February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Congrats Lilaco!!

I just used the second digital test and got a 3+ so I'm officially no longer testing!
I've still not heard nothing from a mw :/ so no booking in date yet. I'll be 7 weeks on Thursday. Not sure how long it's meant to take.
Congratulations Lilaco and welcome!!

Really pleased for you Prash!!

I've just handed in my form at the doctors so I wait to hear from a midwife now. Its changed since my last pregnancy, last time I saw the doctor first but now its just a self-referral form to the midwife.

Sheena I'm sure it will be fine I bet that your doctors still do a gp appointment first like mine used to. Hope you got sorted and found out the right date.

Thank you all. I had a bit of spotting now and not sure what to think. To be honest I am very nervous and confused now and I hope it stops. Just praying right now
Thank you all. I had a bit of spotting now and not sure what to think. To be honest I am very nervous and confused now and I hope it stops. Just praying right now

Try not to worry hun as said spotting can be quite common what colour is the spotting? Xx

Prash I would sometimes get a bit of bright red spotting after an internal scan. Apparently the wand can sometimes damage a couple of blood vessels. Also I was told the wand can dislodge any old blood that might be working its way out.
Try not to worry Hun. Seeing the heartbeat is a big sign all is ok.xxx
Thanks for your support girls... Really needed it.. I'm trying to keep myself distracted

This is brown blood. Had the scan yesterday so in that case I'm hoping it's because of that
Thanks for your support girls... Really needed it.. I'm trying to keep myself distracted

This is brown blood. Had the scan yesterday so in that case I'm hoping it's because of that

Brown blood is quite common hun, as the girls have said it will likely be from the scan. Likely old blood and you are not having any cramps either another good sign. Xx

Thanks for your support girls... Really needed it.. I'm trying to keep myself distracted

This is brown blood. Had the scan yesterday so in that case I'm hoping it's because of that

Hi prash

Did you say that yours is an ivf pregnancy? If so, so is mine and I had loads of brown spotting up to the point where I stopped taking the progesterone pessaries, they really irritated my cervix. Try not worry it is common in ivf pregnancies x
I've still not heard nothing from a mw :/ so no booking in date yet. I'll be 7 weeks on Thursday. Not sure how long it's meant to take.

I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and still not heard anything either. I've been trying to take it upon myself by asking to speak to the lady who will my midwife as I have questions about the Zika virus. I'm going to try and ring back in the morning and see if I can arrange my appointment too while I've got her. Xx
Congratulations Lilaco and welcome!!

Really pleased for you Prash!!

I've just handed in my form at the doctors so I wait to hear from a midwife now. Its changed since my last pregnancy, last time I saw the doctor first but now its just a self-referral form to the midwife.

Sheena I'm sure it will be fine I bet that your doctors still do a gp appointment first like mine used to. Hope you got sorted and found out the right date.


Thanks Princess61. Took forever to get through to the GP yday but finally did and found out my appointments on 21 June. Also told the receptionist why i was coming in and he said the doc will refer me. Just want time to speed up!

Prash great to hear your scan went well. Hope the spotting has stopped.

I rang yesterday and we have to make a gp appointment too. Silly really, I guess I probably did with my others but I don't remember! I think booking in I'd be about 8-10 weeks and then dating scan at 12 ish.

How's everyone feeling today? I'm fine so far. I usually have Hg in pregnancy so making the most of feeling good while I can!
I'm not feeling great today, not the pregnancy I think but I have a fever, sore throat and runny nose. Just been having hot water with lemon and honey. Taken the day off to relax and cosey up on the couch with a duvet.
Im 5 weeks today and apart from having a bit tender boobs, I wouldnt even know Im pregnant. Xx

Yeah, I get lower back pain quite often. Especially when mopping the floor, best get hubby to do that from now on ;)
How do I make a signature? I can't find the option in settings.
Jasmine - yes mine is IVF pregnancy, have been asked to take progesterone pessaries until 12 weeks scan. Thanks for letting me know !

Thankfully spotting has stopped now. Just occasional sharp pain in my abdomen, that must be uterus stretching I think.

Girls just thought of sharing some info around TSH levels (thyroid)- apparently it's got to be within specific levels for healthy pregnancy. So IVF centre checked thyroid levels before my embryo transfer and have put me on medication. Normally I don't see doctors check this, but I have learnt that this is important only from gynaecologist as the demands of the thyroid function increases during pregnancy some people are just fine while some need medication.

Nothing alarming but worth knowing so can check with midwife if needed.
Yeah, I get lower back pain quite often. Especially when mopping the floor, best get hubby to do that from now on ;)

Had a really bad bout of it to the point I could barely move!
Rung gp who said it was early for lower back pain as I'm so early on and he would only be worried with severe stomachache and bleeding

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