Having a bad day, need some support


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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I went to have the assessment with the psychiatric nurse today to asign me to a new psychiatrist.
Got a bit of a smack in the face when she said that they may not be able to treat me, she said that that particular department only deal with severe mental health problems.
So what I want to know is why the hell have I been refered to them when I had regular apoinments with my previous psychiatrist for depression, anxiety and severe ocd?!

She underestimated how bad things can get for me and I was in such a state I could not get it accross to her. I got home and wrote a letter to her to try and explain better.
I think she saw how upset I was getting and probably how desperate I was becoming and has asked to book a one off appointment with one of their psychiatrists for a medication plan, so if when I do fall pregnant or after I am suffering we will have a plan in place.
She was also a bit pushy and was talking about a back to work sceme they have and wanted to put me on it, I tried to explain that I do not feel ready to go back to work yet, that I have enough to think about and stress over without the added pressure of trying to get back to work and she did not really seem to understand.
I have not stopped crying since I got home.
Hey hun,
Sounds like you had a rubbish day yesterday! I dont really have any advice for you but I didnt want to read and run. Sending you big hugs! Try and keep your chin up xxx
i cant really relate to your situation or offer any advice hun but it sounds awful for you, hugs! x
Oh hun, have no real experiance of this but I did get post natel depression after my first.

I would not look too far into the future if I were you, and that will make you panic. work on controlling a day at a time, doing well (for you) each day, and then looking to the next. Set yourself tiny targets that lead to the next, that way you will still be taking nibbles towards the big steps you need to take and progressing.

I wish you well with your TTC, but please watch out, Isee from your other post , you came off your meds, that can't help you at the moment, perhaps this is why your feeling more off than normal? can you come off them more gradually, so it's not so much a jump?

Sending you a hug X
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Oh hun, have no real experiance of this but I did get post natel depression after my first.

I would not look too far into the future if I were you, and that will make you panic. work on controlling a day at a time, doing well (for you) each day, and then looking to the next. Set yourself tiny targets that lead to the next, that way you will still be taking nibbles towards the big steps you need to take and progressing.

I wish you well with your TTC, but please watch out, Isee from your other post , you came off your meds, that can't help you at the moment, perhaps this is why your feeling more off than normal? can you come off them more gradually, so it's not so much a jump?

Sending you a hug X

Thankyou for the hug, I needed that! :hug: I spread it out over the space of about 2 weeks in total, so was not oo fast but maybe in hindsight should have been a bit slower, too late now, I finished taking them all on the 5th.
*hugs* I agree with jj mum, take it a day at a time, looking too far into the future can make things so much bigger than they are.
I'm just over 10 weeks and still coming of tablets that I've been on for years. Nearly off them thankfully but I'm so glad I've done it slowly. Started at 4 weeks and it's defo advisable to do it slowly.

Hope you feel better today!

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