Oh i know just having small bits, had cauliflower mash, its a must, just replace half potatoes with cauliflower.
I don't think ill be able to manage on diet alone

I have not had one reading in my limits in two days and before that it was just every so often. I had beef yesterday and it all came back up, i cant seem to tolerate a lot of foods at all. I am really sticking to low carb, no sugar diet, cant tolerate fruit at all, only drinking water but still no hope

. Got some meal plans and everything from websites recommended for GD. I see consultant tomorrow so hopefully they can help. Ive been battling all day to get test strips and lancets, im out, only had enough given to me on friday for weekend. Rang GP to order more on friday but they want a letter from hospital, mw then rang to confirm but the GP surgery said it wasn't enough, i've spent all day ringing different departments trying to get it sorted. The diabetic nurse in hospital is fuming and wants to complain about the GP surgery! Going to docs now so hoping there's a script there for me! Dont know what to do if theres not since my readings have all been out! Wasn't able to do readings over lunch. (Had a wholemeal wrap with tuna salad so really hoping that was okay) Going to do a big food shop get more eggs and cauliflower especially haha! Might try some veggie options since i cant seem to cope with meat, just feel so nauseated or vomit after it.
I commend you all i have no idea how yous do it! I'm really having a tough time already!