Gestational diabetes support thread

Yeh felt like a proper treat and it was so yummy. I savoured every mouthful haha!

And that dessert sounds amazing! Will be trying that once I've been shopping. I haven't been doing desserts much but sometimes really feel like I could do with something!

How are your ketones doing? Xxx mouth is watering now that sounded so good!! Funny how we take things for granted a lot until this happens, when baby is here takeaway's for a week lol by then we would be sick of them.

scn...I tried several places for NAS angel delight no such luck yet I will try Sainsbury's this week all being well.

My levels are holding well atm resting levels aren't to bad this week!
Ha I know, I keep walking past the chippy and thinking 'soon!!'.

That's brilliant that your resting levels have been good hun. How are you doing in general? Have you been given an induction date? Xxx
Doing great considering we only a few weeks left no date as yet hopefully I will find out a little more next week at growth scan. Trying to organize hospital bags and decorating babies room atm last minute Annie here lol xx
Haha we've only just had the carpet fitted. Walls are painted neutral and going to decorate more once baby is here and we know if it's a boy or girl.

Hope you get your date at your scan then :-) I've got my consultant appointment Wednesday and will be given a date then plus will be writing a birth plan apparently. Excited to have a date to work towards.

I'm hoping that I will be able to state a length of time that I am happy trying with the induction as don't really want a horrendously long labour that still ends up in emergency c section like last time. Would rather have a cut off point. Xxx
Mmmmm I did post here yesterday but it hasn't came up :-(

Doing ok with ketones, still got them but within the limit set x
I packed my bags last week after the bp scare, just kept thinking oh no DH will bring me a lot of crap if I have to be kept in lol
I've had fish and chips from the chippy a couple of times and have been ok with it. Just put a few chips on my plate so that I'm not tempted to eat more and have loads of mayo with it!
I'm starting to lose my appetite a bit now cos I've been sticking with things I know are ok for my sugars and I'm getting a bit bored, just don't want to try new things at this stage that could cause problems and give me high readings and end up on meds at this late stage.

Do you know what induction plan they have for you Naomi? Will it be pessary, gel or drip?
Hope you get your date soon Sansk xx
Ah that's happened to me a few times lately too - so frustrating, especially when it was a long post!

Glad your ketones have still been within the limit. And well done for getting your bags packed! Mine are almost there now too. Got a couple of bits I want to rewash and then it's just the last minute bits like phone and charger.

That's awesome that you've been ok with a chippy tea!! I'm a bit too scared to try anything like that. Haven't even tried a burger haha. Know what you mean about getting bored of the food though. I have a wrap for lunch almost every day and then dinner us pretty much always some form of mince or chicken with pasta or rice and vegetables. Getting so bored. Tempted to try a couple of different things since being ok with the Chinese though. But like you don't want to do anything at this point that would make me have to go on insulin!

I have absolutely no idea what type of induction they'll be doing as yet. I think they said some thing about breaking my waters but I guess I will find out more on Wednesday. Xxx
I really, really, really want a big bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes with ice cold milk :cry:
I'm going to get some to take to hospital with me, my mouth is watering lol


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Or this..... I am drooling

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Oh god ... love the clusters as well! I want them sooooooo much right now, doesn't help that I know they are in the cupboard and DH has a bowl before bed every night :-(
Aw that's mean of him haha! I've not let simon have them since the diagnosis haha! If I can't have them no one will haha!!
I am really craving some chocolate too. Simon is currently sat eating a bar of galaxy caramel and it's literally making me want to hit him haha! Xxx
It's so rotten of them isn't it? My mum, sister and nieces came down on Saturday and DH went out and got lots of fresh cream cakes for them ..... I wanted to smash them all into his face lol and then theirs when they were tucking in oohing and aaghing lol
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Haha if they really loved us they'd do the diet with us wouldn't they!!! That's what I keep telling si haha.
I'm finding the office hard as people are constantly bringing in cakes. And today someone stopped off at the shop at lunch and brought back ice creams for everyone. And there was me sat with my ham salad wrap.... waaah!!xxx
I guess at least it will make us really appreciate nice food once we can have it again! Xxx
Definately, I'm going to pig out on nice things for a few weeks then get back on the healthy wagon and shift the weight xx
Yeh think I'm going to do that too. Plus as i will be breastfeeding i should lose a bit of weight anyway. Not going to go too overboard but will just be nice to have a bit more variety again and not obsess about it so much! Xxx
Its been confirmed now that I have GD. Going to see diabetic nurse tomorrow so dont know what to do now for dinner! I was just gonna do mince, potatoes and veg tbat should be grand if i only have a little potatoes right? Im gonna feel so guilty now until I know haha!
Yeh just keep it to a small amount of potatoes with lots of protein and vege. I don't tend to have potatoes although have found sweet potatoes have been fine for me. Really sorry to hear you have it and hope you're feeling ok. It's not the end of the world though and I'm sure you'll find it ok once you're used to it. When will you get your monitor? I didn't find it too bad once I had that coz you can kind of try things and see how they effect you xx

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