I'm scared. **Updated with fertility appointment**

Thanks ladies. x x

Crapping myself right now though!! I'm sure once I get in there, I'll be ok. Just glad my appointment is first thing in the morning so it'll be out of the way early - it's at 9am. DH might go into work afterwards, depends what happens at the appointment.


x x
Thanks Tinsel. x x

I probably should look at it that way but the negative side of me seems to take over a bit! :blush: I guess in hindsight, what I said about my age might have been insensitive of me, I do apologise if I did offend anyone? x x
No need to apologise... we are all rooting for you honey!! You just have more than you think going for you :)

Just popping on quickly to update you all - not really blown away by my appointment but hey ho.

The doctor was lovely, asked questions, was very straight talking which I liked!

Basically he said that based on our situation, the hospital we went to wouldn't be of much help (WTF?!) and he said that he felt it was extremely important to move quickly and get tests done asap (this I liked very much lol) and he said that we need to go to his infertility clinic at a different hospital as he has a team of people there and better facilities to carry out the tests.

He came and sat next to me and said that he was certain I wasn't ovulating but he could help us out there with treatment but he wants to do tests to find out the cause. He's requested DH do another semen analysis, as he had one a few years ago but he wants all new stuff done which is great. He wants to check my eggs, quality and quantity etc and my tubes.. I felt a bit overwhelmed at this point and then he said I need to lose weight. :blush:

I've felt podgy for ages but I find it very hard to lose weight which I explained as I have a muscle problem which means I'm quite limited with mobility and what I can do to excersise. Going to have to see how I can lose some weight!!

So he knows what tests he wants to do, he just can't do them til we get a referral to his clinic - he said we won't be able to just get an appointment and we need to be referred so DH said that'd mean we'd be kept waiting and the doctor just said he'd phone my GP and tell him everything and that we would need to call on Monday to check we've been referred.


I feel in one way disappointed cos if we'd been sent to the better clinic we might have got further cos I didn't find anything out that I didn't already know so was a bit miffed but hearing about the tests was good.

If anyone can explain what sort of tests they are, that'd be fab.

x x
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It may be frustrating but reading it it does sound like a step in the right direction xxx
I think it's sounds really positive MissJ actually :)

It's worse when you don't know when the next move will happen, but a referral by Monday is a good thing :hug:

What is your BMI? Do you have much to lose?

Honestly i've never exercised and have successfully lost a lot of weight in the past so i'm sure you can do it if you put your mind to it :)
very positive appointment MissJ , good that it's being taken seriously and swiftly x x
Glad it went well MissJ. I lost 2 and a half stone before with Slimming World in about 5 months with no exercise so it can be done with diet definitely (I'm just lazy! lol). x
YAY so glad your finally getting somewhere sweetie!
so happy for you :)
wow, you know what.. i had a dream before i had my first that i was gonna have a baby .. they felt SO real id wake up and be like WTF?? :) my fingers will be crossed for you until that bfp!! :)
I think it sounds positive and it's defo a step in the right direction. This was your first appointment, so I wouldn't have expected much to happen. Its more about get the formalities out of the way, now you'll be referred by Monday and it'll be onwards and upwards for you. xx
That sounds like a really positive appointment hun. Really pleased for you. Did he say anything more about PCOS? Im still waiting for my appointment! x
Yay it sounds good honey :)

Ive never really had to loose much weight...and i dont excersize coz im just plain lazy. But when i have wanted to loose a few lbs ive just switched my snacks, or cut them out.

My Aunt has a muscle issue too and she lost weight thru weight watchers and does lots of walking.

Best weight loss trick ever.....spanx ;)

Make sure you chase em on Monday to check youve been referred xxx
Glad to see some tests are gonna be done, they can at least provide a baseline for you! I did slimming world too, loved it as it's not too restrictive and didn't have to weigh anything out!! Xx
Thanks everyone. :love: x x

DH has corrected me, he said I misunderstood and the doctor didn't say he would test my eggs...I'm sure he did but never mind, the doctor will explain more at our next appointment. He did have a disc with my scan on it but typically enough, it wouldn't work!

Louise - I'm not sure but I am a size 14 and 5 ft 5, I have already noticed my weight gain but I find it hard to stick to diets and healthy eating so we are going to invest in a wii and try the zumba belt thingy, my sister lost a stone just by using the wii!! I've tried losing weight but I think now I have real motivation - the doctor seemed to put it in a way that made it sound like if I didn't lose weight, I'd find it harder to conceive with treatment so I really felt like he was basically saying it's either lose some weight or no baby.

I do feel positive about things, I love that he wanted things happening quickly! Hopefully they will get cracking soon. Roll on Monday!!

X x
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So glad that things are finaly moving for you :) xx
Glad that you are positive and things are moving in the right direction. Your weight will drop off when your motivated, you will see!
Good luck missj, sounds really positive, so glad things are moving xx

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