Gestational diabetes support thread

Tomorrow ill get it hopefully. Awk I know its not the end of the world but I really hate meat atm and potatoes seems to be all I want! Gonna see how the mince holds up but it could just be veg for me for two months haha! Have to be low fat too as ive gallstones. I just love pregnancy...
Gallstones as well?! Argh that sucks. Talk to them tomorrow about alternatives you could have instead of meat perhaps, because just having vege won't really fill you up. Do you like eggs? Xx
Hi all. Just looking for a bit of advice... I'm 37 weeks today and had a normal midwife appointment. She dipped my urine and said there was ketones in it, she said have you eaten okay 8 had, 2 weetabix with banana on about 2 hours before! I had a bottle of water there with me so she said I'm guessing you've drank plenty too.. She said its usually a sign your not eating or drinking enough to which I laughed and said my appetite is brilliant (I've gained 22kg this pregnancy) anyway we then went on to talk about how I've been really dizzy and seeing floaters and my increased thirst! She said my BP was fine so it's probably down to the heat and maybe I should get my eyes tested to rule that out! I've come home and started googling things and I'm now worrying it could be gestational diabetes? I have never been screened for it, I had my bloods last taken at 28 weeks and it was just obviously fine then as nothing was mentioned. Is it possible to develop it this late? I have such increased thirst over the last few days and really bad dry mouth, although I'm hungry I'm quite fussy on what I fancy too! I am going to make a GP appointment tomorrow just to tell them my concerns but just wondered if anyone had anything like this or am I just overreacting? Also had a growth scan at 35 weeks as was measuring 3 weeks smaller than I had all pregnancy... Today I'm measuring 4 weeks small but she said if the scan 2 weeks ago was fine then no concerns.
Hi Flower

Did you manage to get a GP appointment?

I've had visual disturbances once or twice when I've let my levels get a bit low with the GD. It's hard to say really - you could have had it for a whole as you haven't physically been given the GD test, but usually with GD you'd end up measuring big not small... I think like with everything though there is a certain amount of variation case to case so having a chat to the GP is probably the best thing to do. You also get visual disturbances with preeclampsia and sometimes have smaller babies, although I would have thought that was unlikely seeing as your BP is normal and they didn't pick up stuff in your urine apart from the ketones.
are you eating enough carbs?
Thank you for the reply :-) I did Manage to get a go appointment for 3pm today, I'm in 2
Minds to go along now as I think I may of just made myself worry playing on Google to much but I suppose the visit won't hurt.
Gestational diabetes can result in a small baby too as it can cause intrauterine growth restriction. Your midwife should have picked up on your symptoms and arranged a glucose tolerance test.
See what your GP says and maybe they can arrange it for you. It's not unusual for GD to go undiagnosed, if you don't fall into the high risk categories for testing then it's not a routine test which is a shame really as it's not expensive to test ladies.
I would be pushing to be tested though xx
Let us know how you get on, good luck xx
I would def ush to get tested it really isnt that expensive and will give you peace of mind at least. Good luck at GP i would def go to air ypur concerns.

Eggs, why hadnt i thought of eggs! My husband cant even cope with the smell when cooking, he may take longer shifts in work haha!
Yes, so many things you can do with eggs which makes it a great versatile GD staple x
Thanks for the replied I seen my gp, my blood pressure has come up a lot but still
Not dangerously high today it was 138/88 and all through pregnancy it has been around 110/70 max, I'm back on Monday for my blood pressure checked again and to have my bloods taken to check sugar levels. He said sometimes your body can just get sick of pregnancy and as its been smooth sailing right through the symptoms are only minor they are having a big effect at there's been no problems? Seems a bit silly to me if there's symptoms of any kind they need to be checked I think so he agreed for blood tests and BP again on Monday
Push your midwife to arrange a glucose tolerance test as that's the only test that will diagnose gestational diabetes xx
Technically only really day two but im really struggling today. Feel incredibly nauseated and have had stomach cramps all day, managed something to eat at lunch, my blood sugar readings have been high all day and i seriously cannot even think about eating :(

I really need to go out shoping today as i dont really have any good healthy snacks in but eating is the last thing i want to do. I just want to lie in bed perfectly still and hopefully not throw up! How do you manage sickness in with it :/
Just need to eat little and often and force it down. You'll end up with ketosis as well if you don't eat and drink. Have you spoke to your GP to give you something to manage the sickness?
If your sugars stay high you'll only feel worse if you start on metformin as the side effects can be rough and you need to get them under control for baby's sake.
Try nibbling on tea biscuits with cheese (carb plus protein), scrambled egg with even a half slice wholemeal toast. You could have a small amount of your beloved potatoes and have grated cheese with it?
Have a read of the advice on the website I linked for you earlier, I've copied the link on HG and GD here for you
Agree with Karen, little and often should keep your levels ok - perhaps just try and find the meal combinations that work for you and don't make you feel too sick? Are you testing after an hour or two? What have your readings been? Above your maximum or just a bit high? Xxx
Thanks for all the advice, ive been eating little bits, had a small dinner just mince and some veg. My reading s have been between 6-8 pre meals and just over 8 after meals :/ i went for a walk and everything but cant seem to lower them. Ive drank plenty of water too hopong it would help. Just water nothing else. Nausea has been terrible. I see consultant on tues so gonna gst some advice then.
I guess just wait and see what the consultant says next week. You might need to go on meds to help things along. Mince and vege is a good meal - try and include a small portion of wholegrain carbs eg wholegrain spaghetti or wholegrain rice to make sure you're still getting some energy and to stop you getting ketones.
all you can do is what you can do and if that's not enough then they'll intervene in any way they can to make sure you and baby are still ok.
The way I figure it is at least we are being monitored so whatever happens they will be keeping tabs on the baby.

