Have I had a chemical pregnancy?


May 9, 2018
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I created a post awhile ago asking for advice over what I believed were signs of pregnancy. I had many symptoms that I had never experienced before, although all of the tests I took came up negative. I concluded to wait until it was time for my period to roll around before making any more assumptions.

When time came, my period came two days late and started extremely light. It was more like spotting discharge than any menstrual cycle. It was brown and pink in color and had a thicker consistency. This continued for the first day and the next I noticed bright red spotting. Around this time I started experiencing cramps, and the cramps slowly ramped up in pain. The third day of my period I began to bleed in heavier amounts, but still not anything that would require a liner. The blood was now ranging from bright to dark red and had a lot of clots and clumps. I particularly remember a very severe cramp episode which was followed by a quarter-sized clot being passed.

The cramps I experienced were about the same level of pain as my normal menstural cramps, but my period is never late and I always have heavy bleeding. With this period, I never even wore a panty liner. The bleeding and cramps eventually subsided a day or so before my period usually ends. I’ve taken two pregnancy tests since which have still turned out negative.

This has been a very confusing and stressful time, I’m wondering if I’ve had a chemical pregnancy or if it’s more likely something hormonal occurred. I don’t wish to offend anyone either, I understand this is a sensitive topic. I’d like to hear your thoughts, what you believe has happened. Thank you.
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Impossible to say for sure as it could just be a weird period. It sounds like a possible chemical pregnancy though. Usually with a chemical you will test early and get a very faint BFP and it won't get darker, then you'll bleed around the time you normally have AF. If you didn't test early, you'll never know. That's why a lot of women don't like testing early. It's easier for many to not know if they've had a chemical.

I hope this cycle is more normal for you and you get your BFP x

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