Hi, everyone


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Hi, everyone
Been a lurker on these forums for a little while now, so thought I'd better bite the bullet and join. I'm 40 years old and only just got broody - typical, eh! Only got married five years ago but suddenly got really broody a few months ago, so hubby and I have decided to try. Don't have any other kids - just cats, dog and chickens!

Bought the Clear Blue digital monitor last month but it came too late to try in Oct, so will be giving it a go in a few weeks. I bought a pack of dipsticks from Amazon to try out the week before last, just to see if I was ovulating. I hadn't got a clue when I ovulated. I've never, ever missed a period in my life, although my cycle is a little irregular. The last one was 28 days, and I think it was about 30 or 31 the month before. Tried the sticks on day 6, just in case I ov-d early. Had nothing on the first stick, then a couple of really faint lines the next two days. On day 9 I got a stronger line - not as dark as the control line, but nearly there. Then the same line on day 10 and thought this is it - tomorrow will be the day. On day 11, the line had completely disappeared. It's weird because I had terrible bloating, stomach cramps and dizziness when I got the readings - now I know why. I'd never associated that with ovulation pain before.

Anyway, hubby and I got jiggy on day 11 - those two days were obviously my surge - even though the line wasn't as dark as the control. Not sure if we were too late last month, but I read you usually ovulate 12-36 hours after the surge, so you never know. (We only did it once, though.) Tried a few more sticks since then, just to see, but there's been no line at all since. Last AF was on 15 Oct, so next one should be between 10-15 Nov (I never can tell). At least I have an idea of when I ovulate now, so should be better prepared next month. The digital monitor is supposed to be pretty good.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on. I never thought getting pregnant would be so complicated. I'm really worried I've left it too late, although I know there's a few of you on here post 40, so that gives me hope. I'll just have to see what happens in the next six months, and keep everything crossed. Perhaps a tiny sprinkle of new forum member baby dust may help :) Looking forward to sharing the ups and downs in the future and all that annoying waiting! Why can't we be like dogs and know straight away if we're up the duff!!
that would make it a whole loty easier if we did well lots of baby dust to you and good luck iv just started TTc so just purchased my ovulation sticks so i got to get to grips with them too now lol
:dust: :dust: :dust: x x
Good luck hun, and welcome to PF, sending you loads of baby dust!!!
Hiya and welcome :)

Well you certainly sound very organised which i'm sure will help!

I have a CBFM too and i think it's really good to have that claritiy. Your mind is going to go crazy unfortunately, it's unavoidable when you become aware of things or looking for thing that might mean something.

I'm also a rambler so don't be embarrassed, i'm just lucky i'm a very fast typer or i'd be here all day :shock:

I have dogs, chickens... and lizards! :good: It doesn't say much for our "superior brain" when we can't even manage to reproduce does it lol My bitch might be in season soon and i have already threatened her that no one in my house is going to be having babies except for me :shakehead: It's bad enough with the pregnant cows in the field right behind my house.
Thanks for your kind words. It certainly drives you crazy. Unfortunately for me, most pregnancy symptoms are symptoms I have most of the time anyway. I have a bad back, so won't be able to tell if that's a symptom. I suffer from sore boobs most of the time, so that's another one. I have bouts of IBS so feel queasy when I'm suffering .I spend all day at a computer so often have a headache. Don't I sound healthy - lol!! The only thing I'll notice, probably, is the lack of AF, as i've not missed one before. I'm pretty sure I'll be symptom-spotting with the rest of you - it's impossible not to.
Welcome to the board, hope it's not too long before you're off to tri 1. :good:
Just found out today that my little Jack Russell is going to be a dad for the first time- at least four pups on the way after a scan. I can't believe I'm going to be a grandma before I'm even a mum - lol. Typical, eh. I think when you threw that babydust earlier it must have missed me and hit the dog :)
awwwwwwwwwww bless ya lol
wel at least ull get some practice in before hand :p
Hey - welcome aboard. You had me at dip sticks and getting jiggy. You'll fit right in ;)

Hi sorry late response beem irresponsible and getting drunk.......oops! Welcome to the madhouse of pf....you do seem organised and will fit in well with us lot. Sooo many wonderful supportive girls on here. Judt about to send you some babydust.......ready to catch it? Is there anyone other fertile animals in the room? NOW *baby dust*.......did you catch it? Sorry very hard go type on my phone and still having a hangover. Yuk, why do they last 2 days at my old age? I'm supposed to be a sensible grown-up hmmmmmmm
Thanks for all your welcomes - let's hope we have loads of Yuletide BFPs!
Hi tract0rgirl,
I haven't been on the forum that long either, about a month and it's ace! Girls are great, loads of advice & support.
Sending you lots of baby dust for your first cycle - good luck!
Sorry missed your arrival! Been working - well stranger things have happened:oooo:

Got deadlines to hit and have been trying to force myself not to keep coming here. It's not working though, so I'm not working either :roll:

Love Jack Russels, whats he called and are the puppies just JR or cross? We had one called Patch (i know it's not original but only name he would respond to, very stubbon dogs) who i miss all the time.

Anyway, it's saturday night, I'm supposed to be roasting chestnuts and i think i hear them exploding all over the fireplace downstairs. So jsut a quick welcome. Hope to see lots of you, love your avatar!

star xxx
Hi - my JRT is called Sidney. He's a year and 4 months and I can't imagine being without him now (he's my first-ever dog). Typical JRT - stubborn and headstrong but very loving and a right softie. He's quite small and the bitch he mated with is smaller still so they will have lovely little pups. She has almost identical markings and is also a true JRT, so can't wait to see them. Just got to persuade hubby we can have a pup. Told him if I'm not pregnant by April, I'm having a pup :D

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