Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

:lol: Hannah's romance is lovely, he is a 23 year old Tunisian who is currently studying for his English Degree but working for Thompsons part time. They seem quite smitten with each other but as usual my daughter has her feet very much on the ground.... he has been lovely to her though, for example on Christmas Day although he doesnt celebrate it himself he turned up at her hotel so she didnt feel homesick bless. They are talking about getting a flat together when she goes back in April, which will be nice as living in the hotel she works in means she has very little free time. I cant believe we pick her up a week today - its so nice that she is going to be around for the first weeks of George's time with us, it would have been so sad if she hadnt met him till he was several months old. Feeling all emotional now :oops: must be a hormone thing.....

Right I am off to the GP for my 38 week check....

Jane x
Ah he sounds lovely. So glad you can have most of your family together for the first few weeks of little Georges life. :hug:
hey all :wave: I've been trying all morning to get on but I keep getting the max users error and now I've run out of time :evil:

I wanted to post a (non) bump picture before I forget.

Crap quality cos the flash kept reflecting so I had to turn it off - and I couldn't really see what I was taking it of. Even once taken, there's nothing there at all. I am gutted. I want to look pregnant! Instead, I just look podgy, like I need to get to the gym and work off a heavy weekend. All the girls on my due date board on FF have been posting their bump pics and some of them (at the same stage) look like they're about to give birth. Nobody's going to give up a seat for me on the train any time soon.

Hope this isn't too big...


Haven't read through everything, need to dash to Sainsbury's to get some food for lunch and then have meeting this pm, but hope to post later when I'll read the pages I've missed!
:hug: ROM I bet your really excited your daughter will be there, yes her OH sounds lovely!

Mildy Oz looks gorgeous!!! :hug:

Sookie lovely to hear from you again, I totaly understand and I hope when you are ready it doesn't take you both long :hug:

Also while the subject of nipple creams I found lanisinoh the best, you can keep it on while feeding and heals your nips in no time :cheer:

Trudy, Kitty how are you both?
Kitty it wont be long before that bump starts growing!!

Babydust that pram is very nice!

I am not bothering getting a new pram I have Olivias old one (urban detour) that has a car seat with it, OHs grandad calls it "The Rolls Royce of prams" :rotfl:

To be honest I will barely use it, I am planning to sling this little one everywhere (not literelly!) and use it ocassionaly.

I am not getting a double push chair because Oli doesn;t even like being in one and would rather walk so byt he time bubba is here im sure she will be quite happily (and slowly) walking everywhere with me :lol:

Pregnancy wise I am peed off, Ive been spotting again.

I lost some brown plug after having sex with OH on Monday night, next day had pink spiotting and then went brown again so thought it was stopping.

But no! pink spotting again this morning so rang midwife and shes going to phone back with a scan date, she said everything is proberly fine but the fact its gone back to pink means it needs to me checked.

I am not worried about baby as such as I heard the heartbeat, but I just hope its just an irritated cervix and thats all!

I never had all this with Olivias pregnancy, I bled once and that was it, never to be seen again. :shakehead: just goes to show how all pregnancies are different :think:

Well here my bumpy pic, I am totaly shocked at how much it has come along already, I cant hide it at all :oops:

Aw Kitty I can see the makings of a baby bump there! I just think you are going to be one of those tidy pregnant ladies with all baby up front - I really want to be one of those! I know thats not going to happen for me at all though, Im going to be an all over fat pregnant lady if I ever get pregnant at all!

Tasha you have an upfront baby bump too! you lucky thing! You are still so slim everywhere else! I hope the bleeding is nothing to worry about :hug:

Mildly - how handsome is Oscar and my he has grown! You can see his little boy face more now if you know what I mean, not just his baby face. I hope this makes sense! :lol:

Sookie - Glad you are doing well hun, I guessed that you were probably taking a break and Im sure it will be good for you physically and definitely mentally, TTC is such an emotional rollercoaster, in some ways Im glad we havent been trying for a while now, it has really made my relationship with Mike stronger and I dont feel like Im losing my mind. Its tricky though isnt it when the clock is ticking and you dont want to wait to get pregnant. Perhaps a few months of just enjoying yourself and throwing caution to the wind would make you feel a little better. :hug:

Jane - I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter and your scan goes well :) Not long til the little man arrives! :cheer:

Trudy - good luck for the scan tomorrow! :D

I also want to apologise to Kirstie for always typing 'Kirsty' when I know full well thats not how you spell your name! Hope you and Kian are doing ok?

