Frightened - update

So sorry for your loss Hun. Thinking of you xxx
Ohh scn :( :(

Im so so sorry you and your husband have had to go through this heartache :(

:hugs: thinking of you xxxxx
Huge hugs I am so sorry for your loss, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I know what a horrific ordeal this is to go through but your Baby Boy will always be a part of you and your family. So happy you have a supportive hubby, take care of each other xxxxxx
Jesus hun, you poor love! Like your loss isn't hard enough without the trauma of delivering baby and then needing to go to theatre.

Now you are home make sure you rest, eat and drink and grieve.

It's going to be tough for you sweetie, but you must let yourself grieve. It's been an awful time but there will be light at the end of the tunnel one day

I'm sooo sooo sorry hun, what a horrific ordeal you've been through. I don't know what to say as can only begin to imagine how you feel but just wanted to say am thinking of you x
Thank you all so much for your messages and support. We're doing ok, still feeling numb to be honest but just taking one day at a time.
I'm so sorry you had to go through this SCN. I'm glad that you and your hubby are getting through it together xx
Can't believe you had to go through that scn, so so awful. Totally with you on loving your husband more as a result, felt same about my other half, the plus side of it all is that its brought us much more closer. Take care of yourself and lots of time to recover, rest and go through all the emotions you need to get out. Xxx
sorry to hear this its the worst news possible. we were told our baby had anacephaly at our scan, 12 weeks and 14.5 weeks i was 12.5 weeks and 16.5 weeks when we lost them (twice this happened genetics showed no reason just bad luck) both times we aborted. we had the option of going to term (baby may die before then or will definatly die mins to hours after birth if not during birth) go into hospital for delivery then, or abortion clinic. i went abortion clinic both times and it broke my heart i dont think any options would have been easier but for me i didnt want to "see" my babies. i did want to bury them but this wasnt an option with the course i took. instead we have planted rose bushes as you can see from my ticker we are now expecting a healthy baby so please do not give up hope its a devastating time but it will bring you closer and will mean that baby when you get your healthy one will mean so much more. thinking of you at such a sad and difficult time xxx
Thanks for sharing your experience K8_005. To happen twice is unimaginable, how awful for you both. I'm so pleased you have a happy ending and hopefully one day we will get our happy ending.
Been really tearful this morning, but the sun is shining and we went for a walk around a local garden centre and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful flowers. We got a lovely white azalea bush to plant in the garden in memory of our baby boy.
Sorry scn. I hope your resting & giving yourself chance to grieve.

I lost mine at 8 weeks but didnt find out until 11 weeks at the scan, we were offered the ERPC & all went well with recovery etc

I didn't give time to grieve & tried going back to work, in which I broke down & had a further 2 weeks off of work for myself. I know its hard to believe as people said the same to me, but time is a healer. I have got many things that make me smile & think of my angel baby. Daffodil flowers are our symbol flower as we lost the baby in Spring & on carrying the baby me & my OH we're set on having a "Me to you" bear bedroom, for this reason I have bought myself 3 me to you figurines that symbolise my baby to me & also got a teddy (baby me to yo teddy) that was actually bought for baby. My items are in sight in my living room in which I smile at every day. I also created a baby box, of everything that was to do with the baby including the tests etc - I didn't make this box until a few weeks later but I helped.

We now plan to set off some Chinese lanterns on the birth day of September 2nd & have planted lots of daffodils to grow every Spring around our home.

Lots of hugs to you, rest and cuddle with your OH xxxx
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That's a gorgeous idea, his memory will forever live on. Lots of love xxxxxxxxx
So sorry to see how hard this has been hun. My heart breaks for you. I wish you a wonderful happy ending next time and you'll always remember your precious baby boy. Big hugs xxxxx
Oh this is heartbreaking, sure they should have dealt with it in another way to make easier for you

Huge hugs to you both xx
Hugs to you SCN. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Each and every one of us is here for you through this terrible ordeal.
Sending love to you all your OH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have only just seen this thread and am so so sorry scn about what you and your oh have had to go through. No one should ever have to go through something like that- life is truly cruel at times. I am glad that you have such a strong partner by your side and hopefully you can continue to support each other.
Take care of yourselves and know that we are all here when you need to talk. xxx

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