expressing but not breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
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Hi ladies, is anyone considering expressing milk for baby but not bottle feeding? X
Not as a choice, too much work in my opinion for it to be a planned way of feeding x
It's really hard to keep your supply up exclusively pumping and only feeding bottled breastmilk.

You'd have to express at least every 2 hours (or more) and for 15 minutes after the milk stopped flowing. Basically if you were exclusively expressing you need to stimulate your breasts (express) as much as the baby would feed if exc. BFing.
Most people find their supply starts to decrease the more they pump and the less they breastfeed (from the breast).
Also, personally I find the baby feeding a lot more pleasant than when on the pump. Breastfeeding, once you get over any initial issues, releases oxytocin.

I do however plan to express (and not bottlefeed). I always leaked loads with my daughter and never gave her a bottle. Most of the milk ended up in breastpads and down the sink as I didn't express it, it just leaked out especially when feeding (from the other breast). This time I'm planning to express and donate the milk. I've already spoken to someone local who's due in September and is wanting donor milk for her baby so will donate to her most probably.
But, I'll be expressing from one side whilst my baby feeds from the other side, as this maximises milk production & how much the pump gets out.

Exclusive pumping can work, but it takes a lot of effort and you might find talking to a La Leche League Leader/support group (antenatally) would help you prepare for that.
I disagree that it's hard to keep supply up by expressing alone. It's easier when breast feeding as your body responds to the baby feeding. I expressed for 18 weeks for my son who was born early and my supply was fantastic. He was discharged from hospital breastfed after 19 weeks.

It's tough, especially with a newborn. Your entire life in the early days will be express, feed, sterilise repeat. It is possible though and more common in the US than here. There's a really friendly Facebook page called Exclusively Expressing Breastmilk UK, they'll be happy to offer advice xx
May I ask why you want to do this? Do you have a practical reason for it, like work, or do you not like the idea of breastfeeding? Just curious :) I didn't want to bf my first until a few months before he was born. Then I thought I'd bf the first few days to give him a good start. I ended up breastfeeding until he was 1yr old. Once you start it, it feels so natural and all doubts go away. I expressed at work, but personally I felt like a milk cow when I had to do that so I only did it when there was no other choice.
Thanks ladies for all your comments. Definitely food for thought and I will look into the Facebook group!!

My thinking behind expressing is because I personally not comfortable with the idea of bf but also I will be Workibg through Mat leave. I want the best start for my baby so just considering all options x
I personally plan to breastfeed and express when I can express.

A lady I know has just had her baby who is now 4 weeks old and she exclusively expresses at the moment, and she has done quite well with it in terms of keeping her supply up and actually managing to do it all day every day.

I guess you can only try! x
Maybe you could check out any natural supplements you can take to improve milk production? I know there are teas specifically for this but can't think what they're called atm, typical x
Hi, I haven't read everyone else replies I'm afraid so sorry if I repeat anything.

I tried this with my son due to him having to spend a short amount of time in neonatal and not latching after being given a bottle and I found it difficult to keep up with how hungry he was and have a bit of a life as well!
If you really want to do it, it's possible but I'm afraid I found it difficult to spend the time doing the night feed (with a bottle of expressed milk) and change and then sit pumping after all that. Least breast feeders who express too, usually have a pump on one boob and a baby on the other at the same time.

That was just me though x

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