Claire - I love your pram! I really love the colour of it. Very snazzy indeed :)
Wow kitty I wish my stomach looked like that pre baby never mind now. I think I'm going to be like Loola said all over bump not neat front one.

Tasha - I hope the bleeding stops for good soon. At least you can find the heartbeat that must be reassuring. :hug:
Trudy do you get to find out if its a girl or boy tomorrow? If so are you going to?

EDIT: Actually looking at your sig I take it you are going team green and having a surprise? :D
Kitty you look fantastic - believe me you will get a bump soon enough - took some photos of mine last night but to be honest I cannot face posting them.... I just look huge and even my back looks fat :( Well the GP recons George is now fully engaged - not getting too excited though as he could stay like that for a couple of weeks. The doctor did recon I wouldnt go too far over as everything seems to be heading the right way which was nice to hear.....

Jane x
:hug: Thanks Loola

Well I have a scan next thurs at 1 at the epu.

The midwife said that I would still get me 20 week scan thankgod (was worried because of what happened last time) so we will just have to wait and see, im sure all is well just wish it didn't happen!
Yes definitely team green! If I'm doing all that work I want a suprise pressie at the end!

ROM great news not long now.

Tasha try not to worry bout it too much between now and then hun. :hug:

Well here goes nothing! My bump in it's flabby glory.


I was going to chop my head off for anonimity but one look at the black skin, wallpaper and socks and anyone who knows me will know it's me!!! :lol:

Edit - sorry just wanted to add my boobs are not normally that flat I put all my bras in the wash and had to wear some old misshapen thing. :) TMI I know but it's bugging me!
:hug: Trudy I see a little bump coming along there!

Thanks hun :hug:

Oh and before I read the bit about your boobs looking flat it did pop into my head (her boobs looked huge on a facebook picture :think: :rotfl: )

I'm not a perv :oops:

aaargh! there are so many posts and the topic review doesn't go far enough back... am trying to remember everything but if I've forgotten, sorry!

Trudy :lol: at the flat boobs comment! Actually, I find that non-underwired bras are about the least flattering item of lingerie (if you can call them that) known to woman. They're even less flattering than 'period knickers'. There was a reason why my photo was cropped below the chest!!! (and I deliberately moved the mirror so that it was in front of a door, too... :) ) Well, I have to say that I'm very jealous of both you and Tasha. You both have definite baby bumps - it's really not fair. Are you going to be posting a scan pic?

Tasha - you look like you've swallowed a football, or at the very least shoved one up your top/down your trousers :rotfl: Your bump's hilarious, it's so neat and round!! You're right - there's absolutely no mistaking that you're pregnant :lol: And you were obviously wondering the same thing as me - what to do with the mirror-side arm! Mine kept getting in the way - if I put it by my side, you couldn't really see my tummy at all, because of the slight twist with holding the camera in the other hand - and if I held the camera with that hand, the 'bump' stretched completely flat :roll: I have to say that your bleeding pattern really does just sound like cervical erosion - I don't think it's a coincidence that it happens in the couple of days after sex. Also, it sounds like a classic case, as described by a couple of my books - brown loss, then pink/brown spotting (and yes, I think I have probably read everything in every pregnancy book that mentions bleeding by now :roll: :lol: ). I completely understand why you're worried, but trust me, if it was coming from near the baby, it would be very unlikely to be pink spotting. Generally, it's either a gush of red, if it happens quickly, or if it's only a little and it ekes out slowly, it's brown - because the time it takes for spotting to get to your knickers/tissue from inside means that it's not likely to be pink. When I had the internal exam last Weds eve, which would have been 8 hours after the gush that morning, the doc said that the blood round my cervix was all brown already. And the amount of loss I've had, both last week and between weeks 6-11, was like a period. Even so, it appears the baby is still fine. I don't mean to belittle what you're going through, because any bleeding at all is so worrying, but hopefully this will reassure you a bit. Did you mean today, or Thurs next week for the scan? Good luck, whatever. :hug:

ROM - WE WANT PICS!!!! And what's the point of being heavily pregant if you don't have a big bump to show off? Come on, post them, lady! Love the nursery photos, by the way - I think you posted a pic of the rug before, but I forgot to ask you, where did you get it from? I really like it! And did they do other animals? Glad that George is getting ready - he's a very obliging baby!

Actually - can we have lots of nursery pics from everyone please? If not on here, at least post them on photobucket for us to look at! I'd like some ideas...

