Finally feeling movements!!

Thanks :) nearly time for my scan.. Embarrassed I need an escort coz I don't know how to get to scanning dept and back lol!! Gotta go thru three wards to get to the one I'm in it's confusing!! Just so happens u have to walk through the private ward so u see all the luxuries before getting to your standard cubicle lol!! :roll:

Hopefully I'll b home in time for the school run!!
Aww chick hope youre ok, maybe you have Kidney stones, I had them with DD and Ive already been sent to hospital twice this pregnancy with them. Although mine dont always show up in the urine tests, the pain from them is unbelievable and have set of BH in me. Your BP is Blood pressure, it could be raised because of the pain your in, which also would make your heart race. They'll keep a close eye on that to make sure it doesnt go too high. Hope the scan goes well chick. xxxxx

How were they detected?xx
Aww chick hope youre ok, maybe you have Kidney stones, I had them with DD and Ive already been sent to hospital twice this pregnancy with them. Although mine dont always show up in the urine tests, the pain from them is unbelievable and have set of BH in me. Your BP is Blood pressure, it could be raised because of the pain your in, which also would make your heart race. They'll keep a close eye on that to make sure it doesnt go too high. Hope the scan goes well chick. xxxxx

How were they detected?xx

I ended up passing it when I peed chick, but it looked like a small piece that had chipped off a bigger piece. I scooped it outta the toilet and took it to the doctors who then said to me 'God how did you stand the pain!' This was after I had tortured them and they made me feel like I was making it up. This time it was when I was sent to the FAU, because I couldnt even stand because of the pain, that the doctor dug into my left kidney and I screamed outta me that they knew something was up. Although they cant do anything for it till baba is born, this time I'll be torturing them to get the stones out. I had pain in my belly, with a weird tightness and also a shotting pain across my back. My BB was born 3 weeks early (I had started dilating at 6 weeks so they gave me steroids) because apparently the pain from the stones had set off my contractions. She was born perfectly healthy but the pain from the stones was unbarable, and like yourself I'd have a high pain theshold. Hope everything is ok chick xxx
when i was in hospital and my pulse was racing it was down to low iron.

how did ur scan go hun xx
Hope the scan goes well hun and you get some answers.xx
Thanks for the info angelmma I'll keep an eye out when I pee!!
Scan was actually amazing!! Better than the shitty 4d scan we had with groupon.. There was noone booked in so he took his time and explained where everything was and don't the actions baby was doing so I could see haha! Such a nice guy! Baby had hiccups again and was quite active which was really good :) Everything seemed fine :cheer: I've FINALLY got an EFW!!!! :cheer: he said to me 'has anyone told you your having a big baby?' I was like ummmmm no and please don't start now!! Baby is measuring 34+4 exactly a week ahead (or 34+6 one or the other I can't remember :wall: ) and weighs 4lb 15oz!!! And there was me a few weeks ago worrying baby was small!!! :shock: he said if it keeps up it's growth rate we are looking at 8lb 8oz birth weight :shock: I asked him for a pic and he spent ten mins trying to get me a decent face pic bless him!!! Baby had hand over it's forehead like 'woe is me!!' and pulled a gun hand gesture!! I'll post the pics via tapatalk in a mo... Oh and baby has lots of hair!!! It's bloody amazing what u can see in a normal scan nowadays!! Could proper see the face like in 4d just b&w!
Just gotta wait to see someone now and see what we are looking at here.. Hopefully i can go home soon :)
Thanks for all your support ladies I really appreciate it!!! :hug:
Oh and I think I saw the gender by accident it went straight on it's bum area when he put the scanner thing on me!! I looked away but think I may have seen... Mil is bugging me like mad to tell her lol I'm not even telling OH!! I could be wrong who knows... I'm not telling tho ;)
Gun hand
Woe is me!! (hard to tell but top of head is on the right.. Was a tricky pic to get!)


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Glad baby ok! Wonder if you did see gender! I keep thinking I did on 20 week scan but was probably something totally different! Just hope you get some answers about you now x
So glad everything is fine hun and you had a lovely scan experience xxx
Thanks.. Was very reassuring he checked everything down to blood flow in cord... Just hoping a mw can confirm all is 100% ok.. Strange how baby is measuring a week ahead when I was so small just a few weeks ago.. I've really got big quite quick these past couple of weeks.. Normal to have a growth spurt like that?
Yes, thats normal hun. Babies put on an incredible amount of weight in their last few weeks.
So glad baby is AOK!! :yay:
Now to treat your pain, you poor love! Xxx

Thanks :)

Great.. Got a big baby now lol! At least it's healthy and happy that's all that matters..
Hopefully they can shed some light on what's going on with me now! Oven has gotta be working right for the bun to cook properly!!
oh well now thats unfair ur not going to tell us ladies what u think it is lol, dont u all agree, come on lets put pressure on her to find out the sex heheh - only joking hun xx

glad all went ok

ur like me i had had a growth scan at exactly the same time as consultant (funnily enought the same one that tried to book for a c-section after due date) measured me at 31 weeks, sonographer said i measured 34 + 6 and baby weighed in at about 5lbs
So glad baby is well, hope you get home soon. We are the same due date and i have growth scan on tuesday so we can compare weights xx

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