Feel So crappy today

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Oh i dont even know if i can put it into words.

I am worried about the appointment on the 15th, it feels like its impossible to get excited or even really care about Christmas this year

I am terrified of January and the due date.

I am worried about not being able to make another baby

I am scared of telling the council i lost the baby because they will remove a bedroom need from my account and then i will be stuck with shitty flats or nothing

I am scared Liam doesnt fancy me anymore

Just feel dreadful today, i feel like i have been highly strung for weeks and winding myself up about stupid things rather than actually focusing on whats real because i just cant
:hugs: oh hun sounbds like it has all got on top of you sweety and i dont blame you. i dont know what to say to make it better ( theres not much i can say ) so i just want to say keep your chin up as best you can sweety and we are all here for you to let it all out.

You have been so on top of everything recently its no wonder you have burnt out hun xx :hugs:
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ahhhh chick dont think about all the things your worried about , think about the good things in life....

it must be soooo natural to go through this stage of grieving and its ok to cry etc but try and let it out and then be positive and go forwards!
you have your health, and Liam (givent that your ttc im dure he MUST fancy you ) and a whole bunch of sympathetic ears on here!
try to think about the positives for chrsitmas and new year...how romantic to spend it as a couple make grown up adult plans for xmas...mulled wine....dinners out etc?
just try and get thru today and tomorrow will be better
I hate to say it hun but it sounds like PMT (or early pregnancy symptoms?? My PMT and early pregnancy symptoms are identical :shock:)

Once the appointment on 15th is out of the way then at least that is something else you can check off the list so to speak.

You will get excited about Christmas - Jasper will see to that!

The due date will be horrible - I suggest doing something nice with Liam and Jasper and then getting very pi55ed that night.

You will make another baby sweetie - you made two without even really 'trying' :)

I suggest not telling the Council yet as you could have your BFP this month? I would not volunteer any info to them unless you have to... You have had a lot going on and have been grieving so advising the Council was the last thing on your mind?

Of course Liam still fancies you, he may just be a little distant as he is dealing with this his own way. Also my OH said I was like a maniac after each M/c and he didn't know whether to hug me / give me intimacy or stay the Hell out of my way!!

It is just a bad day, you will have them hun! Tomorrow will be better

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Thanks guys x I would love to have some naughty adult fun over chrimbo but we still have Jasper to look after! I am just going to be reminded that there should be two of them (God i hope there are two next year)

FX for a christmas BFP
ahhh ok well naughty adult fun interspersed with fun kids stuff?!!!
he he
fx and buckets and buckets of baby dust xx
Liam still fancies you ,one thing that you should be aware of is that you are avery fertile woman and men are attracted to that,it is anatural thing that just happens,i know its hard to think positive when you have all that in your head but let your hair down,pamper yourself ,feel good about yourself(its hard) but try.when i was ttc my youngest who is now 3 and ahalf,i had laporoscopy to check my tubes were ok and after that you come out with abloated stomach and mind you i was ovulating the next week and i was still bloaded,i turned ablind eye to it and because i wanted to get pregnant so bad,i just went with the flow and guess what,i got pregnant.So relax,when you can i know its hard,and trust me most of the time that i was BD and trying to conceive i just did it for that didnt enjoy just cared about getting pregnant

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