February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind me peeking in? Congratulations on all your bfps and I'm keeping everything crossed that you all have happy and healthy pregnancies and babies.

I have just got a bfp but I feel like I'm treading on eggshells as in my last pregnancy I bled heavily for the first 20 weeks. I'm currently 14dpo and so far, no bleeding! Yay!
I already have 2 girls, one is almost 3 and a half and the other is almost 19 months. I was actually on the Feb 2013 due dates thread on this forum back in 2012. Time has flown by!
This bfp came as a surprise but a very welcomed one. I knew I was pregnant instantly as my house has a smell that only I can smell when I'm pregnant and on Sunday morning it hit me as I came down the stairs.
I'm also a huge poas addict!

Hi and welcome! I just got my bfp yesterday and feel like I am treading on eggshells too at the moment as I have suffered a MC before. I was on this forum too for April 2014 mums.

Hi all, I have just got my BFP today :) worked it out to be due 15th February eeek. This is my 3rd and final baby to make our family complete. I have a 7yr old Girl and a 5yr old boy. Early day's but super excited. xx
Huge congrats jj and babybee! :love: H&H 9 months to you both.

I'm so embarrassed to admit this but I've run out of pregnancy tests so I peed on an OKP earlier just for s**ts and giggles. I have to say, I got a darker line than I ever got TTC :roll:

My other half made me promise not to pee on anything else, its just so addictive seeing those 2 lines! The things we do to ourselves! :wall2:
Midwife booking in appt booked for 7th July at 9:20am. Ill be 8 weeks so exciting! Xx

Ohhh! How exciting. That'll soon be here.

I have mine on Thursday and I'll be 5+5, so I'll let you know what happens. When I called I did explain that I was really early but receptionist said it didn't matter as midwife would only be going through medical history etc. Guess different areas do things differently. Do you have to see a Dr first too? My place said not.

I'm trying to remember how it went with my daughter, but it feels so long ago I can't recall.
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I just started to feel nauseous too, mostly in the lunchtime and evening, breakfast seems to be fine :)
Other symptoms were "period-like" pain for a few weeks and extremely painful breasts. I'm 9 weeks now and it seems to be getting better! A little tiny bump showing already!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I heard some moms are bleeding a lot in their early pregnancies and they're still fine and healthy, I hope it will turn out to be the same for you :)
I'm new to this site, do you mind explaining what bfp means? (I feel like a dummie)
I'm 9 weeks now, waiting for my 12 week screening :)
Ohhh! How exciting. That'll soon be here.

I have mine on Thursday and I'll be 5+5, so I'll let you know what happens. When I called I did explain that I was really early but receptionist said it didn't matter as midwife would only be going through medical history etc. Guess different areas do things differently. Do you have to see a Dr first too? My place said not.

I'm trying to remember how it went with my daughter, but it feels so long ago I can't recall.

Oh wow that is early! No here no point as found out in my first pregnancy, make a note on my records, give me a leaflet, told me to take folic acid and to book an appt at Reception with the MW. They dont book you in until 8-9 weeks with the MW at my Docs surgery. Funny how they do things differently in different places. Xx

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and got my bfp yesterday! This is baby no.2 but it's been 6 years since the last time and I'm now officially a geriatric mum! Due date is 13th Feb from my dates :)
Hello! I'm Kate, due 1st Feb, booking in is 14th June. I'm unimaginably bloated, sore boobs (nips in particular!), waves of nausea and a total grump. Over the moon to be here though - I am so excited to have my second baby.. My daughter Poppy is already 4 though she's still my little babba :) I've also been waiting (im)patiently for a Feb mummies thread!!
Hi girls, so thrilled to be joining you all! I was on here from September then went AWOL and not really been on since new year! We've been trying since August miserably and finally (as it always seems!) we found out we were pregnant unexpectedly! We were otherwise concentrating on moving house and although I was due on on moving date last Friday didn't test til 2 days later and got our BFP on Sunday!

6 weeks tomorrow and due 1st February! :)
April xx
Annijkar, bfp means big fat positive, essentially a positive pregnancy test :) As for the bleeding thankfully that was with my last pregnancy. It was a subchrionic hematoma which was like a small clot on the uterus wall that kept bleeding out. Scared me witless at first but after a ridiculous amount of scans I was reassured a little.

Momoftheboo love that you tested on an opk! I've got tons left so I may try that too.

April, congrats on your pregnancy and I'm so jealous you waited until 2 days after your period was due to test! I wish I could've done that.

Did another frer and line is nicely darker than it was 2 days ago. I'm obsessed. How's everyone else doing?

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Think they are progressing nice and slowly - 3rd day since I got my bfp. I cant help myself I like to see progression hehe! Technically only 12DPO. Xx
Hi everyone!
Got my bfp yesterday still very early doors don't quite believe it myself!
EDD is 19th February!

Hope you all have a great pregnancy
April, congrats on your pregnancy and I'm so jealous you waited until 2 days after your period was due to test!

Thank you! I wouldn't have normally but we had so much on with the move I just didn't get round to it and when I finally remembered I'd already used my first wee of the day ha! X
Welcome and huge congratulations to the new BFP-ers! :dance: There are quite a few of us already!

Ladies, those are some lovely lines! You're both making me twitchy to pee on something!
Hello ladies,
Have been looking for a Feb 2017 thread , so glad to see you all here. Congratulations everyone !! My calculator says due date is 3rd Feb 2017, really excited.
Happy to meet you all and hope to share experiences through this journey. So far just bloating, some indigestion but definitely feeling very sleepy all the time and a bit tired !
I'm so tried I fell asleep in my son's bed tonight for a bit and I never do that! Phoned the doctors today and I have to book in through the hospital this time round which is odd, apparently the surgery doesn't get involved at all. At least I'll be seeing midwives all the way through which is a bonus. Have to wait up to a week for a call back from a midwife and you get a set midwife and her number which sounds great
I'm still waiting to hear from a midwife for the first time, hope it's soon!
As much as I'm excited about finally being pregnant I can't help but feel like it's a bit in my head... I feel like I don't really have any symptoms! I've been trying to drink more water/juice so I'm peeing a little more and boobs are a bit tender running up the stairs but that's it! And that can happen when your waiting for AF anyway! Now I'm not exactly wishing for sickness but just something to make me feel a bit more pregnant ha! Xx

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