Finally feeling movements!!

Sweetheart, I've only just seen this- I'm sorry you're going through it hun! Glad baby is moving more now, I'm sure you'll be fine. Love to all xxx
Thanks babe.. I was thinking of you yesterday and was actually about to pm u!! How've you been I haven't seen much of u or just keep missing u! Xxx
Glad you are feeling movements now and hope you get home soon xxxx
hya babe ive only just seen the thread i hope your okay and little one is fine! xxx
Only just catching up with the forum but glad to hear you've had a few strong kicks now. Hope you can get some answers today and they can give you something for the pain and you can go home and rest.

Thinking of you hun! x
Glad baby has been moving for you Hun :hug: hope they don't keep you too long and you manage to get some sleep x
Thanks everyone :) I don't think I'm top priority in the room lol two women in labour one induced and one waters broke yesterday.. Just so tired and bored and still getting painful bh :( I wanna know what the blood in urine was.. Gps it was +4 blood clear for everything else.. Here it was +3 blood +1 protien and two other things.. It was sent off yesterday so they should have it back today so we can find out what it is! Just want these bh to piss off or give me full blown labour either way stop keeping me hanging in the middle!! :mad:
Glad u have had movements Hun hope they get u sorted today big hugs xxxx
Just been monitored and baby was sleepy again :roll: gave it a pike and it perked up a bit :) still getting bh with pain :( only had a few slight movements so I'm booked in for a scan at 12 and if all is ok I can go.. She just done my bp and said my heart is racing... It was yesterday too.. Strange that.. They don't seem too concerned with it though.. Told her I just had a bh with chest tightening so it could be that..
Looking forward to the scan and seeing what this little bugger is up to and hopefully get some piccies :cheer:
Really want my sample results too gonna push for them before I go!!
Hope all is ok, have they given you anything for your pain? Good luck for the scan x
Aw hun, hope you're ok, hope scan goes well, it will be nice to see baby again, keep us posted x

Thanks :) they've not given me anything for pain tbh I haven't complained much.. High pain threshold lol! Think they are more concerned with lack of movements from baby and constant sleepy monitoring..
Wondering what the bp thing is.. I was hot and shaky for a couple of days before this pain I put it down to the weather... Feel the same now n my heart is racing on bp monitor :shock:
Mw yesterday asked if I had just had a cigarette before I came in coz my heart was racing! Wanna go find her now n say I've been monitored all night and my heart is racing... NO I didn't have a fag!! :lol:
Sounds to me like you have an infection of some sort. The fact that you are in pain can make you feel a lot worse and could be another cause for your heart to be racing. You've also not slept well and it's so hot you could be dehydrated into the bargain as well. Get some paracetamol and see if that helps. Once you start to manage your pain and symptoms you'll start to feel a bit better. It will take a few days for the urine cultures so you probably wont get those results today, but if they have taken bloods they should be able to tell you what your kidney's are doing and if you have an infection.

It's rotten when you feel like this and your so worried about baby. I hope the scan goes well and keep us updated x
Sorry things still aren't sorted hun......hope the scan goes well. Thinking of u xx
It seems that way rach.. Just told mw I felt like this a couple of days ago but just put it down to heat.. She said after my scan the doc is gonna examine me and go thru it all with me so hope to get some answers.. May need some bloods taken
Aww chick hope youre ok, maybe you have Kidney stones, I had them with DD and Ive already been sent to hospital twice this pregnancy with them. Although mine dont always show up in the urine tests, the pain from them is unbelievable and have set of BH in me. Your BP is Blood pressure, it could be raised because of the pain your in, which also would make your heart race. They'll keep a close eye on that to make sure it doesnt go too high. Hope the scan goes well chick. xxxxx
Good luck for your scan hun. I hope everything is fine and you get to go home soon xxx

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