An Angel Never Dies

I think about our angel who we lost last April alot, especially when I look at Matilda, when shes sleeping, laughing or having cuddles, and I think what if we had of had our other angel too...I wonder what he or she would have looked like! Its so hard isnt it....I have a gorgeou baby girl but I still love and miss the angel that didnt make it here but wont ever forget him or her....I cry whenever I read that poem but its gorgeous and says it all....

Thanks Amyrose xxx
I feel exactly the same as you hun. i have beautiful kids yet i catch myself day dreaming in wot ifs. we were still there mums no matter how long we had them with us xxxx
Absolutely! Hope you dont mind Ive posted your oem on my FB notes...its just lovely and Im feeling rather weepy now so hopefully it will make some other angel mammys smile xxx

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