Finally feeling movements!!

Was monitored from 3:30 they decided to monitor me early coz of the pain.. Paracetamol done nothing..
Just come off... Baby was v sleepy and no movement for an hr then decided to go nuts and hb went sky high lol started moving which is good... Then believe it or not, hiccups again lol!
The contraction numbers went up to 83 at least.. Had to breathe thru them... Quite regular then they stopped on one side :shock: the said it can do that and it's normal.. So she moved the pad thing to the other side.. They said that graph would be enough to show the doc and she will probably want to do an internal.. At least a seculum.. So kinda good really...

I know I've been willing this.. But I'm scared now... What if this is it?? Feel like it's gonna kick out my moo and I felt more fluid come out but not alot... These panty liners are so good they are soaking it all up and leaving the pad basically dry! :wall: so they can't really check it..
Hopefully I'll get an internal and get some kind of good news I dint want this pain for nothing!!!!

Woo hoo dinner time :D I'm STARVING!!!
heeey not sure if im allowed in here as im only tr1 lol, but what your going throu is quite similar to my 3rd labour waiting and pain and not knowing whats going on, but then i kinda just made them induce me cause id had enough (i did feel abit guilty but it did him no harm) lil man wasnt moving alot and i was in pain on and off. Hope you get sorted soon try and rest as much as poss xx
Oh honey, you could write a book at this stage!!!! Just checking in quickly while I'm waiting for the cows to come in :) sounds like things are happening though.... Will check in with you again soon. Chin up!!
Hoping they give u good news then they so internal !! I was born at 34 weeks and mum didn't have the steroids my lungs were fine but I was tiny only 3ib 6. Your lo is good size so sure everything will b fine they wouldn't leave u contracting if they thought otherwise !! Xxx
Thanks all I'll update after my internal fx I get one and get some good news!!
Zaymisa of course ur allowed in here ur allowed to post anywhere on the forum babe... Thanks for your input it's really reassuring!!!!

I may write a book while I'm waiting lmao!!!
I'm just catching up on a weeks worth of posts as been so busy with work not been on. Hope you are holding up Jayceesmumma and keeping strong and positive. Hope you find out soon what is going on and whether bubba is to make an appearance x
Thanks babe :) Duno if or when they gonna check me I assume after 9 as visits end then..
Hope ur well :) xxx
Only just saw your thread - keeping all available fingers and toes crossed for you!
Keep going hun, you're doing so well, leeping my fx something happens for you either way so you're not stuck in limbo like this. Come on baby either buck up and let your ma go home or come out :op xx
They want to monitor me again in a few mins.. Contractions seem to have stopped :( still got back pain tho and 'moistness' :lol:
Defo having a scan tomo not sure what time yet.. That's if I've not had baby by then (VERY wishful thinking lmao)
Was hoping to be checked but I think they wanna see what this monitoring comes up with first.. So now I've got not contractions they probably won't bother checking :(

Thanks again for all your support ladies I couldn't have got thru this sane without you!!!
Chin up hunni only few hrs to wait to see lo either way !! Lol hope the monitor goes well and shows something is happening xxx
I have been following this from the start and i wanted to wish you all the best, your so strong x
Thank you again everyone :) been monitored for an hour and sleepy baby.. Only two movements.. Hb went v high for a while... Only had one little contraction so there goes my exam!! :(
Will find out time of scan tomo after 9am.. Hoping OH can make this one!!
Really pissed off my contractions stopped.. I wanted my exam to see if they actually done anything!!!
Once you've started dilating you can't go back can u???
OMG you're really going through it still, you poor thing :hugs:
I'm so impressed by how you're coping and holding it together - I'd be a frustrated, shouty wreck by now!!
Hope you get some answers asap xxxxx


How you feeling now?

Hope you manage to get some rest tonight!!

Good luck for your scan & i'll keep my fingers crossed that you get out 2moz - or you go into proper labour


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