I know, it really is ridiculous. And what nursery would want to take any child for 1 day then 2 days alternating weeks. Daft suggestion. My solicitor had said even though his solicitor wrote it, doesn't mean he necessarily agrees with it. My solicitor was even laughing at it too, as its really ludicrous.
the whole reason for contact is to bond with your child. Not to take them away from 1 parent and just pass to some stranger to watch them. Fair enough going to nursery if we're both working as then we have no other option, but im on maternity leave!! haha
I really haven't thought about next car seats yet, just too many options. Hayleys current one lasts until 13kg, so ill think nearer the time. I defo want to do rear-facing for as long as possible, but she really isn't in the car very often (I don't drive, so it's just my mums car she goes in very occasionally) No idea what my ex will do tho when the time comes, as he'll just buy forward facing as you can get them cheaper. Theres no way he'll buy an expensive one, but she is in his car more than my mums. Will cross that rocky road when we come to it.
Just seen ive been nominated for the ice bucket challange, i thought i got away with not being selected. damn lol