Finally feeling movements!!

blood in urine can mean kidney infection and the pain is bloody awful, ive had it before not while pregnant but i weed blood it was like red wine TMI, the pain can be like a dragging feeling down your legs to a really uncomfortable pain in your back that no matter what position you sit or lie in wont shift, you can also have a temp.

hope baby moves about a bit more, try eating something sweet, good excuse to eat chocolate x x
sorry your in pain hun, keeping fx that u feel better soon and bubs starts to wriggle to reassure u xx
Thanks everyone :)
Short update will update better later when I get my charger..
Being kept in no movements no matter what I ate or drank or did...Including an ice pack on my bump!! Strong pains with bh probably bh irritating the problem.. Gotta be monitored again soon.. :( didn't wanna stay overnight :(
Kids with mil so they r happy coz she lives opposite their school and he has an 11yr old sister they love... So they're happy and that makes me happy :)
Just wish this baby would have moved earlier :( I had two hours to get it to move or be admitted.. :(
Oh been wondering how you was, hope baby gets wiggling, keep us updated xx
Been thinking about you all day. Hope baby starts moving soon xx
Hope everything ok Hun, get moving baby! x
OMG hun only just seen this. I really hope you and baby are both ok. Big hugs :hug: you are in the best place where they can keep a good eye on you xx
Thanks girls :) OH should be here soon I miss him :(
Still strong bh with pain.. Not been monitored yet.. Not sure when they will.. Hopefully soon!
:hug: hope they find out what's causing you the pain x
hope they get u sort hunni keep us posted big hugs xxxxx
Just catching up on what's been happening now - really hope that things are improving. At least you are in the right place to get any help you or bubs needs. Thinking of you x
Just seen this thread xxx hope your ok chick xx
Sending massive :hug: xx

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