My brother is 17 and has said some hilarious stuff in his time!!
Just a couple that my Mum usually embarassed him with;
When I sang with the choir at school we had to sing at church one Sunday (none of us are religious so it was a first time we were in a church) and my brother (who was about 6 at the time) started to kick the pews(sp?) and whisper (really loudly) "This is booooooooring" and "I can't sit on this hard bench for much longer" anyway, my Mum nipped his leg and whispered for him to shut up because people were enjoying the music and this was "God's House" and all that. And he shouted "OUCH!! Well I don't think God would be very happy that you're pinching me!!"
Another time, he was 11 and joined the local football team and they needed proof of age, Mum said she'd have to copy his birth certificate and he said "oh don't worry, I'll just show them a birthday card from when I was 11" lol!!
The classic though was last week when my best friend took her son to the doctors (he's only a few weeks old but she took me along to help look after her very adventurous 3 - nearly 4 - year old daughter). She's always asking questions and there was a little boy (must have been about 1) with his Mum. He had a hair lip(sp?) and she quietly asked her Mum what was wrong with him. She just said "don't stare Madison, he was just born that way but he's every bit as special as you are" -
Madison edged over to the toy section just
staring at this little boy and after me and Gem sat there terrified incase she said something, she said to the little boy's Mum "I like your baby's lip"
The Mum was great and found it very funny, but OMG we criiiiiinged!!