Need to have a moan...

You are soooooo not alone!! My in laws are the same so possessive etc etc. We are not telling anyone about our 3rd child until well at least the 12 week scan or perhaps not until it arrives because of it!! MIL still out does me with my 2 daughters, buys their advent calendars (a little thing I know but that's my treat for them not hers). Buys them things she knows I wouldn't let them have, or clothes that are not to my tast. MIL now hates me as I wouldn't let her take my first child to her friends whenever she wanted to.
As for names, we suggested a name for our second daughter, she said "Oh no not, *******, I don't like that name", so when my DH and I got home from telling them we said "Ah well, name chosen then!!" (Don't want to put names on the bleak off chance someone knows them as they are psychos!)
Just stand your ground, don't let them ruin your pregnancy, this is your baby and you should be enjoying every precious moment. The in laws are really not worth it! x
Thanks yorksmummy, I can take comfort in the fact I'm not alone! What is it with the in laws? They all seem doo lally!

I will def try to stress less x
Mine were so bad we actually ended moving! Hope things get easier for you. You've got all the fun parts of pregnancy coming up, little kicks and hiccups and kicks in response to things you do! Enjoy it. x
LOL I said we should move to the coast, I would love to but would miss my own normal Mum!

Can't wait for all those bits xxx
i would love to move to the coast to jen!! but im the same i would miss my mum!!
I would love to move home! im 200miles away from my mum with only the interfering inlaws for help, arghhhhhhhhh!!! always have a good rant 2 my mum on the phone and i can see her holding back when shes up visiting! i think she would knock my MIL out lol x
Think a row is on the cards with hubby and I even though the problem is not with us.

Stroppy cow SIL gave hubby a load of grief on text as well about the picture frame and has sulked off saying she'll send it back, hubby says he had a missed call from his Mum at lunch so no doubt his sister (who acts like she's 12 but is nearly 28) has been telling tails.

I keep trying to tell hubby if he put his foot down with them and stopped pussy footing and trying to please everyone, then maybe these things would be easier to deal with.

God, I'm so het up today! x
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Oh i know what you mean about the inlaws!!! OH mam said she would buy our pram (she knew i wanted it new) then she tries to persuade me to get a second hand one...we were like no no no all the time and shed say stuff like well i saw this pram and it looked new, it was nice! Argh i want to pick my own pram not you pick one thats second hand! (nothing wrong with second hand, its just with it being my first everyone is buying me new things) my great grandma ended up buying the pram in the end. Then we asked her to get the 4d scan instead she has plenty of money...she kept holding it off, i was so pissed off cos my family have bought us everything and has bought us some nappys and a top! My family haven't got loads of money and have got loads for us. I know that aint like what yours are doing but just thought i'd get that off my chest and your not alone with the inlaws! I put on facebook about all my stuff for baby all creams and beiges and matching which is what i wanted...OH sister saw and told her mam i was a cheeky bitch...(she is pregnant too) i was like ... what the fuck...? how am i a cheeky bitch for saying that. I was excited with my new stuff...hmmm x
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My MIL was/is the same. She didn't congratulate us once when I was pregnant, never bothered asking how I was or how appointments went. She didn't even bother visiting our new flat even though we only live down the road. She had an opinion about everything and it was always negative. Then she went and bought a cot bed, dont mean to sound ungrateful but I wanted to pick it so it matched everything else in the nursery. Since Aiden was born we haven't been able to get rid of her and she watches everything I do with him like she's waiting for me to slip up. I got that sick of her that I had to turn round and say that he's my child and if she's got a problem with how he's raised she can f**k off and interfere in someone elses life. That did the trick lol there's just no pleasing some people Hun, you've either got to sit back and ignore it, get hubby to have a word or tell them straight that they're out of order. Hope they back off soon, people like that are the last thing you need when you're pregnant xx
My MIL was/is the same. She didn't congratulate us once when I was pregnant, never bothered asking how I was or how appointments went. She didn't even bother visiting our new flat even though we only live down the road. She had an opinion about everything and it was always negative. Then she went and bought a cot bed, dont mean to sound ungrateful but I wanted to pick it so it matched everything else in the nursery. Since Aiden was born we haven't been able to get rid of her and she watches everything I do with him like she's waiting for me to slip up. I got that sick of her that I had to turn round and say that he's my child and if she's got a problem with how he's raised she can f**k off and interfere in someone elses life. That did the trick lol there's just no pleasing some people Hun, you've either got to sit back and ignore it, get hubby to have a word or tell them straight that they're out of order. Hope they back off soon, people like that are the last thing you need when you're pregnant xx

Good for you for standing up for yourself...i dunno if i could, i don't like confronting people as i don't like to see people get embarrassed lol. If she pushed me too too much i think i would have to x
I've already upset the SIL, a normal person would have been fine about it but she would rather bitch and moan about me so I'm never gonna win.
I will tell her to eff off though if I have to, I#m not having them tell me how to do things!
Can't chill out about this today x
Safari and Deborahlina!! Amazing, how can people expect to be taken seriously with suggestions like that?????
Omg I nearly wet myself at those name choices. How bloody stupid!
Why is it just girls in laws that are complete morons? I dont know a single bloke that doesn't love their in laws, why is it always us that has to suffer!
For some reason I didn't think you'd want to say anything, not many people choose that way, I only did cause shed got to me that much it was either that or bury the b**ch in her own back garden! You do what you feel most comfortable with but dont let them get to you they ent worth it. You've always got us to rant to :) x
I completely understand!! My MIL is a nightmare! I didn't have too many problems while pregnant, apart from the fact she wasn't happy about the pregnancy. (Not looking forward to telling them this time round!) MIL has been quite vocal about the fact that she wishes she didn't have children, but behaves like my son's mother.
I've always worried about how she will behave as she has a screw loose! Everyone else thinks it's normal because she has been like that for years. It all started after I had my c section, she nearly dropped him!!!!:shock: After that I started suffering from anxiety, caused be OH's mother.

MIL hygiene isn't great, she can go days without washing her hands and allows the dog to lick her fingers and inside her mouth :sick: We said no fingers in lo's mouth and no kissing on the lips, she went crazy, 'I did it with my children and they are fine', yes you also left your 4year old son in the house alone while you went out shopping for the day!!
This is just some of the other stuff she has done: bought bags of clothes from a lady that had m/c into my house when I was 10weeks (I believed things in the house before lo was born was badluck &I was terrified I would m/c), nuzzled the lo to her breast, won't allow me to hold lo while she is around (she would snatch him from me) bought a gel pack just in case I had a tear & used it then gave it to me as a present, bought nipple shields but tried them out first. Tried to feed lo nuts at a couple of weeks old. I could go on and on!
When she gave birth to her 2nd child she gave her son to her mother for a month so the baby could settle in and will expect me to do the same!!:shakehead:

When she isn't happy with something I've done, she writes letters calling me she and it!
Ladies do your best to sort out these :witch::witch: now because I didn't and it only got worse for me! I suffer from anxiety because of all the stress. At the end of the day it's your baby and you need to enjoy every minute not worry about MIL and SIL, the way I see it is, if they were in your position they woun't think twice about telling you would they??
Now all I need to do is take my own advice and tell her to f*ck off!!! :)
I have a feeling my MIL is going to try and limpet herself to mine and not let me do anything.....

She even mentioned leaving him with her over a whole weekend and her buying a buggy i was like wtf!
Don't do it, especially if you feel uncomfortable! Don't let yourself be bullied into anything x
I know I sound mad and wierd but I want to try and do it alone for a while if I need help I'd ask... Just don't know what to do since she has brought us alot of stuff for our flat and baby x

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