February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Have lower back pain I'm only 4weeks plus 4 is this normal?

I started last week with really bad lower back pain so I would have been about 4-5 weeks then. Mines worse after I've been in bed all night, its waking me up at about 6am and then too bad to get back to sleep again �� I've just got one of those v shaped pillows to see if that helps. Hope yours settles down xxx
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How do I make a signature? I can't find the option in settings.

If you click on 'user cp' at the top left, then under settings the second one down should say 'edit signature' You need to go on a website such as lilypie or thebump and create a ticker, then copy and paste the link into the edit signature box. I hope that makes sense!! �� xxx
Hi all,

Venturing here somewhat hesitantly as it's still so early. I got my BFP last weekend and have booked my first appointment with the midwife (that's how things are done here- you don't go to the doctor for a blood test but you will get a midwife at 8-12 weeks to get your first scan) on July 14th. I might be switching though as the practice I contacted isn't flexible in regards to times for appointments (working full-time+commute). I called another one yesterday and they said they are actually open one evening per week plus I could at least get appointments on Fridays (mornings or end-of-day).

Symptoms-wise, nothing too bad. My boobs do twinge a little, mostly I feel like Aunt Flo is going to arrive anytime. No nausea yet, thank god. Hope it stays that way- I have some important presentations and conferences to attend at WK9 and I'm desperately hoping it'll be under control. My company is great but my manager is a driven, single man. No one in my office is a mum with young children (at least, college-aged) although there are a few dads (all with stay-at-home-wives or wives who work 2-3 days a week) so I'm really hoping to not be 'that weak pregnant woman'.

When are you telling family/friends/work?

I'm thinking parents, siblings and best friends: after the first scan
Others: after the first trimester
Work: after the 20-week scan
Hi all,

Venturing here somewhat hesitantly as it's still so early. I got my BFP last weekend and have booked my first appointment with the midwife (that's how things are done here- you don't go to the doctor for a blood test but you will get a midwife at 8-12 weeks to get your first scan) on July 14th. I might be switching though as the practice I contacted isn't flexible in regards to times for appointments (working full-time+commute). I called another one yesterday and they said they are actually open one evening per week plus I could at least get appointments on Fridays (mornings or end-of-day).

Symptoms-wise, nothing too bad. My boobs do twinge a little, mostly I feel like Aunt Flo is going to arrive anytime. No nausea yet, thank god. Hope it stays that way- I have some important presentations and conferences to attend at WK9 and I'm desperately hoping it'll be under control. My company is great but my manager is a driven, single man. No one in my office is a mum with young children (at least, college-aged) although there are a few dads (all with stay-at-home-wives or wives who work 2-3 days a week) so I'm really hoping to not be 'that weak pregnant woman'.

When are you telling family/friends/work?

I'm thinking parents, siblings and best friends: after the first scan
Others: after the first trimester
Work: after the 20-week scan

Congratulations Little_pip ! Welcome to this exciting journey. Best to listen to your body, your body will tell you how much you can take. So carry on until then :)
I have told my family and close friends. At workplace I have told my boss as I needed the flexibility due to my fertility treatment. Not other colleagues though.

Normally people would tell at work around 20 wk scan unless it's really showing :dance:
Just booked my first appointment for 28th June! Can't wait to get the ball rolling!

We've told parents, siblings and a few friends so far and im 7 weeks. We've also told our boss each too as I work in a bar so don't really want to be asked to carry crates/boxes or trays of glasses and also so I hopefully won't be getting many weekend nights where I go could get bumped. Hubs told his boss as she is a good friend of ours and is telling his Head as she goes on sick until September as of tomorrow so it's best she knows as our first scan will probably be school time. Xx
Welcome Little_pip!

For the past few days I've had nausea all day. Today absolutely nothing! I hope it doesn't mean anything bad.
I'm not telling anyone until after the 12 week scan so long as all is OK!
Heloooo ladies. I'm going to dip my toe in after a bfp yesterday (haven't been on pf much at all)

I'm Laura - 37 and a lttc lady. I took 2 years to fall pregnant with my little girl, (who's now 2.5) and had a miscarriage nov 2014 so it's taken 18 months for me to fall again. Only 4 weeks so I know it's early days right now.

I hate tri 1 with a passion (I also have a massive phobia of being sick so hope I don't suffer!!)

