Frightened - update


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Went for a scan on Thursday and was told my baby had died. I was 13+2 weeks.
I have to go to labour ward tomorrow to be 'induced' and I'm really frightened of everything that's going to happen. I'm not sure if I want to see my dead baby or if I'll regret not looking later.
It's so unfair to get this far and have to go through what is basically labour and giving birth. I just want the ground to open up and swallow me and put me out of my misery.
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SCN, it's so hard to know what to say to you as this is so cruel and so unfair on you and you partner. From a personal view my Stepmum lost both my Brother and Sister late on during her pregnancy and she held the child both times, she found it devastating at first but always says now she would regret not doing it. Everyone is different tho and you need to do what makes sense to you at the time, no need to make a decision prior to it happening, will be thinking of you xxxx
I'm realy realy sorry ur having to go through this scn :-( I don't know what to suggest as I had Erpcs at 10 weeks , I'm suspecting ur baby hadn't past long ago and this is why they want u to give birth? I always thought u had to be over 14 weeks to have to deliver ,I know ur baby will be so tiny and I don't know what I would do either in this situation I guess it's summet that has to be decided between u and ur oh , life is so bloody cruel sometimes want to send u a big massive virtual hug:hugs: xxxx
Im so sorry you have to go through this!! Xxxx
I'm realy realy sorry ur having to go through this scn :-( I don't know what to suggest as I had Erpcs at 10 weeks , I'm suspecting ur baby hadn't past long ago and this is why they want u to give birth? I always thought u had to be over 14 weeks to have to deliver ,I know ur baby will be so tiny and I don't know what I would do either in this situation I guess it's summet that has to be decided between u and ur oh , life is so bloody cruel sometimes want to send u a big massive virtual hug:hugs: xxxx

The obstetrician said after 12 weeks surgical management isn't an option and it has to be medically managed. I took a tablet yesterday and go in tomorrow for the pessaries. She said I'll get a pessary every 3 hours and hopefully baby should be born around tea time.
Baby died around Tuesday. Me and hubby both got bloods taken yesterday for genetics/chromosome testing to help us decide if we want to TTC again, but she's pretty confidant it's been purely bad luck and we have good chance of going on to have a healthy baby. Just need to try and get over this somehow.
Oh hunnie I'm so sorry and I really hope you have lots of loving friends and family around you xxxx
Oh scn I'm so sorry just wish there was somthing we could do or say to make things better but I know no matter what anyone says or does wont make it better they say time is a healer and I hope in time you will feel better u won't ever forget as no matter how far along you are the love u have for your baby started right from bfp I'm so so sorry u have to go through this it's so unfair take care and make ur decisions when u feel ready thinking of you and ur oh at this sad time xxx
I am so sorry, I don't know what else to say. I know nothing I can say or do will help ease you and yours hubby's pain right now. But just know we are all here you you when you need us xxx

Michelle x
I'm so sorry. Please give yourself time but also please don't let this experience prevent you from trying again xxx
Oh hunnie I'm so so sorry. .. thinking of you and hubby xxxx
Im so sorry for your loss sweetie, i hope tomorrow goes quickly, thinking of you, Take care xx
I'm so sorry to read this & what you have to go through.

I can't believe how cruel your situation is. To have seen the baby like you did and then to lose it, its beyond terrible. I hope things go as smoothly as they can for you and you are home soon.
This is awful I have had 2 miscarriages but can't imagine going through it at a later stage when you think youv made it. My heart goes out to you I will be thinking of you tomorrow I'm sure you will make the right decision at the time. Take care xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this, not sure what advice I can offer on seeing baby. I passed mine in hospital at 11wks, though they think it only got to 8-9 from size. I had a quick glance but wasn't really a proper baby to see. My OH feels bad for leaving 'peanut' behind, but on reflection I'm not sure where we'd have buried it as we recently moved to an apartment. I'm sure you'll decide what to do at the time. Pain was tough but manageable, they can give you painkillers to cope. Thinking of you. Take care. Xx
Hello sweetness massive massive hugs lovely

I mc at just under 15 weeks naturally and I felt the baby pass but didn't look and I'd advise not to look or ask to look x don't traumatise yourself further darling

You can have the baby to Bury if you like but it's not pleasant to see and it will truly break your heart more than it is broken now

So sorry darling this is a hard time I wish you all the best to get through this

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
If you want to know. More details do pm me x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Ahh I c I did opt for medical managed with my first loss but it didn't go to plan for me, I realy hope it goes smoothly for u it must be heartbreaking to get that far and to have it snatched away :-( we are all here for u lovely take care xx
I have no advice for you hun as mine died at 11 weeks so I could have the operation, but just wanted to say i'm so sorry that you have to go through this xxxx
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