Help - **Updated ** Got to go in.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Should I tell them I sometimes get mid cycle spotting? I don't want them to brush me off and keep me waiting til next cycle! Even though I don't recall having midcycle spotting that's gone on for this long or been this heavy.

I texted DH this morning as I stood up earlier, felt (TMI TMI) like I'd wet myself and it was blood. Not loads but definitely heavier than spotting.

Really unusual for me, only CD29!

Will update what the consultant says, we've been put through to his P.A. :rolleyes:

x x


Hubby got a call back, they've booked me in with emergency gyno, DH's text said 2.20 and assumed he meant today but he meant tomorrow. :dohh:

They've brought it forward to 9.30am tomorrow morning lol.

x x
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No idea, but fingers crossed for you xx
Arrrrgh DH keeps asking if it's a period, I have never had a period this early before!! :wall:

Hun, tell them as it is, you have light period/bleeding so want to get booked in. If it is mid-cycle spotting, they should investigate too
I'd say be honest - if this is unusual then say so - and make a point that it is not part of normal cycle etc...

Good luck!

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I told DH to tell them it's unusual and that I doubted it was AF as it never usually appears this early and with no cramps either.

Not heard from him yet so hoping he's on the phone now.. x
Yes, it's your period MissJ :)

I've always thought that your "mid-cycle" spotting was your period when you'd failed to ovulate so the fact that it's heavier is a good sign.

The ironic thing ofcourse is that it seems like the evil women who said you could have got pregnant was actually right :roll:

I'm glad everything is arranged xx
Yay for an early period :)
Hoe this is a good sign missj xxx
Thanks Cosmic :) x x

Louise - I've wondered about that too but the GP said it sounded typical of PCOS. :think: Hopefully we'll get some answers tomorrow morning though they don't seem to have said what they'll do so wondering whether they'll do a scan or just do my HSG. FX they'll just fast track the HSG! x
Got a million questions running through my mind now I'm thinking about the spotting being AF. What the heck would it mean for my OV/fertility treatment?

Louise - I've wondered about that too but the GP said it sounded typical of PCOS. :think:

Yeah, it's the same thing :)

PCOS means you don't ovulate each cycle so that means that your period will be minimal and resemble more spotting than an actual period even though it still marks the start of a new cycle.
Oh. So my cycles could actually be shorter than I've been counting? Bugger and balls. :rolleyes:

I suppose we'd need it all confirmed first cos it could be something else. But I'm a teeny bit excited that my cycle could possibly be as short as what this one was. Just need to kick ovulation up the arse. :trouble:

I'm going to feel like such an idiot if I've been miscounting!! :blush:

x x
It's not exactly miscounting... You've been counting approximately how long between ovulations, rather than how long a menstural cycle is :) It's still a long time.
Hmm. Just when I thought I had my body figured out lol. :rolleyes:

I've asked DH if they told him anything else other than they've booked me in and he said we'd talk later. :oooo:

Will they not just send me away if it's just AF? Although it would mean my HSG can get booked....

It must be so frustrating for you having to go through DH all the time :oooo:

I know you said that you're pretty deaf, but don't they have special telephones or maybe you could email them instead - even better because everything is in writing? Just explain to them that you can't hear - they must have alternatives :)
Goodnews if your cycles are shorter hun.good luck for tomorrow and how on earth have we been friends for so long withoutme knowing you are deaf? I'm such a dufus sometimes xxxx
Lou - No, I don't have one of those phones lol. I do have my consultant's P.A.'s email address. I do sometimes get impatient waiting to hear from DH and it does annoy me that he can't phone straight away but at the same time, I like the fact we do it all together. He's a massive support to me even if he doesn't come across that way on here lol. He really has been amazing. :love:

Sorry - gushing over lol! :rofl: x

DP - thank you hun, really hoping we move forward tomorrow. About the deafness - don't worry ha, it's not really something I've mentioned a lot on here anyway lol. x x
DH emailed me to say that all that was said was that the P.A. relayed DH's message to the consultant and he told the P.A. to book me in first thing tomorrow. Not sure what I'm going to do if it's just a period though!


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