutted for you :( hope it's not too far gone and they can contain it for you :( can't imagine what your going through - sending lots of love xx

Kathryn- yeah I guess it's drummed into us the weight thing- it's all weight weight weight since day 1 so it's hard to snap out of it! We will see what the score is tomorrow if MIL can take him

Toria - hope you get an app this morning x
Thomas is being Abit of a monkey with sleep this week. Keeps waking up between 3 and 5. Last night he rolled into his stomach 3 times and woke up so had to turn him back over. Last time he wedge himself in the corner completely!

He's going through a leap so I can understand why plus I think he's trying to learn how to crawl.

Really wish he'd not wake up for one night this week. He's also been a greedy pig all week
Aww Stacey, fingers crossed they can treat him quickly. Good he stuck to his guns and pushed for more tests.

Kathryn, that's what Emma was doing before the crawling started.

Got up a few times in the night to Emma screaming, but no more spewing and she didn't need a bottle till 6am. And kept that down. Got an emergency appt at 12:10.
In other news, I saw that argos glitch on Facebook yesterday where the 2 for £30 toys were going through as 2 for £15. Just went down to collect one of the 2 items that was in stock. She tried to say it was wrong, but when I showed her the email she had to override. So far I got a mamas and papas toy pram for £7.50!
We have crawling! Up on all fours! Woop! He's been worming for th last few days but today just got up on all fours and powered across th rug.... When I had to run and make a bottle I had to keep running back in and out and he was never where I left him! Lol the fun begins! X
So sorry to hear about your step dad Stacey :-( so glad that he pushed for tests, keep strong and thinking of you all.

Think they were all monkeys last night. S wouldn't sleep at all :-( I shouldn't have complained a few weeks ago cos that was nothing compared to how many times I was up and down. Poor wee thing is defo teething and has my cold. Settling in day at nursery so me and hubby are home having a wee hour sleep. Can't wait to go and get her!
Woohoo Ryan! I'm excited for when thomas does it but scared too!
Thanks for the messages I'm trying to stay positive but it's proving hard :( can't stop crying today..
Stanley was up from 3-6 last night which he has never done before tried everything, he was just wide awake and his nose has been stuffy from teething I think, so I had his cot elevated the past two nights but last night it didn't help. X
Thank you :) I'm excited by it (I can't count how many times iv sat across for him waving a packet of wipes with my phone on camera in my hand this morning) but I can tell it's going to be a nightmare! We have hard wood flooring throughout the downstairs of our house. So I think that's going to be fun when he starts faceplanting into that! Lol
Thanks for the messages I'm trying to stay positive but it's proving hard :( can't stop crying today..
Stanley was up from 3-6 last night which he has never done before tried everything, he was just wide awake and his nose has been stuffy from teething I think, so I had his cot elevated the past two nights but last night it didn't help. X

Someone's Babies can pick up vibes when people are upset so maybe that's also why he was up. I know it's difficult, but try to be positive- there's a lot can be done for cancer these days and if they've caught it early they have every chance.

My great aunt had had breast cancer twice, skin cancer and bone cancer as well as bowel cancer and a stroke and she's still going at 88!
Like jojo said he's probably picking up on your sadness :( I know it's a lot easier said than but try not to let your mind run wild until you know more! Try an distract yourself with Stanley! Xx
Woo hoo, go Ryan! We still haven't baby proofed which is making it hard work. Got all the gates ready. Just need to put them up!
Back from the drs...... Could be reflux, could be a bug. Give gaviscon and come back if she goes limp! No help :-(
How rubbish :-( really feel for you Hun.
And I'm really sorry to hear about your stepdad Stacey my mum fought and won her 3rd battle with breast cancer when I was pregnant it's heartbreaking but they can really work wonders these days thinking if you xxxx
Your mum sounds like an amazing woman nat!! You must be proud.

Massive hugs Stacey, hope your feeling ok.

Well so far so good at nursery. She wouldn't sleep (god knows how after last night) and ate fish pie for lunch - defo doesn't have my eating habits! Not taken much milk at all today tho and She's so unsettled tonight tho with her cold, proper snotty nose, sneezing the lot. It's such a shame. She's been sound asleep since 630 so I'm going to bed soon cos guaranteed she will be up soon!
Thanks Jen yes I am very proud of her the things she has been through don't no of u remember but she has finished her chemo n radio then she had a heart attack that's what sent me into slow labour it's why I was in labour for 5 days but she's come thru it and is getting there! She's a fighter I really think Macie has helped tho!
Have we all has a nice day? Macie has been superb today not one whinge eaten all her food ave been a pleasure! Lol fx it will carry on ha ha xxxx

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