I loved this forum last time and made a really lovely friend out of it (hey fliss)

I hope you all have a happy and healthy 9 months :) x
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Heloooo ladies. I'm going to dip my toe in after a bfp yesterday (haven't been on pf much at all)

I'm Laura - 37 and a lttc lady. I took 2 years to fall pregnant with my little girl, (who's now 2.5) and had a miscarriage nov 2014 so it's taken 18 months for me to fall again. Only 4 weeks so I know it's early days right now.

I hate tri 1 with a passion (I also have a massive phobia of being sick so hope I don't suffer!!)

I loved this forum last time and made a really lovely friend out of it (hey fliss)

I hope you all have a happy and healthy 9 months :) x

Welcome!! I only found out a week ago and still really nervous about being here! My daughter is 2 years old too.

I hattee sickness and being sick too. Nothing worse. Xx
Fingers crossed we have sickness free pregnancies!! How were you with your first?

It's defintely nerve wracking - it goes so slow too!
Fingers crossed we have sickness free pregnancies!! How were you with your first?

It's defintely nerve wracking - it goes so slow too!

I had sickness for a week or two started around 6 weeks but got tablets from the Docs which really helped. How about you? It be so hard this time round taking care of a toddler with sickness.

Defo - I had a MC too first too round I got pregnant so Im always wary. Im most scared about having a missed miscarriage so have a private scan at 8 weeks to put me at ease somewhat. Xx

I felt sick but wasn't physically sick. I'm so scared I wore bands and had accupuncture (which I think I'll do again) I've heard some people say second pregnancies are better but then others say it's worse!!

I had early scans from fertility clinic last time and also paid for a couple as I bled. I don't know whether to this time or not.
I felt sick but wasn't physically sick. I'm so scared I wore bands and had accupuncture (which I think I'll do again) I've heard some people say second pregnancies are better but then others say it's worse!!

I had early scans from fertility clinic last time and also paid for a couple as I bled. I don't know whether to this time or not.

Oooh does the acupuncture help? I may invest in sea sickness bands. Xx

I think it did but I'm too scared to not have it in case it's worse without it ha ha! I just try everything going!! X
Nice meeting you ladies. How bad is the nausea, really? Just curious if it's a general mild sick feeling or do you feel absolutely horrible like you'd almost rather die... Trying to steel myself;)
I am petrified of being sick - I've had a massive phobia since a child. I get sick but never to the point of being sick and it was manageable and only for the first part. It's hard to say though as everyone gets it so differently. My sister couldn't keep water down. I'm praying I'm a lucky this time round!
Hi LD1978 and welcome!

First pregnancy I was nauseous from 8-16 weeks but it wasn't ever terrible, just heightened sense of smell made me hate a lot of random things. I was sick twice. Second pregnancy, it came in waves every now and again but otherwise it was fine and I wasn't ever sick...just 20 weeks worth of bleeding instead.

My midwife called me from my previous 2 pregnancies and has arranged my booking in appointment which will be at home thankfully. I don't have to drag my 2 monsters there and have them watch me whilst I pee into those teeny tubs. It's the 29th June. I'm also booking a private scan for when I'll be nearish 9 weeks. Fingers crossed all is well until then. If I had a crystal ball which showed me having a healthy baby and all was well then I'd love the first tri when noone else knows, but as it stands, I hate it!
also anyone else with a previous section scar? I'm getting little pains there, like mini stabbing pains. I've had 2 sections but after the first pregnancy I didn't get this type of pain until I got to around 20 weeks. Anyone else feel something similar?X
Thanks babybee :)

That's nice booking in at home. I haven't even called docs yet as going to wait a bit longer after last time x
Hi to all the new Feb mummies! I've been feeling sick on and off and was sick last Friday after a lot of exercise. In my last pregnancy I started to feel sick at about 7 weeks and it lasted until about 14 weeks. I was thinking of getting an amber bracelet as I read somewhere that in can help, has anyone else tried one before?
I'm still waiting for a call from the midwife re my booking in appt, it's been a week since I contacted them and I hate waiting.

How have your pains been? I've been having pains pretty much constantly for the last week and it's starting to worry me as I don't remember them being like this last time
also anyone else with a previous section scar? I'm getting little pains there, like mini stabbing pains. I've had 2 sections but after the first pregnancy I didn't get this type of pain until I got to around 20 weeks. Anyone else feel something similar?X

Ive got a section scar but so far having no stabbing pain. How many weeks are you?

I felt nauseous and was sick. Had it 6-8 weeks. Though I remember at about 13 weeks out the blue on way to work when driving I suddenly felt sick and luckily had my carrier bag with my lunch in it and just quickly grabbed it and threw up... whilst driving. I did quickly pull over when I could. For me I found it could just come on out of the blue. Xx


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