Heartbeat is gone


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Just got back from epu after having some bleeding this morning. After seeing heartbeat last week at 7 weeks wasnt to worried. Had the scan and was told no longer a heartbeat. Devestated doesnt even come close to it. Two mc in a row...life is very cruel
I'm so sorry for your loss hun :( x
I am so sorry hun,:hugs:.One is bad enough but two in a row must be devestating.Take care xxxx
Sorry for your loss its awful. I had two miscarriages in a row last year, and am now eleven weeks pregnant. There is hope, and I hope you don't have to go through this again. It's horrible. Hope your ok xx
So sorry to hear this Can x I've also had two mc in a row, the 2nd after seeing a HB at 6+5 and no bleeding so I know what you're going through. Life can be cruel sometimes but don't give up xx
So sorry to here this hunni, so cruel thinking of youxxx
awwww, so sad. Iv been through it myself and its just heartbreaking :( you take care and be kind to yourself xxx
Im really sorry to read this! Life is so bloody cruel at times. Take care of you and your OH! Xxx
I'm so sorry to read this hon!! I have been through it myself and its so hard!!

Rest and take care of yourself hon x
sorry to hear of your losses, i too have had 2 losses and am now 13 weeks preg and all is well definatly is hope out there not that it will help how you feel right now but please dont give up. take timet to look after yourself too please xxxx hugs xxxx
Hi can

Sadly I'm in the same boat. I also had two in a row, one in June at 11.5wks which just suddenly happened, I hadn't had a bleed so didn't need a scan. Then I got pregnant again in August and had a scan at 6 weeks then again at 8 and everything was fine both times. I started bleeding on the day of my 12 week scan and found out there was no heartbeat. It was exactly five months to the day of my previous miscarriage at exactly the same gestation. Unfair doesn't even cover it, so I know exactly how you're feeling.
To be honest, I was in a bit of a hoe, emotionally for a few weeks but gradually things have got back to normal. I went back to work quickly and kept myself busy, we also went away for Christmas and I was able to relax and not think about it for a while. That as a welcome relief. All I will say is look after yourself carefully, and know that there will be times when you will suddenly cry at how unfair it all is and just huge crushing disappointment. It does get easier though, I promise.

Pm me if you want to talk, thinking of you xxx
Oh no, I'm so sorry this has happened to you again

I saw the hb at 7 weeks and mc 2 days after seeing it :(

Take care
Oh no Cindy, I'm so sorry this has happened again. Thinking of you xx
I'm so sorry for your loss, I've only had one at 12 weeks, baby dies at 9 weeks ish , and finding out like that, seeing it on the screen as you did , is heartbreaking... I think there must be so many development stages during those weeks that the hb can be seen one week and something not right the next - it is unfair, take some time for you to grieve , but do keep talking it through with us all on here, it really helped me through it a couple of years ago, there still is light at the end of this tunnel hun XX
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Realy realy sorry same thing happened to me twice in a row both mmcs no bleeding nothing seen the hb at 7 weeks ish also then at 10 weeks nothing :-( I've had a chemical since my last mc aswel in October life is very very cruel take care xxx
I'm really sorry to hear your news. take care of yourself. Thinking of you xxx

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