February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

I know what you mean April. I'm waiting for the sickness and I know I'll hate it when it comes but will make things seem more real. My sickness started at 7 weeks last time and I'm only 4+2 at the mo
Hi everyone!
Got my BFP yesterday. Just about sinking in today!! EDD 11th February by my calculator. Makes me 4 weeks which means the size of a poppy seed! I love that! :)
Excited to share this journey with you all! Congratulations! Xx
I'm still waiting to hear from a midwife for the first time, hope it's soon!
As much as I'm excited about finally being pregnant I can't help but feel like it's a bit in my head... I feel like I don't really have any symptoms! I've been trying to drink more water/juice so I'm peeing a little more and boobs are a bit tender running up the stairs but that's it! And that can happen when your waiting for AF anyway! Now I'm not exactly wishing for sickness but just something to make me feel a bit more pregnant ha! Xx

I'm the exact same I know people wouldn't want any symptoms but I'd love one right now to make it all seem a little more real!
Well and truly got the nausea set in today. Took all my oomph to go to aldi this morning and had to buy some ginger nuts on way round to try ease it.
Well and truly got the nausea set in today. Took all my oomph to go to aldi this morning and had to buy some ginger nuts on way round to try ease it.

Ohh no poor you! How many weeks are you? I am not looking forward to the nausea stage, Id happily bypass this if I could. Xx

I'm 6 weeks today. It's still rolling about now and just off to work with it now, hope I can keep it in looking after 30 kids! X
I'm 6 weeks today. It's still rolling about now and just off to work with it now, hope I can keep it in looking after 30 kids! X

Oh no! Are you in Education?

I've been prepared for a few days and keep a pack of chewy in my bag for when I'm at work just in case it comes! I know as soon as I'm sick at work everyone will know ha! We've been trying for a while so as much as its expected, it would still be a shock to them all! I'm trying to think of symptoms I wouldn't mind having to make it a bit more real... :eh: xx
Fantastic to have found this forum and officaly be able to say after LTTC our due date is 07/02/17 and ES 26/06/2016 :dance:
Hi ladies!

Can I join please? Its my first time on this forum and I'm 5wks and 3 days pregnant and due on 6th Feb 2017 :)

I took the test before AF was due as I was feeling a little strange that day. Was very surprised to see a BFP. I was talking to my OH the previous week about trying OPK next month!! He was just as shocked!!

Haven't had any symptoms as such, had period pain type feelings last weekend but that seems to have gone now. Feeling bloated but nothing crazy.

Taken the test a few times now as I keep need to reassure myself that I am pregnant. I've booked a GP's appointment but that's on 22nd June.

How is everyone feeling? Any other first time mummies?

Congratulations girls!

I'm due 1st Feb and my birthday is the 7th so it will be a crazy month! I'm a first time mummy Sheena :) xx
Hello there, I am pretty close 5wks 6days.just bloated. But I do feel very tired most of the time.

Mine is from IVF so they had done the blood test 2 weeks ago and I didn't want to do further tests myself ! Monday is an early pregnancy scan following which I plan to book a GP appointment !
I am keen to see more pregnancy symptoms :)
Good luck with everything
So exciting to have an early scan Prash! A friend of mine is waiting to see if her IVF has worked and finds out at the weekend. Really hoping she gets her good news xx
No not really! I had lunch around 2 and the last half hour I've been really hungry but I dont think that's pregnancy related haha! X
Haha I have been very hungry too.. So it's ok to call this a preg symptom lol.. I do t mind some sickness ;)

Hope it works out well for your friend ! Good luck
Haha yeah a part of me wants it so I feel pregnant and then people will start guessing and although it's still early, I want the world to know ha!

Me too, thanks! Xx
Haha yes, more symptoms please pregnancy gods! That said, I have been feeling quite nauseous the last couple of days.. I wasn't sick once in my first pregnancy though so I'm not too concerned about not getting sick! (How weird does that sound?!) I have been having some twinges in my tummy.. They're few and far between but when I have them they do feel quite painful and quite low down which is always concerning but hoping it's just my uterus getting ready :) Hope you're all ok today xx
I'm 6 weeks today. It's still rolling about now and just off to work with it now, hope I can keep it in looking after 30 kids! X

Oh no! Are you in Education?

I've been prepared for a few days and keep a pack of chewy in my bag for when I'm at work just in case it comes! I know as soon as I'm sick at work everyone will know ha! We've been trying for a while so as much as its expected, it would still be a shock to them all! I'm trying to think of symptoms I wouldn't mind having to make it a bit more real... :eh: xx

Yeah I'm in infants. Had my head over a bin a couple times so think I'm gonna have to explain to my boss maybe. I don't like the nauseous feeling but I'm taking it all as a good sign xx
Ooh noo! Yeah maybe best! It's definitely all good signs xx
This is my test this morning. Very very happy with test!




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