Finally feeling movements!!

:hug: the uncertainty must be really frustrating! I hope your scan goes well and you get some answers soon xxxxx
It REALLY is!! I want to know what's going on... If they want to send me home right after scan I want to be examined first.. I had such bad contractions yesterday!!
Cor that sleep has really given me some drive :cheer:
:yay: I remember being in your shoes, when my BP started going really high. We were just waiting and waiting, then a doctor walked in and said "right you can go home now" :shock: luckily my mother was there and gave him hell, I dont think he'd read my file properly :roll: after all that waiting for answers there was no way I was going home without them!
Oh my goodness honey, you really are going through the mill at the mo :( I'm sorry babe, hope you get some answers / some sort of resolution soon xxx
Spoke to registrar and she said that I'll have my scan time soon and reassured me I'd know ASAP so I can let OH know.. Whether he can make it or not who knows..

Have a feeling they're gonna just send me home after scan.. I asked her what was going to happen after coz I haven't got a clue either way and it would be nice to know.. She said if alls ok in scan then they'll send me home and check on baby twice a week.. Didn't say anything else.. I'm not very hopeful today :(
If I go home I have to deal with the kids school runs etc and it's gonna be so hard and I get bh just from getting up the stairs.. I don't want to be back an forth out of hospital at every pain I get!! I'm putting my family out and OHs family out enough as it is, at least they know I'm here and they need to do things.. I can't keep them all on standby for weeks!!
Getting really pissed off at the thought of all this time in here for nothing.. I've been away from my girls since Thursday!!! And I'll have to keep doing it to them it's not fair!!!
Sounds really frustrating, I wish you weren't having such a shitty time. I'm sure they're trying to do what is best for your baby, though, I don't think they'd be taking any unnecessary risks... Hope the scan result brings some answers - keep us updated!
:hug: Could you get someone to do the school run for you, even if you do go home? You can be home with the girls and give them breakfast etc... but still taking it easier than normal?
but like you say, if its a definite plan, its better than just having people on standby, I think that messing them round more. Plus it'll be good for the girls to get used to it, as when this baby finally decides to arrive ( :clock: ) you'll be needing someone else to do school runs anyway. May aswell make it routine for the rest of this term. Plus they wont feel like the babys arrival is changing everything IYSWIM?
hey lovely i had reduced movement and told them i was really worried and they induce me x
How far gone were u hun?? I don't think they have any intention of inducing :( I'm so worried tho :'(

I know whatbu mean Hun... I think the kids probably resent baby for all this crap already anyway :'(
On a good note I've been allowed to go for a walk.. First time out the ward since my scan on Friday!!
Bumped into my lovely mw who was working in another ward and she was like oh you've had the baby (as it's the after care ward) and she was shocked when I said no and it was my first time out the ward!
With I took my sexy stockings off before I decided to go out in public lol I forgot it's only our ward that wears them not the rest of the population of Watford general lol!!!! :wall: getting some dodgy looks with 3/4 length white trousers on and deep green stockings!! Oh and flip flops lmao!!!!
i was 37 weeks. but at 35 they gave me the horrid steriods that hurt for so strange reason lool its then they said to me its incase we induce u due to reduced movement.
On a good note I've been allowed to go for a walk.. First time out the ward since my scan on Friday!!
Bumped into my lovely mw who was working in another ward and she was like oh you've had the baby (as it's the after care ward) and she was shocked when I said no and it was my first time out the ward!
With I took my sexy stockings off before I decided to go out in public lol I forgot it's only our ward that wears them not the rest of the population of Watford general lol!!!! :wall: getting some dodgy looks with 3/4 length white trousers on and deep green stockings!! Oh and flip flops lmao!!!!

oh you work that sexy look girl hehe, goodluck for scan xx
Those steroids hurt so much don't they!!!!!

Turns out this scan is only for waters and blood flow so I'll be having another one later on too :roll: Duno what time that will be!
:hug: they really are messing you about hunny, you are doimg so well to keep calm, i would of flew off my handle by now. Really hope they pull their fingers out and start giving you some answers :hug: x x
Hate stupid ppl... New girl next to me... She had a fight the stupid bitch!! N her n her family bragging about it... Idiots!! Moaning their bored already! She came in early hrs last night..
Can't believe they r all proud she's fighting while preg!!! She was pushed in the stomach apparently.. They like 'did u see what so n so wrote on Facebook!!' and 'yeah I pulled her hair n she scratched my face' bullshit!! So bloody loud n common as muck!! (I'm common too but nothing like them!!)
They're really pissing me off.. Now it's.. 'I've chipped my nail varnish... When she slapped me did I dive on her I can't remember hahaha!!' grrrrrrr!!!!! Her mother is proud of her!!!

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