Attention all CBFM and Persona Users!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Been TTC since July last year and still not pregnant. AF came yesterday, the witch! :(

I used a Persona monitor last month but have taken it back this morning as I believe it to be faulty. My advice to everyone using both these monitors (they are made by the same people), is to look at the test sticks when you take them out of the machine to check them. I say this because I had the O symbol come up on my monitor on Days 11 and 12 but when I checked the sticks the LH line wasn't visible. Then on Day 15 the monitor gave me a green light but when I checked the stick the LH line was very visible. If I was trying not to get pregnant this would be completely wrong. I have been proved right in my interpretation as I started my period on Day 30, unfortunately. The results on the sticks did not deteriorate over time and when all put in a line, there is a definate pattern of hormones.

To interpret the sticks - With the pee end on the left, the LH line is on the left and the oestrogen line is on the right. As LH increases the line gets darker and as Oestrogen increases the line gets lighter so when you have an LH surge the stick should have a dark LH line and a light Oestrogen line.

This month I am just going to buy the sticks and interpret them myself. At least I managed detected my LH surge which I hadn't with using OPKs.

Hope this helps.

Sus x
I used persona to prevent pregnancy for a year and to be honest never looked at the stick I only ever went by the lights and when I was ttc'ing I then took notice of the date the circle appeared too.
I think a lot of people probably just accept what the monitor tells them. I always have to have proof though!!


Sus x

i've used a persona monitor for about 4 years. 3 and a half years to prevent pregnancy which worked a treat. i never looked at the lines on the sticks though because i didnt know what they meant & wasn't really bothered. went on the pill for a few months, had a really rough time on it, then started using the persona again once i had had 3 normal cycles to TTC. i did get pregnant using the machine as it told me when i ovulated on days 17/18/19 ish. unfortunately had a m/c at 5 weeks on 13/4/07....pressed the 'm' button when i bled and im on day 18 today & ovulating! i think my persona is ace & a great way to track ovulation.....if i were u i would forget about looking at the sticks, loads of different people say the lines on the sticks are for different things etc. whatever the sticks say thats what they get from ur urine, and whatever the sticks say thats what the machine says if u put them in right. it cant really go wrong so if i were u i'd get another persona!!

I have decided not to buy another Persona. I feel confident that I can read the sticks. I did check with the Persona helpline who confirmed that I was reading them correctly.

Hjminx - sorry to hear about your MC. Hopefully you will catch again this month. Good luck.

Sus x

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