Getting a bit down with OH

I hope he sorts his head out, he needs to grow up a bit and look after you when your suffering. My Oh plays xbox now and again on a sunday when i go out with my mum for the day. But if i get home and he hasn't at least tidied up i go mad. To be fair tho he does it without me asking because he knows how stressed i get about all the house etc. And if he wasn't like that he would be gone. I love him to bits and if he was in pain i would bend over backwards for him, but if he wasn't willing to do the same i would question how much he really cares. Its easy to say you love someone you need to back it up with actions too xxx
oh god hun no i never meant for you to leave him xxxx awww sorry if you thought that, no i was just saying i left the walking sperm bank cus he was a pratt lmao

hope your feeling a bt better today xxxx
He has been better yesterday and last night he said I have to wake him if he isn't awake by eleven cos our tumble dryer is being delivered :)

Really hope it lasts.

bless, i haf to have the same convo with my oh, trouble is men to have good intentions but they just have no get up and go like us women, never have never will.

i keep telling mine to put his clean clothes away as i cant reach his cupboard, he is always just chucking them back on the floor amongst the dirty , so last night i had enough so i got all the washing clean and dirty folded it all up and shoved it in his cupboard

i'll be f**ked if im gonna stand there sniffing everything to see what needs washing, and im also not going to waste water washing all that stuff again so if he goes in his cupboard and has aload of dirty vlothes in there well maybe he will think twice lol
Lol omg the washing thing happens here too so annoying! It takes two secs to put away! Lol

Ah bless you, that sounds a nightmare. I definitely vote that you need to talk to him Hun, if not give him a good shake! he needs to wake up and take some responsibility! I struggle some days & my boyfriend is fantastic, don't know how people cope without the support. Stamp it out now & you'll be glad you did. He just doesn't understand how you feel, your job now is to make him, even though you shouldn't have to! tell him how you feel wether he likes it or not. Hope he gets better xx
lol @ the clothes, my guy does his own laundry if i dont get to it first and i fold it up n put it away if i feel like, if not it stays on the drying rack til he wears it or puts it away lol. hes good tho anything i ask him to do he will do but he does stay up til 3am playing games and dont get out of bed til 1pm unless hes needed. he works evenings tho and having done that i know its actually the same routine to have a few hours after work to chill. sometimes it annoys me that i get woken at 3am but its usually for a cuddle so i really cant complain.
your OH shouldnt let his gaming fun overrule his caring for you, after all you are in pain and need him to help so i dont blame you for telling him to sort himself out. i hope he keeps it up x
Im glad it sounds like hes bucked his ideas up a bit but I still think the xbox needs to go. They are the devils creation!!!!!!!!

OH wants a wii when we get the house which isnt as bad as an xbox but I know the wii will progress onto the wanting of an xbox. I am sticking to my word and not letting one enter the house!!
Think the girls have said it all, glad he seems to be bucking his ideas up,

My hubby the same, never asks bout appointments, he dont even remember i have them most of the time!

He has helped starting to sort the house out but constantly moans about it, they dont seem to understand how hard making a baby is after all their "job" job ends at conception and dont start again til baby is born!

My hubby the same with saying it dont seem real to him yet he actually said to me he;ll show interest when bubs is born!

Hormones dont help either.

Sending you :hugs: xxx
Wow, you lot are real hard arses!! ;-)

My husband works late, comes in and bores me ridgid about his day, forgets my appointments etc as he works 60+ hrs a week, and does indeed stay up and play on his x-box on his evening off then sleeps in the next day.

But....... he's the one working, he's the one paying all the bills, and he's the one doing all the cooking and cleaning as I'm too tired.

So if he needs a little bit of 'game time' to unwind then I totally understand.... hell, I even bring him a beer or two.

Mind you, I have no doubts that he'll put me and the baby first when ever needed.

Maybe you are just feeling hormonal and it's not that bad?

(Ducking as you all throw maternity notes at my head)

That said, I really think you should have the accupuncture! xxx
Thanks starfish I def have less patience he he he us currently setting up my tumble dryer he he x

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There, you see, they do step up to the mark when needed. I think they just sometimes forget how important stuff like appointments are to us. My husband assumes I will tell him if there is anything bad and so doesnt ask, even though I totally agree that he should anyway.

i actually agree with you starfish. i actually have noone to blame but myself for the gaming as theyre my games and my consoles lol. its my warcraft account that my OH plays on and i keep it topped up with game time and i also talked him into playing it lol. he never neglects me because of it tho so i dont have a problem with it. he cooks and cleans and does laundry, takes me places if need be, will come to any appointment i ask him to even tho he dosent see why he has to lol. he even made me a cake for my birthday. and its cos of all those things that i dont get annoyed when he plays games til 3 am then wakes me up as he comes to bed to go on about his day lol.

i would however get very annoyed if he started to neglect me to play his games or sleeping in when i needed him to be up but id go wake him if i wanted him lol.
I know I'm the baddie in this relationship! He is practically perfect in every way and I still won't let him get an X-box.
I know I'm the baddie in this relationship! He is practically perfect in every way and I still won't let him get an X-box.

Your a sensible woman! Lol

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