Favourite Cloth nappies?

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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I never thought I'd have an opinion on a cloth nappy but I do!

I love Itti Bitti AIO (All in ones) and these are the ones I make sure are ready for out and about as I can trust them for 3/4 hours without a leak

Tots Bots bamboozles are my at home nappy of choice - they are fitted and you need a wrap (waterproof cover) over them.

I have a Weenotions night nappy that is amazing!! My favourite bed time cloth.

My Weenotions pocket is a huge favourite although I'm not sure what inserts (the absorbent bit you put inside the 'pocket') to use....any suggestions (Terrie!)

What do you love? What would you recommend?
I'm still to try them but I have a selection ready to go:

Bambino Mio
Tots Bots
Pop In (AIO)
Junior Joy folds

:) I can feel the green energy exuding from me already!
I totally LOVE my bamboozles I use home made PUL and FLeece wraps that I have personalised for him!

I did like bum genius but have fallen out with them recently while my trusted bamboozles have been there from day 1
weenotions my fave!! after trying all the rest i soon gave up and started building my weenotions collection!

lisa they do sell inserts on weenotions website and i found the babykind inserts and boosters were lovely
I think I'll try them then. I get a great fit with the Weenotions but I didnt want to just assume I needed their inserts.

what material do you find best for the inserts and boosters? I'm seeing lots of bamboo obviously but I see hemp too....
I was looking at Fuzzi Bunz one-size pockets - anybody have experience with these?
I've not tried the Fuzzi Bunz but I have heard good things.

I now have Hebe AND Sid both in cloth. She's wearing Cushie Tushie Coutures and Issy Bears. Both Aussie made nappies and I;m really impressed. The Issy Bear inserts are so good I'm buying extra to stuff my other pockets with :)
All this is great Reading! I would love to go cloth botty with both my babies but people keep putting me off! They say it's too expensive and alot of hard work, is this true? Xx
I dont find it had work at all. I'm in a routine with my washing and drying now so it doesnt seem a chore at all. You can spend silly money on them if you want to. I've got both Hebe and Sid in cloth now and I've bought 'birth to potty' nappies that Hebe is using now and will be fine for Sid once she's done with them. I suppose I can save more with having one to hand down to. We were spending £12 every 10 day on nappies for Hebe so even though she will only be in them for 6 months or so it was more cost effective to buy her a set of cloth nappies. Sid's been in them full time since 2/3 weeks so after my initial outlay I just sell to fund more and have bought a few new ones but over all I'm saving loads. Plus there's the land fill aspect so it's nice to think that I'm not adding anymore nappies to the hundreds I've already used with Emily and Hebe! :)
With my 1st 2, all that I really knew about were kushies. Wasn't too fussed on them really.

This time I have bought some:
Bumgenius (which I can't wait to try)
tots bots bamboozles (look so cute and colourful)
Little lambs bamboo ones (heard they weren't brilliant tbh but we'll see)
Great reading guys x can't wait to try cloth nappies x
I loved the TB Bamboozles for at home and especially when he was little :)
I have (thanks to MM) 3 first size mio and tots bots wraps and the same number of underneaths (bamboozles).... am thinking that I should invest in some more fitteds to go into them... but not sure which ones to get to try
right, i have decided, i wanna have a crack at these nappies. is anyone selling a few or is there a starter or trial pack i can get my hands on?

Lisa, i am counting on ya for support like, i haven't a clue about these things xx

(p.s. i wanna try them for both the babies, so i will need all nighters for jacob) xx

I think the best thing to do is to nosey round first and decide what you like the look of or might like to try. Then it's worth picking up some used ones to see how you like each type before buying too many of one type.

Pre owned is the way to start IMO. Buy an one of each you fancy trying and take it from there. New nappies need washing up to 8 times to get up to full absorbancy so thats done when you buy a used one!

As far as the lingo and whats what, I thought I'd never get my head around it but it's simple.
You have fitted or prefold nappies which work like the old terry ones but they dont need folding and have velcro/applix or poppers to fasten. These need a wrap which is the equivalent of the old plastic pants only modern breathable materials. You can reuse the 'wrap' a couple of times if it's not dirty and just pop in a new fitted nappy/prefold.

You have AIO - All in ones - and they are basically everything above in one. They have the absorbent part in the waterproof part and you chuck the lot in the wash.

The other main ones are called pockets. They are the outer waterproof part with a pocket that you insert the absorbent 'boosters' or 'inserts' in to.

Everything else is a slight variation on the same themes.

Liners are a different thing and they are either flushable or fleece. I use fleece after finding flushables a pain. They just scrunch up in the nappy. The fleece also keeps them dry as moisture only goes one way but they arent a 'must have'.

As far as what to get I was lucky with Hebe to hit a nappy that I bought for Sid and it turned out to fit her perfectly. One size or birth to potty (BTP) are great when they are older as they are basically a large nappy that can be poppered down smaller.
I love my Itti Bitti AIO (didnt like the SIO though) and I got on well with Fuzzi Buns too so will definately try to get more of those.

Maley had Kushie Tushies too but they are very old and stained but i have bought Remi a Issy Bear BTP one which i will put Maley in and have a Funky Nappy and a TotsBots on its way for Maley!
I have several nappies. The prefolds (cotton ones) I have bamboo prefolds and the motherease one size fits most (? ) (cotton nappies).

I must say I love the prefolds cotton since they soak up a lot of moisture and they stay dry at the back (if you change them often enough), I use hemp boosters in them since my boy really pees a lot and when he does he is a hoser (meaning he pees so much and hard that it could come through without a booster since it is directed to one place while peeing).

I use woolen covers (which I like a lot) and also the cotton outer wrap/pul inner, they are more convenient going to places.

I HATE the bamboo prefolds, bamboo soaks up more but seems to be wet all over, and I don't like this feeling. The are thinner but they are also so heavy and take forever to dry. it just feels like I put a bathrobe in the nappy cover with them yuck.

The one size nappies are easy for use (thinking about the guys who work fulltime and have to change a nappy once a while in the weekend hehe), but they do not soak up a lot so I would be more inclined to use this in the stage where my baby is close to being potty trained,

I don't like the all in one for the fact that you don't wistand as much as the prefolds and they are just expensive (no need to pay more if something cheaper work out just fine).

I haven't tried hemp ones has anyone experience with this?

And also I love fleece covers but they are so bulky that I cannot use them when wego out (no trousers fit over them) has anyonegot a tip on a slim/trim fleece cover?
HelenJ - I have a hemp night nappy and it's excellent. they take a lot of washing in to get to full absorbency but then they are excellent!
Just been looking online at the Tots Bots Bamboozles, FLIP and BumGenius. Has anyone tried the FLIP? Also with the Tots Bots and BumGenius ones do they need seperate wraps? x x

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