I understand what your saying. You need to learn how to be a mum and get yourself into a routine and you can't do that if MIL is constantly looking over your shoulder. You need to find out what your comfortable with.
You don't want MIL judging you when you change a nappy and get the it everywhere! It will happen, happens to us all! I'd just had my c section, lo decided to fill his nappy. I got up to change it, tripped over the pot collecting my wee, opened the nappy got it everywhere and he was sick too!
What does OH say about how your feeling? MIL needs to understand you might not be ready to be away from your baby and by pushing the subject she will be doing more harm than good. MIL has bought things because she wants to but she shouldn't use it as a hold over you so you can't discuss concerns
You don't want MIL judging you when you change a nappy and get the it everywhere! It will happen, happens to us all! I'd just had my c section, lo decided to fill his nappy. I got up to change it, tripped over the pot collecting my wee, opened the nappy got it everywhere and he was sick too!

What does OH say about how your feeling? MIL needs to understand you might not be ready to be away from your baby and by pushing the subject she will be doing more harm than good. MIL has bought things because she wants to but she shouldn't use it as a hold over you so you can't discuss concerns