My 2WW :)

Thanks Nurse, im trying not to get excited and i keep telling myself my body is all over the place at the moment, so this way i wont be disappointed if its a bfn x x

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Just had a sneaky peak at some of the threads while im sat in the cafe in debenhams, santa has been very generous :)
Im very tempted to get some fr tests today and maybe use one in the morning, ill be 11dpo then x x

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I know what you mean! keep thinking that the mmc is going to prevent me getting BFP as hormones and body must still be all over the place

But hey i would not be able to resist testing if i were you :) :)
Well Its this time again...let the symptom spotting begin!!

Had my positive opk 3days ago so im currently 2dpo, i know its too early for symptoms but im going to jot down how i feel each day, so ill start with today...

2dpo - cervix is now becoming lower and harder. Shooting pains in my boobs and sensitivity and very emotional. Still alot of creamy cm x x

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Creamy CM is good isnt it? I acts as a plug so as no bacteria can get into the uterus and help implantation take its course. Im sure I read that somewhere!!

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Creamy CM is good isnt it? I acts as a plug so as no bacteria can get into the uterus and help implantation take its course. Im sure I read that somewhere!!


Oooohhh that sounds good :)
Im only 2dpo and im looking for symptoms already!! x x

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I really hope this is it for you chick! We need more BFP's this month!!

Thanks hunny :flower:

I agree the witch needs to get on her broom and stay away for us all.

Goodluck and lots of babydust for you :dust::dust::dust: x x

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i really really hope lots of us (even if not me) get bfps this month, such lovely ladies deserve it and i know everyone in pf and ttc really want it so bad xxx
I agree! Im keeping my fingers crossed for everybody more than ever! Ohhh i could give you all a big hug right now!

3dpo - am - lots and lots of cm and cramping (in both sides??) not much else to report x x

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good luck hon! Fingers crossed for you :yay:x x
Quick update as im not going to be on much today, hope every is well.

4dpo - very crampy last night seems to have eased this morning. Lots of creamy cm and a very vivid dream last night x x

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Update pm - Im so frustrated i shouldnt have any symptoms yet but i feel like rubbish, still the same as this morning but im going to the loo more and my head doesnt feel attached to my body! Theres no way i could ov ov'ed early as i got my +ive opk on the 10th x x

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you never know hon - could be the start of symptoms - when did you start getting symptoms with your last pregnancies? x x x
Thanks hunny, i kind of knew straight away with both but you aways question your judgement x x

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I know what you mean hon. Well I have everything crossed for you :dust:x x x
Thanks hunny, doesnt help when OH is asking me whether im alright all the time too, as sweet as it is.

My fingers and toes are crossed for you too hunny x x

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