Finally feeling movements!!

They cant think u have an infection or u would b on antibiotics !! Hope u get somewhere with th dr and glad u have a nice mw now. Hopefully might get bit more of an idea of what's going on after next urine sample big hugs hunni xxx
Doc said she won't do another exam just yet or she will encourage the contractions... if I have more regular and strong contractions to tell mw... She said sugar in urine is prob down to the steroids blocking my natural insulin and it should be ok by tomorrow.. but she's fine with me having contractions coz I've had the steroids..
Forgot to ask about when scan and ECG is! :wall: I'm useless lol!! Might pop by n ask in a bit.. Two women in here in labour so they're more important ATM.. I don't like making a fuss :roll:
Aww hun you've been through the mill, it's not nice when they don't tell you things. Hope your scan goes ok and they let you home. :hugs:
Just asked.. They said baby seems fine when they monitor so that's ok.. Glucose in urine was coz of the steroids they've been so busy this morning they forgot I had them.. Easy mistake but at least they followed it up so that's good! I'm defo having a scan tomo it's not all booked in yet but when doc comes back then she will book it in and I've asked them to let me know what time etc.. I'll be monitored again about 5.. Told them how I feel about reduced movements and I'm not exaggerating but that probably made it worse lmao!!
So basically they r happy just monitoring me and seeing what's going on. I'll have an ECG soon not sure what time coz they have to bring it here and they r busy. I've told them I'm having stronger contractions now and they r ok with it... Think that's everything lol!x
At least u have some answers now hunni and hopefully if lo has made it's mind up things might b under way !! Xxxx
I hope so I'm getting so tired.. If nothing progresses but contractions continue will they help me in any way?? Constant back pain n pressure... Down there feels funny and Duno if it's just increased dc again but as I'm laying down I can feel some liquid come out a bit (tmi) my sister thought she was leaking once (before she actually was lol) but it was just wee... I can't face being embarrassed like that and having to stay here thru tomo as well having to face the mw lol!!
Any advice on this?? Also it's painful lower bump almost constantly without tightenings and with..
Hope things improve for u soon're doing so well coping with all of this, I'd have lost it days ago!.....Hang in there xxx
I think they might do otherwise why give u the steroids ?! They might wait till tomorrow though. Could b things happening when has my show last time it felt like it does then u get your period (tmi) and u just know your going to have to change your undies !! I had 1 lot of red sludge stuff ( sorry tmi) then just bits of brown . We r so attractive !! Hope it us a sign hunni really do. R doing so well I would b ranting at someone by now xxx
Thanks babe I've never had a show so I don't know what it looks like.. It feels like period cramps now and contractions have gone right down but the period cramping has taken over instead :roll:
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Hope they get everything sorted for you soon x
Asked mw.. they've given me paracetamol and checked my pad but I've been wiping so nothing there :wall:
I asked if I have all these contractions and nothing happens what will they do... N she said nothing :(
I've had the steroids so she's happy if we progress into full labour but doesn't seem like they'll help if things aren't moving but I'm in pain :(
Oh hunni hope that cos u have period type pains it might mean something is happening for u. Does it feel like the start with the girls ? Xxx
Oh no, they're not being very helpful are they.

Sorry I cant help about waters leaking, i've never been thro it naturally so dont know what to expect, mines came out in like 3 big pours if that makes sense & went into bad period type pains after.

Keep us up to date.

They've put me on monitor early.. Given me the movement clicker again.. Having contractions just not as regular.. Mire period n back pain..
I can't remember what the start pains were like 100% my waters always broke first... If I was full term n had none of these probs I'd say it was the start... But I'm so in denial coz I don't wanna think I am when I'm not u know?
Plus I had major irregular contractions with Ellie even in full blown labour... Was doubling up on me before a break :(
I would day trust your instincts u know your body best. When I was induced had period type pains them waters broke at 1 cm . When went natural had tightenings with period type pains from 10 am waters broke at 17.30 when I was 6 cm. I'm hopefully for u hunni xxx
I know what u mean, u dont want to get ur hopes up.

I'd say its not "normal" to have that many contractions. But i've never had the other issues you've had (blood in urine ect) so dont know what an infection for example would do.

I'm trying to remember what the advice normally is for checking waters, is it laying down for 30mins getting up & seeing if anything comes out? Have you tried that. If it was your waters i'd expect alot more to be coming out....soonish.


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