February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Hi all - welcome and congrats to new BFP-ers! This is so exciting!

I with you all on the nausea! I've not actually been sick yet, but it came close this morning when I was brushing my teeth! I don't want to tell my work yet as there is a temporary position coming up within my team, it's a 12 months mat cover and a higher pay scale than me and I want to go for it. I know your employers can't penalise you for being pregnant but I don't want to give them the chance to find away around it.
That's a fab line Laura. Great progression!

Congratulations to all the new bfps!!

Momoftheboo, good for you, I'd do exactly the same. They can't penalise you but they can certainly come up with other reasons why you didn't get it if they were to find out.
I used to work in finance but decided not to go back after my second as they did something 'creative' to my job which basically meant a whole load more work. When they found out I was pregnant with my second, I had to be signed off for a few weeks and when I returned they had a discussion about moving me to a different area. All a bit rubbish really.
I have recently started up my own business though which I am loving! Although I have clients coming today and I feel rough!

I got my 2-3 on a digi yesterday, around 16dpo. Was so excited. But I'm out of tests now but want to get a 3+ so will be splashing out on another one next week.
I have nausea too but I wasn't sure this was in my head? I'm only 4+5. Who knows!
Hi ladies how is everyone

Wondering how the working ladies are managing. I do feel a lot drowsy. I have told at work about my pregnancy as they are aware of my IVF. I have agreed some flexibility for now like going late, and when rk from home a couple of days - I didn't want to run around and London Underground can be horrible. But I wish I can be signed of for few weeks after maybe 2-3 weeks just so I can look after myself well. Not sure if there are others who feel this way
Hi ladies how is everyone

Wondering how the working ladies are managing. I do feel a lot drowsy. I have told at work about my pregnancy as they are aware of my IVF. I have agreed some flexibility for now like going late, and when rk from home a couple of days - I didn't want to run around and London Underground can be horrible. But I wish I can be signed of for few weeks after maybe 2-3 weeks just so I can look after myself well. Not sure if there are others who feel this way

Id love to be off work for just a couple weeks to get the sleep I seem so deprived of lately. No chance though :( although as I work in a school I'll be getting six weeks off shortly so that'll help massively!

Just wondering if any ladies here have a previous csection scar???? Mine has completely popped out! I've no longer got the overhang. I'm assuming as this it number 4 I'll show sooner maybe but could possibly be bloating too? Xx
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Yes i've heard that after your first pregnancy subsequent pregnancies show faster as your stomach muscles are shot! I feel like i'm showing already and i'm only 6+3.. Part bloating, part podge and part uterus popping straight back out I think! Haha.. I work from home and have a 4 year old which is hard work but I do feel blessed not having that whole early morning routine to contend with.. I had a really demanding job during my 1st pregnancy (50+hour weeks plus weekends on rota) and found it incredibly difficult!
I work in London too Prash, wish I didn't have too! I'm starting to really worry about twins. I go my bfp on the day my period was due and it was a really dark line on first response test almost as dark as the other line and I was sick today and I'm only 4+4
Prash I'm in London too and hated the tube commute. If you feel super anxious about it all it might be worth seeing your gp as they may well suggest taking a bit of rest considering its IVF? I do know a couple of people who have done this. One lady got signed off for a month whilst she just relaxed.xx
Hello ladies,

Very hesitant to be joining already, I got my bfp yesterday morning and by dates estimate I will be due 17th Feb although have a feeling I will be put back at my scan as I'm sure I ovulated late. I was nervous to tell my hubby so I just left the positive test in the toilet and waited for him to notice but he didn't until about 9.30pm it was the longest evening ever lol.

I feel a bit crazy and nervous, I have a DD who is only 9 months old and I am still on maternity so that will be an interesting conversation with my manager as I have worked out I will only be returning for 3 months or so as its a physical, emotional and mentally challenging job so will finish quite early again if I can, I don't think I will be returning after this baby either.

Can't wait to start having appointments and things but hope the sickness stays away, had it so bad with DD I was sick from beginning till a few days after she was born lol.

Happy heathy 9months everybody, can't wait to share this journey with you all Xx
Welcome Kimmy and big big congrats!!!

