No you don't test once given birth. So take some nice treats with you for when baby is born as you can munch away as you please. You will need to be tested 6 weeks post birth though to see if you have diabetes or not. I was told if the test comes back positive then it is likely were diabetic before you fell pregnant and you will also need to be tested annually for diabetes too.
Thanks for info fruity. That's a bit depressing that baby will need testing hoping I don't have diabetes afterwards.
I've got to say though I'm not finding the diet too bad. Level an hour after breakfast this morning was 4.8 so not far off my am fasting level from yesterday. Had 2 sausages, an egg and some baked beans this morning. Got some left over chicken and vegetable pasta for lunch.
I'm feeling quite good in all fairness - think cutting out the sugar has given me more energy and I'm feeling healthier already. Going to make some positive changes to my diet once baby arrives too as I think I eat too many sugary foods in general. Xxx
I'm feeling better too Naomi, just shows what eating less than healthy does to us!
Good levels for you, mine have been good too, even had lunch in waitrose today whilst out shopping xx
I don't think baby needs a lot of testing if they are ok so don't worry xx
Haha yeh I need to be firm with myself once baby is here as it's made me realise how much unnecessary crap I consume!! Obviously good to have the odd treat but I was treating myself every day, often more than once!
Oo nice what did you have at waitrose? I'm wondering what to have when I go out for food, not that it happens often!
Fingers crossed they won't need much testing then.
You got any nice plans for the weekend? I have a toddler class tomorrow morning (pyjama drama) then meeting a friend for a cuppa and then in the eve got my friends 30th. Millie is sleeping over my mum's house because simon is working, which means we get a lie in Sunday, yippee! Hoping to start the painting of the baby's room Sunday. Will probably need a couple of coats.
I've edited my post above as I think it misled you. I meant you need testing annually not baby. The baby will only be tested for 24 hours after giving birth and then all should be ok.
I had cheese and onion quiche with salad and coleslaw, was delicious and I wolfed it down like it was my last meal
Not got much planned, just a big shop today and my mums coming tomorrow for dinner, think I'll do some baby clothes washing .... feel a bit nervous about doing it in case it loses it's niceness iykwim? Might put it off a bit longer or send my mum home with it tomorrow for her to do ..... mums are better at these things
Have a fun time at the party and enjoy the best bit ...... long lie on Sunday
Hi! Well last night went ok although I was knackered and stayed out a lot longer than I wanted to because felt guilty dashing off early!
Had a nice lie in til 9 this morning and then been sorting out a cupboard upstairs and getting some washing etc done.
We haven't bought any new clothes for baby yet. Partly because we don't know gender and partly because all of the newborn stage clothes we had for millie were gender neutral as we didn't know what she was either. So going to get them down from the attic once the room has been painted and carpeted and wash them. Not so worried about washing this time because they have been washed and worn before but I can remember feeling like you last time and not wanting to somehow ruin them or make them less soft in the wash!
Have you had a nice day? We didn't get around to painting today but we are going to try and do it Thursday instead as we are both off work that day.
How are your levels doing? Are you still finding the diet ok? I must admit I had a pretty major chocolate craving earlier but it's passed now thankfully! Xxx
Well I done the cellular blankets, muslins and newborn clothes ..... the house smells devine of fairy non bio!!! Feel shattered now though x
Levels have been fine and finding the diet not too bad at the moment but can see myself getting fed up eventually.
How has your levels been?
They were 5.9 an hour after breakfast this morning so a little higher than they have been, but then 4.8 an hour after lunch (did a little walk) and haven't done by after dinner ones yet as ate late.
Glad your levels have been good. I'm finding the diet ok too although keep fancying pizza haha. May do a wholemeal pitta pizza or something sometime this week as a compromise!
Well done on getting the clothes all washed and smelling lovely! Can't wait to get all mine down from the attic - love newborn clothes as they're so tiny!
Hi Naomi, sorry for delay i couldnt log into here for some reason.
Mine was fairly mild i think as i didnt change much diet wise just cut out the obvious high sugar foods - i had a few reading that were over the limit but there were never any concerns.
I had growth scans every 2-3 week and he always looked fine so at about 36 wks i casually mentioned to someone after a scan "so if all stays well then i'll just be left to go into labour naturally?" & she was like "oh no u wont go to your due date" apparently it is guidelines that anyone with gd should be induced at the very latest by due date!
I waa admitted for induction at 39 wks but it took 4 days so he only actually ended up being born 3 days early. He was 7lbs 12.5ozs which was more or less in line with what scans suggested. Some people say growth scans are not that accurate but my last one was at 38 wks and they said he was 7lbs 10.
If i had another baby however i would refuse induction x
Ah thanks for the info Carla interesting to hear about other peoples experiences with it all.
On a general note - very confused this morning. Had a handful of low sugar wholegrain cheerios with five grapes and milk for breakfast - have had this exact same thing previously and levels have been fine. Chewed some sugar free chewing gum on the way to work and then an hour after breakfast tested and level was 9.7??????????
To date my highest reading had been 5.9 an hour after food, with most readings being early 5s or late 4s.
Have no idea what caused my reading to be so much higher than normal???
Did you have a poor sleep/disturbed night?
Your hormones could be changing also, previously tolerated meals/foods can suddenly cause highs due to hormonal changes. Sometimes it's just out with our control Naomi, drink as much sugar free juice/water as you can to flush out the sugars and see what the rest of the day brings xx
I'm finding my levels are creeping up a bit as well, thankfully still within my limits but they are rising with the same foods xx
It's really weird - I just did another test after the second hour (so two hours after food) and my level was back down to 4.6...? So strange. One thing - I had to pull over and do it on my way to work so hadn't washed my hands since leaving the house. Could that have had an impact do you think? Just seems a long way for it to fall over an hour?
Yes not washing your hands could have made a difference. Keep a bottle of water and some tissues handy for when you're out and about to give your finger a wash before testing. Don't use hand gels or baby wipes or anything like that as they can also cause false readings xx
Also try having some nuts with your breakfast to pair the carbs xx
Thanks Karen. And yeh I've usually got a bottle of water on me but wasn't expecting the traffic this morning and thought I was going to make it to work to use the loo there. Hopefully the rest of my reading will be normal now! Gave me a bit of a fright!
How are you getting on in general? Do you have a scan this week? I've got one tomorrow xxx
I'm doing fine, got a growth scan on Thursday, last scan two weeks ago showed an estimated weight of 3.3lbs so hopefully I'm keeping my levels ok enough for a steady/normal growth.
Will this be your first growth scan?
Yes although baby was big at my private 4d scan at 28 weeks so hoping the growth will have steadied out a bit. Got a meeting with the consultant afterwards to go through my levels so far. Bit nervous about the scan in case baby is still growing big, but millie was quite a big baby so thinking I tend to make big ones anyway? Xxx
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