February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Babybee, I'm the same as you. I had a scab at 7 weeks with my first as I had heavy bleeding and there's no way I can wait another 7 weeks for my first scan so am thinking about booking a private one when I'm 7 weeks. I just don't feel like I can relax until I see proof of bubs via a scan
I had a scab at 7 weeks and 10 weeks with my first. I cant wait until 12 weeks either, Im looking at booking one around 8 weeks with Babybond I think. Xx

How exciting! Momoftheboo bet it all feels real now! I cant wait for my booking in appointment. Xx

Ladies, I feel quite bloated too !
My IVF centre is doing my early pregnancy scan today so very anxious. Hope everything goes well. It is only after this I need to go my GP. Does the GP then refer you to the hospital for booking in ?

I will also need more scans besides the regular NHS ones.
Nic, Babybee - if you are thinking of any specific place in London for private scan please let me know
Oh wow good luck Prash! I'll be keeping everything crossed for you.

Are you north or south London? I'm north and Ive been to the Ultrasound Direct in the huge mothercare in Edmonton. I like it because you can drive and park there. But I think they have a clinic in the city - maybe Fenchurch street? Otherwise I've been to the babybond place in Highgate which is nice but both time they made us wait for ages and the waiting room is tiny but very busy.

Also a lot of hospitals in London let you self refer online. So you may not need to see the gp for that.
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Good luck for today Prash. My booking in has changed from the last time, I had to full in a online form through the hospital then a midwife calls you within 5 days to arrange the booking. I did mine on wedsnesday night so hoping to hear from them today or tomorrow. Still undecided about the private scan, I'm going to wait until I've spoken to the midwife and decide then
Babybee, I am northwest. I will probably look at the options in the city. Self referring sounds helpful so will check out. Also I am planning to ask at my IVF centre.

Thanks Nic !
Hope the scan went well Prash!

I made my booking in appointment today, it's not till the 4th July but excited that I have something to count down till!

Also had my return to work meeting today, decided not to tell my manager about being pregnant again I will face that when I return as should have had my 1st scan and things by then. I have agreed to return on a 15hr a week contract so huge weight off my mind and will only be for a few months anyway.

Hope everyone is doing well Xx
Nic, my self referral has a response time of 5 working days too. I did mine on Friday though so I'm eagerly awaiting their response.

How was the scan Prash?

Kimmy that's exciting about your booking in and I bet getting your hours sorted was a relief!
Hi ladies,

I'm a little confused. I have an appointment with my GP on 22nd June, is this my booking in appointment? Or will the GP refer me to a midwife at this appointment?

I'm feeling anxious as I still haven't had the tell tale symptoms and the slight cramping feeling has gone as well. Anyone else feeling the same?

Booked myself a private scan at 8 weeks for 9th July - something to look forward to! Xx

Hi ladies,

I'm a little confused. I have an appointment with my GP on 22nd June, is this my booking in appointment? Or will the GP refer me to a midwife at this appointment?

I'm feeling anxious as I still haven't had the tell tale symptoms and the slight cramping feeling has gone as well. Anyone else feeling the same?


My booking appointment is 30th June with a midwife you could always ring and check how many weeks would you be at that appointment?

I'm feeling exactly same I've been really bloated gassy and occasional back ache but apart from that nothing! Only 4 weeks plus 2! So maybe too early
I've had pains pretty much constantly for the last week, not stabbing pains but period type pains, hoping it's not a bad thing!
Babybee. The wait is so annoying isn't it, I had my phone pratically glued to my hand today waiting for it to ring
Hi ladies,

I'm a little confused. I have an appointment with my GP on 22nd June, is this my booking in appointment? Or will the GP refer me to a midwife at this appointment?

I'm feeling anxious as I still haven't had the tell tale symptoms and the slight cramping feeling has gone as well. Anyone else feeling the same?


My booking appointment is 30th June with a midwife you could always ring and check how many weeks would you be at that appointment?

I'm feeling exactly same I've been really bloated gassy and occasional back ache but apart from that nothing! Only 4 weeks plus 2! So maybe too early

Thanks! So to just confuse myself further I've just checked my diary and I have got the appointment down as 21 June...but in my pregnancy app put 22 June!! Can't remember which is correct, argh!!! I'll call the GP today to clarify and will tell them the reason I'm coming in. I'm 6+1 weeks today don't want to be waiting an age before I see a midwife.

This is my test this morning at 4+6 weeks. The line came up straight away even before the control line. I can happily stop testing now. :) xx

Hi ! My early scan went well yesterday :))) they measured sac size and checked heartbeat all good. EDD 3rd Feb.

So 6weeks 3days now. I must book a GP appointment now ! However no specific symptoms yet other than bloating, occasional nausea not sick yet, tiredness.
Luratraloora what a great line! I've been really good this time and only tested on the day af was due but did it twice! The line was really strong so I have a feeling there may be more than one in there

Oh Prash that's great news, I bet it was so exciting to see!!
Hi ! My early scan went well yesterday :))) they measured sac size and checked heartbeat all good. EDD 3rd Feb.

So 6weeks 3days now. I must book a GP appointment now ! However no specific symptoms yet other than bloating, occasional nausea not sick yet, tiredness.

Great news! Bet that was reassuring. Xx

Luratraloora that's a great line!

Prash that's so exciting!!! How reassuring. I can't wait to get scanned!
Hello! Positive digi this morning 1-2!

New to the forum so hope you don't mind me jumping straight in!

I think I am due 22nd Feb! But that will more than likely change.

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