How are all you new mummies doing?

Aw she doesn't sound any better toria :-( S had the biggest burp this morning that made her bring her bottle up all over my new clean bedding and herself. Poor wee thing, she seems fine today tho so thinking it was just the burp.

I've jus watched that paedophile hunter and wish I could turn back the clock and erase what I seen. Can't believe I've brought a girl into this horrendous world :-(
Yea the water probs causing it I reckon!

Can you not just put some flea stuff on the back on their neck rather than a collar?

I don't like the flea stuff you put in their necks because you have to weigh them and stuff and catch them to get it on lol but I think I'm going to- they're fine with the material type but tees were the harder plastic type because they're apparently better and we needed a tough one to get past the issue we had... Which is fine as the dog and cats were removed from them next door.
Aw she doesn't sound any better toria :-( S had the biggest burp this morning that made her bring her bottle up all over my new clean bedding and herself. Poor wee thing, she seems fine today tho so thinking it was just the burp.

I've jus watched that paedophile hunter and wish I could turn back the clock and erase what I seen. Can't believe I've brought a girl into this horrendous world :-(

Jen don't start me off on the peadofile hunter I wish I hadn't watched it :-( frightens me to death one of my worst nightmares it's made my anxiety about it go into overload even tho I think what the guy does is fantastic and so brave there are some awful sick people in this world :-(
Oh no Jo poor pussy cat!
Sorry to hear about Emma Toria sickness bugs are the worst! I hate it when Macie is poorly u Wouid do anything to make them better but all part and parcel of being a mummy!
Done my 2nd set of nails today on Petes mum not too bad think I def need all the practice I can get! Lol xxxx
Jen for all the bad there are is so much more good! It's about educating our children against this sort of stuff

It's exposing what was already there- it's horrid yes but these guys make a difference - and hopefully will show more resource is needed by authorities x
That's the EU for ya! Our justice system is terrible - but the euro human rights laws mean we have our hands tied! I mean we couldn't even evict a known terrorist from the UK for gods sake!
The human rights act should not apply to people who act like beasts! That's the bit that gets me. Like a murderer. Why should they be protected by the act when they didn't consider the act when they chose to murder someone?!
I'm with you nat!

You loose human rights when it comes to stuff like that!!
It's disgusting when you see the lack of punishments these sort of people get.

Had another great weaning day, Hayley had a small bowl of muesli and a bowl of baby rice (first time having muesli so though so might no eat it so rice was backup lol) then a pot of mashed apple & mango this morning. She had over half a ellas kitchen fish pie too. First time trying that and she loved it. That's now 2 fishy meals shes really enjoyed!

I'm going to try making her my own food again now (gave up as she hated everything at the very beginning) thinking of a cheesy pasta dish, as thats one of my own favs :D

Hope emma feels better! Sorry to hear about your cat Jojo, Hope the skin heals up nicely pretty soon, poor wee thing!

Not sure what's up with Hayley tonight, she's been very unsettled in bed. And just let out a big scream but seems to have nodded off straight away!
Aw Scarlett's the same kaedin, big scream at midnight and crying now 3 hours later! :-( glad you had a good day weaning. :-)

The whole thing was just horrific! No way will Scarlett be getting and kind of internet without parental control. There's just so many other ways the can get it tho but I hope to educate her enough that I can trust her. It's other people you have no control over.

I 100% agree with what he is doing. The bit where the guy had commited suicide made me SLIGHTLY disagree with posting it but the other side says they deserve it and it's good for the public to have knowledge of these people. For all that wife knew, it could have been her own child next and he's saved them from it!
And don't get me started on tougher sentences haha!
Just catching up on posts -.Bex, The Dreamliner is well worth paying the extra for, great flight & lots of room xx
I didn't think the Dreamliner cost any extra? I just thought it was a case of a Dreamliner flight being schedule at that time or not? My friend was warned that it could be changed to a normal plane
Bex, if you're still on the look out for some summer clothes for hols. Pumpkin patch have some shorts and tees / polo's on sale. Then 50% off second item. And free delivery UKHLB
Yeah it doesn't cost extra - well not that I can see anyway?

I'm really worried about this... I'm trying to convince hubby etc that it's not a good idea again! And that somewhere like canaries is more reasonable! Feb time it's 22-25 which will be a nice temp!

I really can not be bothered with a long haul flight with an 11 month old!!
Do you think it should concern me that I've not had a. Period for 7 weeks? The longest I've gone between since having Luke is 8 weeks (before periods started) then it was 5-5.5 weeks. I had that big painful bleed last time and a suspected miscarriageso do you think it should be concerning me?
Could you be pregnant? Get those tests back out. Or could be your body getting back to normal still?
Prob just your cycle then jojo and shows that last time could have just been your cycles rather than a MC?

Mine have abit abit all over the place !

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