What do we think we are having?!

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I know its early days for me yet...But I'd love a little girl!!

I've already got a boy, and so would love for a girl!!......Only time will tell tho...but as long as bumps healthy ultimately I'm not fussed!!
Me and my other half keep referring to it as a she for some reason. He already has a son. Maybe I think this because I'd prefer a gir, although I am one or 7 girls and I have 11 nieces too. I don't mind what I have but I know his mum really wants a grandaughter!
Ooh just noticed this thread again - I was right!!! He's a boy!
hoping for a girl , would be happy with either but cant think of a boys name ! at mo no idea what it might be tho , i dreamt i had lil girl tho and chinese precitor says lil girl
G3M said:
hoping for a girl , would be happy with either but cant think of a boys name ! at mo no idea what it might be tho , i dreamt i had lil girl tho and chinese precitor says lil girl

oooooh hope so hunny - you never know! :D
I think boy..... this is fun! I wouldn't mind either way tho.
I wanted a boy with my 1st, DH wanted a girl - and a girl she was.

Again, I would like a boy, DH would like a girl - so girl it will be :rotfl:

I don't mind though - we have had a beautiful girls name picked out for a long time (plus we would have lots of pick stuff - the high chair, pushchair etc :rotfl: already) and I would love 2 sisters to grow up close like my sisters-in-law so either way I'll be very happy :)
I went to the hairdressers today and she said that she has a feeling I am having a boy!

At the moment I have no idea! :)
OH would like a girl so we have one of each. I can't decide, a girl would be nice because I'd love to buy cute dresses and play with barbies. But on the other hand I really wouldn't mind a boy. I think James would prefer a brother.
I wouldn't be surprised if I have a boy because I have had daydreams about it.
I had daydreams about my cat before I got him and he looked just like he does now.
im having real boy vibes now , and remembered that on honeymoon i had my palm read and he said i was gonna have 2 boys !
thinking pink big time!! my sister has a boy and my brother has 2 boys, and my little sister has a stepson, so my mom really wants a granddaughter, and id LOVE to have a girl :)
I'm thinking its a girl. Been craving sweet things plus I'm a total pink person. Please could you add me to the list. Thanks Danielle x
more then lickly a girl because im constantly sick and am huge already
manda xx
i saw four magpies today which means it ~Must be a boy LOL
no idea!

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