Here Goes My First Real 2WW!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Afternoon Ladies

although we decided to try for a baby after xmas we were not really goin for it so to speak!
but after our 4th anniversary last week and mother natures timing we have been at it like rabbits.
i worked out my cycle and when i should have ov!! although i think i ov early due to the pains i was getting not a issue thou as we :bd: everyday since last sunday.

so i am feeling very positive about this month!!:dance::dance:

i no its early days an i am 1dpo so ticker says i think i may be 2/3dpo due to ov pains.
i have mega itchy boobs!! prob not related thou. :smile:

:dust: to everyone this month!

Is anyone else in their 2ww?????????
Hi Shorty, im also in my 2WW my first one sice MC number 2. I am 3dpo, i was very bloated yesterday and today feeling allsorts of twinges down below, not sure if it means anything though.

FX for us both xxx

aww cool thought i was alone :(

i had the slight twinges but nothing major an as you i dont think it means anything.

my boobs are really annoying me thou so itchy!!!! job for the oh hehe,

when will u be testing

hope its our month xxxx
I probably wont test until AF is late although may do a cheeky one next Friday, you? xxx
Good luck girls, will be stalking you both xx
goin to try hold out till AF is late depends if i get any signs then i may test early,
but i dont have any test to try and stop me from doin that hehe.

Good luck girls!! Going to stalk you both!! X
and the mind games begin.
hate how ur mind and body play games.
had twinges and cramps but deffo think i reading to far in to it as i am either 2dpo or 4dpo

could it be possible!!!!
not really :( its early anyway... but we only DTD a couple of times around ovulation so i am not holding any hope. also i have a feeling that my hormones are not completely ok yet after the mc. i am not so sure if i ovulated even...

but roll on 2 WW :hug:
aww only just noticed u m/c soz huni.

still everything crossed for us huni u never no!!!

thank you shorty, its true, you can never know, it takes only one to fertilize and egg after all :D :D
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and the mind games begin.
hate how ur mind and body play games.
had twinges and cramps but deffo think i reading to far in to it as i am either 2dpo or 4dpo

could it be possible!!!!

I know what you mean im driving myself bonkers, every little twinge and i keep looking for implantation bleeding when in know its too early!:whistle:

I'm also in my 2ww I either ov yesterday, I am due on the 15th damn its going to be a long couple of weeks. Good luck all xx

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How are y doing shorty?

Have nth to report yet, maybe getting up or pee at night but I blame the evening cup of tea for that lol.
good morning

how are we today??

nothing to report i dont think although i have had the farts heeh (tmi soz). :shock:
had itchy nipples yesterday and still have them today (pain in the butt).

Morning all :wave:

Not much happened at the weekend apart from on Saturday, sorry if TMI but i had soooooooooooo much EWCM and it was really sticky! I have never had so much all in one go. Nipples are abit tender too.

How's everyone today?

hey spinneygirl

i was just goin to put about EWCM ive never had any before wel not that i have noticed lol. but the last two days i am getting not loads but a noticable size but only once a day.

is that noraml????
i was just goin to put about EWCM ive never had any before wel not that i have noticed lol. but the last two days i am getting not loads but a noticable size but only once a day.

is that noraml????

To be honest im not sure if it is normal????

Im sure i had it last time but just not this much! Im not sure what creates CM and how much you see when you are pregnant?

Another symptom ive just been reminded about is waves of nuasea, im at work and i really thought i was going to puke!


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