How are you getting on Karen? I've got one more growth scan to go on 7th September. Have you had your last one now? Baby was still growing on 50th percentile at the last one so hoping that continues. No more slip ups since the ice cream the other day haha.

I've suddenly got really spotty the last week even though we've got such little sugar in our diet now... don't get it haha! It's not like acne or anything but got a fair few little ones. Boo - I want the pregnancy glow!

How are you doing with your PGP? Not long for you now xxx
Mac .... make sure you include some carbs with your meal, don't cut them out completely xx

I'm doing great with my sugars Naomi to the point my consultant said on Thursday that maybe they are over treating me!! Even though they aren't treating me and I'm doing it myself with diet. I've relaxed a wee bit more with my carbs and still getting good levels.
Had my last scan on Thursday there so just a check up with midwife on Monday and pre op assessment on Friday.
PGP is agony to be honest but I'm maybe not helping myself cos I don't wear the support unless I'm going out (which is less frequent these past few weeks), baby doesn't move when I'm wearing it or at least can't feel him move when I wear it so it puts me off if I'm just at home.
I've been getting some small pimples too, probably a change in hormones again xx
Not long until you finish work now and can breathe a sigh of relief. Can't believe we're all so close to the end now, never thought it would happen (for me I mean lol) it's went so fast!
Oh i know just having small bits, had cauliflower mash, its a must, just replace half potatoes with cauliflower.

I don't think ill be able to manage on diet alone :( I have not had one reading in my limits in two days and before that it was just every so often. I had beef yesterday and it all came back up, i cant seem to tolerate a lot of foods at all. I am really sticking to low carb, no sugar diet, cant tolerate fruit at all, only drinking water but still no hope :(. Got some meal plans and everything from websites recommended for GD. I see consultant tomorrow so hopefully they can help. Ive been battling all day to get test strips and lancets, im out, only had enough given to me on friday for weekend. Rang GP to order more on friday but they want a letter from hospital, mw then rang to confirm but the GP surgery said it wasn't enough, i've spent all day ringing different departments trying to get it sorted. The diabetic nurse in hospital is fuming and wants to complain about the GP surgery! Going to docs now so hoping there's a script there for me! Dont know what to do if theres not since my readings have all been out! Wasn't able to do readings over lunch. (Had a wholemeal wrap with tuna salad so really hoping that was okay) Going to do a big food shop get more eggs and cauliflower especially haha! Might try some veggie options since i cant seem to cope with meat, just feel so nauseated or vomit after it.

I commend you all i have no idea how yous do it! I'm really having a tough time already!
Aw that's so frustrating that you're trying to keep to the diet but your levels are still too high :-( hopefully the consultant will be able to give you some advice and will give you some meds to control it. Must be hard when you're feeling that sick. I feel nauseaus at times but it hasn't been so bad since I've been on the diet. It's been hard work but I've been lucky with my levels really and don't think my GD was too bad.

Do you have a growth scan to check if it's affected the baby?

That's a nightmare about the lancets and strips. I had to buy strips from a pharmacy at one point as I ran out and my prescription wasn't back, but it cost me £15!!!! Daylight robbery!

Hope the consultant appointment goes ok tomorrow xxx
I didn't even know you could buy them! I must remember that! But my God that expensive :/ but got my strips and lancets sorted. Hooray!!

Noone has mentioned growth scans or anything. I gad a scan on 10th Aug and all was completely fine but i had a scan from fetal medicine today for a problem with the babies kidney and the resukts waere soo different baby apermars to be hige comlared to other doctors measurements so not sure whays up (almost 2 pounds in weight difference in just 12 days!)

Thank you so so much for helping me out. How are you all doing? I had a peppered steak burger on a wholemeal bun with plenty of salad and my reading was at 7.8 an hour after!! Hooray!! I walk loads but really pushed myself today so hoping thsts what helped. I dont know if i could walk an hour after every meal though :/
Glad your levels were good yesterday eve. How have they been today? And how was your consultant appointment?
Did the consultant talk about the increase in estimated weight? Have they booked you in for another scan? You should have more regular scans with a GD diagnosis. I've had them every 3 weeks since diagnosis.

My levels have all still been ok. Had one low fasting level yesterday but I went a bit long between meals again and they have been fine other than that. Got consultant tomorrow and hoping they will still be happy with everything :-) xxx

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