Feeding options

I planning to give it a try too, although I will be expressing also just so that OH gets to have feeding time with the baby. Although I watched a programme the other night about it and I am abit worried about how sore it will be, as when I had DD she wouldnt latch and the midwife gave her formula. I remember how sore my chest was and even someone touching it was like I was getting stabbed with a hot poker, so Im worried about BF ontop of that. But Im gonna give it a try, although if its not for me I wont be feeling guilty as I'll know I had tried :) xxx
I b/fed dd until 9 months and at 4 week began expressing mainly for when inwas out and she needed feeding as it wasn't always comfy feeding out. I also expressed for scbu as I was fortunate to have alot of milk.

Everyone has a choice and shouldn't be frowned on for not b/feeding. My midwives are from nearby town which is all earth
Mothers and breast feeding is expected but I don't agree with them forcing it onto people.

Do what you feel right - if you try it and don't enjoy don't beat yourself up over it a happy mummy makes a happy baby and vice versa
I'm planning to do exactly the same as you. I really want to BF, not only for all the reasons BigBump has said (really informative posts btw), which is the main reason I'll be BF, but an added bonus is that it can help you to lose some of the baby weight as baby will be continuing to use up your calories!

Will be trying out expressing too, so that DH can help with feeding, and so when I do have to go back to work and LO goes to nursery he'll be used to being bottle fed.

But then like others say, it might not work out like that, so we have to be ready to accept that formula may be an option, but at least we'll have tried.
Oh the bit about loosing weight is AWESOME!

Breastfeeding works on fat like NOTHING else, if for example you ate a mars bar and then went for a run, your body would use up all the calories in the mars bar before starting on the fat stores your body has (so your arse, thighs and bellah)

Breast feeding converts the fat on your body directly into breast milk, so it literally sucks fat off your arse, regardless of what you have eaten that day (obviously if you have eat loads of fatty stuff, your body will make more fat) but when combined with some exercise, your body just absolutely blitzes all the fat on your body, its easier for it to turn fat into food rather than turning food (in your belly) into fat and then back into food. So its amazing for weightloss (something to keep us warm while we are awake of a night with a wee one latched on to us ;)
I hope no one makes you feel inadequate for not being able to feed Cazza, its just that breastfeeding is the normal for a baby and formula, while Sufficient, is not quite the same.

At the end of the day, as long as you are feeding your baby (however you do it) then thats brilliant :) But if someone is talking (as the original poster on this thread was) about mixed feeding rather than exclusively breastfeeding right from the beginning, its important to know the facts and the science behind it all. To make the right choice for your baby (which is very different to not having a choice)

Just because you cannot breastfeed, should not mean you are unaware of the benefits of breastfeeding, we should all know those things really, regardless of what our personal circumstances are x

TBH Bigbump it's exactly what I mean.............I'm 41 have a A level in Childcare & Developmental Studies (my project for which was nutrition and the effects thereof) so I know exactly what is 'best' and most natural thankyou!!

I think most woman I've met fret more about this subject than most others and do hours of research and soul searching and sometimes the BF enthusiasts DO make them feel woefully inadequte!!

As I said before what is right for one woman and their baby may not be right for another but I would never judge any womans decision on this matter.

Mrs Mc my friends youngest had exactly that issue too, she ended up on Goats milk!!! Hasn't harmed her at all - she's a very bright and clever 9 year old!
Agree with everything bigbump has said but also I went back to work when LO was 7 months old and still breast feed him til he was 11 1/2 month when we both were ready to finish. It was hard work, as I do a combination of day and night 12 hour shifts, but very doable. And I am proud of myself for getting so far (not having to pay put for formula I think more lol) Is probably worth finding out now what policies your work have in place to support you...

TBH Bigbump it's exactly what I mean.............I'm 41 have a A level in Childcare & Developmental Studies (my project for which was nutrition and the effects thereof) so I know exactly what is 'best' and most natural thankyou!!

This sounds a little bit defensive, i have to re-iterate that i have absolutely No problem with anyone who doesnt breastfeed and i have never presumed to know anything about what you do or do not know about nutrition. If we are talking about feeding options (thread title) then it is important to note that breastfeeding exlusively without introducing any formula is the optimum and most natural 'option' Some people think that to breastfeed along with formula feeding is as beneficial as just breastfeeding and that simply is not the case, the virgin gut of a child cannot handle external feeds as well so its better to try and breastfeed exclusively for as long as possible.

I think most woman I've met fret more about this subject than most others and do hours of research and soul searching and sometimes the BF enthusiasts DO make them feel woefully inadequte!!

And some women, dont bother even trying to breastfeed their kids and couldnt care LESS that it is nutritionally much better for their wee ones, I would never judge a formula feeder based upon them so i am asking you not to base every breastfeeding advocate on those few you know who can be cutting and rude about it (and trust me, i have met a few of them. One of them (a midwife too) nearly put me off breastfeeding entirely because she put me down when i was so happy after nearly a week of not being able to feed that Jasper had latched on to a nipple shield. Rather than support me and help me, she just gave me grief about it and how it wouldnt last and the nipple shield was the worst thing i could have done etc etc. It was horrible. She was horrible.

As I said before what is right for one woman and their baby may not be right for another but I would never judge any womans decision on this matter.

No one is judging anybody, simply offering the facts surrounding breastfeeding so that anyone reading is empowered to make the right decision based upon facts and shared experience as well as personal opinion. There is no need for the emotive, defensive stuff, we are just talking about in general here. Not forcing or anything like that.
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*sigh* :roll:

Not 'defensive, emotive or judgemental' (if you notice I used the word 'sometimes')..............just trying to explain my point of view for what was an adult discussion.
Hey there is some great advice on http://www.laleche.org.uk/ - they also offer support groups and advice so if you want to know about the mixed feeding try these guys.

Your prolactin levels are highest at night so if you miss feeding or expressing at this time you may find your milk is not coming in as much - also my niece who is BF will not even take a dummy now at 12 weeks so I am not sure about all children accepting the jumping between nipple and bottle - but ask the la leche ladies who have had years of experience of all sorts of situations :)

I am going to a session soon as pregnant ladies are very welcome - means you can chat to other mummies in your area too
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*sigh* :roll:

Not 'defensive, emotive or judgemental' (if you notice I used the word 'sometimes')..............just trying to explain my point of view for what was an adult discussion.

Fair enough, obviously i was wrong to consider 'i know what is nutritionally best thank YOU very much!' as defensive, but actually i think most people would agree with me ;)

Just dont think its necessary is all, just trying to give some facts on breastfeeding and mix feeding, not putting anyone down - thats all i was trying to point out x
So am starting to think about how I want to feed Orlando.

I alway thought I would bottle feed but recently I have been considering breast feeding. The only thong for me is that I am worried it would tie me down ESP as I have to go back to work when he is 4 months old.
Also I want OH to be able to feed him. So I was thinking of breastfeeding in the day to start and expressing for night feeds so OH can share it and the changing him to formula when he is a couple of months old for when i go back to work. obv as I have no experience of feeding I don't know if this is a do able plan!!

Sounds like a good idea to me hunni personally have no experience of this as ive never BF or even wanted to to be perfectly honest,

At end of the day we all find our own way of doing things, which is right for us xxx :D xx

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