What happens now ?

As Dysco says at least they were quick sweetie!

As another poster says regardless of who was with you no-one would have been able to come in with you...

I am sure your OH will look after you once he is home.....

Get yourself on the sofa, with a nice cuppa and try to rest a little bit

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:hug: I really hope you will feel better soon. I was feeling much much better than a good nights sleep. I hope your mom cn take care of you little ones tonight
Again so sorry hon if you need anything please shout
I really was in and out wasnt I? . Feel a wee bit less foggy today and to be honest I wish I still was :( I opted for sedation instead if the anisthetic and I wanted to be able to get home as soon as I could .
I really was in and out wasnt I? . Feel a wee bit less foggy today and to be honest I wish I still was :( I opted for sedation instead if the anisthetic and I wanted to be able to get home as soon as I could .

Sedation soudns like the most sensible option sweetheart?

Have you been eating and drinking enough? You need to keep strong for your little ones.

There are no words but I hope as each day passes you come to feel a little bit better

You are so kind . Im trying , I have to sort Aoibheann's b-day for Saturday and i really cant be arsed , I cancled Lily's physio too so I feel like a bitch but I need today to breathe
You are so kind . Im trying , I have to sort Aoibheann's b-day for Saturday and i really cant be arsed , I cancled Lily's physio too so I feel like a bitch but I need today to breathe

Don't feel guilty about taking a little time out for yourself sweetie.

The little one's won't remember they want their Mummy to keep strong and healthy.

You do what you feel best.

Maybe a belated Birthday party when you feel more up to it is an idea?

couldn't agree more with nat. I know mum's feel terrible if a birthday is missed but a delayed party will make you all feel better in a couple of weeks. Tell your LO's that mummy is a bit poorly and needs cuddle buts she'll be better soon so you'll have a delayed second birthday then and an extras special party/cake/present!

Look after yourself properly, it has been an exhausting rushed few days for you and i bet you feel like your feet didn't touch the ground cos they got you into hospital so fast. take some time for yourself where you can :hug:
just wanted to say how sorry i am u had to go through this bless ya (((hugs)))) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
So sorry your going thru this. Big :hugs: xx

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