Is anyone going abroad this summer? I'm meant to be going to Italy in July but am now starting to worry about the possible Zika threat. Is anyone else in the same position?xxx
Im going to santorini in September. I thought it was just African countries where it was? Xx

Congrats Kimmy!! <3
I was sat doing a bit of research this morning Babybee as i'm going to Gran Canaria in July. As far as I can gather at the moment the only high risk European country is Madeira, I think Italy was on the moderate risk list but it's certainly not a country with 'active transmission' status.. I am a natural worrier and it has been stressing me out but I just think sometimes with things like this they've been around for decades and without the media coverage we'd not even be thinking about it...That said I certainly couldn't be paid to go to South America! I plan on staying covered up and taking all the precautions that are safe... I've heard wonderful things about Avon's 'skin so soft' moisturiser as a repellent so i'm going to try that, i'm also going to be grilling the midwife at my booking in on Tuesday so i'll relay anything of interest!
Yep I'm off to Corfu in September, I don't think there is any threat of Zika virus in Europe?!
I think I couldn't sleep last night so started reading endless articles on zika and the mosquitos etc etc that I got myself into a massive panic. Was even looking up pop up mosquito nets to go over the bed! But you're right KateK, it is a moderate risk and it could well have been there for some time without us knowing. Thanks for the tip on the Avon cream, I'll look it up!

Kimmy and Luratraloora, from all my panic research this morning I read that there are no cases at all in Europe but the WHO are predicting that there could be an outbreak in southern Europe because a certain type of mosquito can pass the disease onto humans and with summer coming up these mosquitos will start to breed again which in itself is fine as there is no known zika cases for them to pass around. However with things like the olympics coming up and tourists going to and from Brazil and other south american countries there is a worry that when they return to southern europe, if they are infected, the mosquito able to carry Zika could bite them and pass it on to someone else.
Who knows though! At the moment there is no threat and I reckon (now Im a bit saner than i was at 5am) so long as you cover up and use repellent etc then it's fine.
Laura hope you rest well during your time off from school ! 6 weeks will be fab

Nic - all the best sickness is a good sign :)

Babybee- thanks yeah taking some time off will help. I still haven't gone to gp, so will need to let them know first.
Re travel I would be very worried if I were to go to the US, Europe should be fine
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Hi Kimmy and congratulations! :dance:

I'm so nervous about this Zika virus, but I'm too scared to research it as I know it will send me into a mini-frenzy too! So I can totally relate to that babybee. I think ignorance is bliss for me with Zika at the minute! 

Had my booking in appt last week and was expecting to be told off for it being so early (although I did explain it to the reception when I called), but no - my midwife is lovely. They mainly asked questions about my last pregnancy and a little bit of family history, although the family history side didn't seem to be discussed as much as with my first. Did blood pressure, took blood and wee samples and was given this bounty pack thing with my notes in. I also got a form I needed to send off so I could get free prescriptions and dentistry. I was told that I would get my scan date in the post in a few weeks and sent on my merry way. It took around 45 mins in total.

One thing that was also new from last time is that the district midwives now do home visits between 8-10 weeks, so that's happening in a few weeks. To be honest, I'm not sure what will be discussed at this one, so I'll let you all know :)
Hi girls.

I'm going to Disney in Florida at the end of July (and now will be main bag lady haha) I've never heard of Zika virus, what is it dare I ask?

I had my first 'moment' yesterday. Flipped my lid at hubs and was so shocked that it had happened I cried some more after I'd stormed off haha! Its starting! Xx
Hi girls.

I'm going to Disney in Florida at the end of July (and now will be main bag lady haha) I've never heard of Zika virus, what is it dare I ask?

I had my first 'moment' yesterday. Flipped my lid at hubs and was so shocked that it had happened I cried some more after I'd stormed off haha! Its starting! Xx

Here is some information on it. It can cause defects in unbabies I believe in pregnant women.


Here are the affected areas too in America if its any help:-

Bethany, I feel the same! So bloated. I have a natural 'pouch' stomach leftover from my last two pregnancies and the bloatedness is making my belly embarrassingly big.

Momoftheboo, oh that must have made things seem so real! How exciting!! Do you get your maternity exemption card application at this appointment? I've forgotten when we get the forms to send off for one. I need to go to the dentist, so it'd be super handy!!

I finally plucked up the guts to do the self referral to my hospital so a midwife should contact me this week for a booking in appointment.

Anyone considering paying for an early scan? In my first pregnancy, I had spotting at 8 weeks and my epu scanned me. My second I had 6 nhs scans before I got to 12 weeks due to really heavy bleeding. I have no clue how im going to get through the next 7 weeks without one but I also hope I have no reason to need one other than pure curiosity that the baby is growing well!
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