Sorry scn. I hope your resting & giving yourself chance to grieve.
I lost mine at 8 weeks but didnt find out until 11 weeks at the scan, we were offered the ERPC & all went well with recovery etc
I didn't give time to grieve & tried going back to work, in which I broke down & had a further 2 weeks off of work for myself. I know its hard to believe as people said the same to me, but time is a healer. I have got many things that make me smile & think of my angel baby. Daffodil flowers are our symbol flower as we lost the baby in Spring & on carrying the baby me & my OH we're set on having a "Me to you" bear bedroom, for this reason I have bought myself 3 me to you figurines that symbolise my baby to me & also got a teddy (baby me to yo teddy) that was actually bought for baby. My items are in sight in my living room in which I smile at every day. I also created a baby box, of everything that was to do with the baby including the tests etc - I didn't make this box until a few weeks later but I helped.
We now plan to set off some Chinese lanterns on the birth day of September 2nd & have planted lots of daffodils to grow every Spring around our home.
Lots of hugs to you, rest and cuddle with your OH xxxx