*****February 2016 Mummies******

Hi everyone I'm expecting my first little bean, i think im due around 23rd of February :)
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Hope everything is well mrshttc! Xx

Welcome dmjh!

All i managed to eat and keep down yesterday was 1 peach and half a glass water. I have had a toast this morning and some water. Everything smells so strongly!! Im worried about being dehydrated.
Tganks lv morning sickness sucks I'm dreading it lol... how far are you ? My friend gave me a tip for staying hydrated, have u tryed sucking ice cubes or a ice pop ?? My friend had really bad morning sickness and this helped her keep hydrated lv x
Hello everyone!

I got my bfp yesterday making my estimated due date 29th Feb. Still early days but hope I get to share my journey with you all! Hope everyone is feeling well xx
So still bleeding heavily from Tuesday and just done a test which is negative (think I could see a faint line but should of been clearer by now if I was still pregnant) I'm going to say bye and head back to ttc. Hope you all have a happy and healthy pregnancy x
Sorry Mrst thinking of you
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Sorry to hear your news MrsT. Think of you. Sending lots of hugs.

Well the scan went well this morning. Everythings fine. Was good to see little bubba in there and had a good heart beat. Been put forward 1 day so 8 weeks 4 days now and due 1st February. Xx
I'm so sorry mrs t. Good luck with your ttc.

I've got my booking in appointment in the 16th July. Time can't go quick enough
Sorry to hear this MrsT.

Things all quiet here apart from the desperate morning sickness. Well, it actually lasts all day and I HATE it. Feel dire. Have told hubby no more kids after this one!!
So sorry to hear that MrsT xx

Oh god girls is anyone really really fed up of the sickness now?! I have had a few tearful moments recently. It's just so hard to function normally! OH is being lovely and understanding but I'm really finding it hard (eating incredibly restricted diet, queasy/vomiting all the time, so tired and emotional). This is so tough!! It feels so mad that we have to carry on working through this!! Is anyone else having a bad patch? I'm 8+3 at the moment... Xxx
I've had no sickness so far, just queasy. Tired all the time, daren't take my bra off (it hurts too much).

Not very happy with the OH right now. Got up to make myself something to eat (I'm feeling a bit poorly today so haven't been to the shop) only to find that he's eaten all the things I'd planned to have for "emergency" lunches when he's at work over the weekend...Ended up with bran flakes and a banana...
So sorry mrst take Hun!

I've been lucky as far as the sickness goes not actually been sick, felt how I can only describe as hungover which is Truely awful!
It's the tiredness that is killing me I can barely function and just thinking about going to work and doing a full day is awful!
I'm 8 + 3 now can't eat much except weetabix and banana ohh how exciting I hope the tiredness and food aversions pass sometime soon I really do xx
Today I threw up 3 times before heading to work at 7.30am. It leaves me feeling so knackered! I'm trying hard not to tell them at work but these last two weeks before I break up for the summer hols are going to be nightmarish....
Sorry to hear so many are feeling so sick, I unfortunately feel exactly the same, it's so horrible isn't it and I agree feels just like a really awful hangover. Whoever called it morning sickness originally obviously never experienced the almost constant all day nausea either! Blurgh I'll stop moaning now! I went to the docs earlier to get some anti-sickness (I had them last time) so fingers crossed they'll take the edge off. Anyway, hope you're all well otherwise! X
Grrr. Came home to an answer phone message from the midwife I'm meant to be seeing on Friday asking if I could rearrange. This is after they cancelled my appt last week and moved it to this Fri! How the hell am I meant to be keeping it secret from work when they keep dicking me around like this?! As a teacher I can't just 'book an hour off' whenever I like, or use time off in lieu - I've had to get special cover in to release me for Fri afternoon! I'm going to ring and kick up a bit of a stink. I've been flexible but they are starting to get on my bobbin now!!!
That's not great! I'd definetely explain how you've already changed once and it's difficult for you to keep moving your appointment as your a teacher.

I think I've got my little boys cold as I've got a sore throat :(

I was feeling really sick all yesterday but I think that's because I was so tired, feel much better after a good nights sleep last night.
My boobs are feeling quite tender and fuller today, especially my nipples, never had this with my last pregnancy so hoping this is a good sign that I will be able to breast feed longer
Booking in done today so 19 days to scan.Can't waitress hoping the sickness starts to pass.
Don't think the heat has helped but I've felt awful today
I didn't manage to keep anything down until 5pm and I started work at 7am this morning. I had to let the girls at work know as working in a nursery there are rules about sickness and time off. Wish I didn't have to to but I can't afford to have 2 days off every time I'm sick
28 days till the scan! Can't come soon enough

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