Sookie - :hug: :hug: :hug: I so know what you mean. I was torn between wanting to get pg again immediately, and never trying again in my life. Immediately after the m/c, I thought I was well over it - and then later on I realised I wasn't. I'm still not, but that's another story. Don't lose touch with us all though. If you can't face coming onto the forum, you know you can email all/any of us at any time and tell us your news, or your feelings. It'll happen one day, but it sounds like you have so much else on your plate right now you really need to make time for you. One thing I really regret is that I didn't get the chance to pamper myself properly before getting pg again - I know that sounds silly, but I could really have done with a couple of girly evenings at the spa, or massage treatments, or facials - anything to make myself feel human/feminine/whole again. I really do still feel like damaged goods and it's affecting this pregnancy quite badly - more so than I realised. Have some fun for us! And then tell us all about it so we're jealous :lol:

I can't see any further on the review, so from memory:

Loola - no need to tell you to have fun! How many parties do you have lined up for this week? :wink: :lol: As for being quiet till the wedding, I don't believe a word of it! So are you going to model any of your wedding purchases (not the dress, obviously), or are you superstitious about that? Have you got your shoes yet? You're going to look so glamorous. And I think booking a good hotel for the first night is so important - if you booked a grotty one, it would really ruin the day. All you'd remember would be the mouldy bathroom, the manky carpet and the stained sheets :puke:

babydust - great pushchair - and a good bargain too! Glad Zak's name was decided - and how sweet that your grandmother was so touched. It must have meant a lot to her. How are the girls reacting to the baby now? I bet they're really spoiling him!

kmac - how are you feeling now? Any more pics of Kian? Hope it's all going a bit better...

Mildly - :wave: Good to see you again - and Oscar looks so grown up now - it's incredibly how quickly babies grow. He is adorable... He looks really cuddlable!

:oops: I've forgotten who else has posted recently so if I've missed you out, I'm really sorry...


OK now dont laugh.... I am the size of a small house, Dave calls me penguin and keeps on asking me if I want some fish :(

Kitty we got the rug off ebay - its a Verbaudet one - this came with all its tags still attached saying £50 and we paid £7.50 including postage. I am sure it will drive us mad when we start to use the nursery as it slips around a bit but I just love it :-)

Jane x
FAB bump!!!! It's actually pretty neat, so I don't know why you're upset! Though I can see why you feel huge - you do look like George is about to burst out of your tummy button, fist first, like Superman! But at least it's all bump; there'd definitely not be any confusion over that... and there's nothing wrong with a big bump. I'd be pretty proud of that!

As for the rug, thanks for the info, I'll have a nose-round. If you're bothered about it slipping, go to B&Q (or similar) (better still, send Dave), you can get rug gripper tape for either hard floors or carpets. 4 strips of that stuck on the underside of the rug will grip the floor without marking it and will ensure it won't slip. You don't want to slip on it whilst holding George...
:cheer: ROM your bump is lovely!!!!

Looking very low though! wont be long till hes out hunny!! :hug:

Kitty :rotfl: I thought that, I have a football belly :lol: But I can asure you it doesn't look like that in all outfits!

Yes its hard to figure what to do with the arm, I didn't want it to be in the way and I couldnt photoshop it out or chop it off :lol: so did some sort of in the pocket pose :lol:

Yes I have been thinking the same about cervical erosion and to be honest I think I may ask that after the scan I get my cervix checked out, it happens everytime I have sex and on the odd occasion after I go for no2 :oops: or if ive done something very I shouldn't of like lifting heavy stuff.

I lost plug first which was brown, so must have been old blood from the time before and then the pink must have come from an area of the cervix that was irritated, hopefully a doctor can help clear that up for me.

I am sure its not coming from baby, I have heard him/her most nights and im sure Iwouldnt be able to if things werent ok.

Yes I understand and to be honest compaired to what your going/have been through I feel very lucky, It must be absolutly terifying to have experienced what you have, for me its been more of a nause i suppose as I just can't be having this go on while I have Olivia to think about, it does worry me a little as you shouldn't bleed ( your supposed to have 9 months off?! :lol: ) and its got less worrying since getting past the miscarriage stage (the 7/8 week mark from the last time) But all the same seeing blood is kind of a shock the first few times.

My scan is next Thurs, i'm nervous but very excited as I didn't get my 12 week one so it will be lovely to see baby anyway :)
it's worrying whatever! And what I've had is nothing compared to a lot of women, so I'm pretty lucky too. And at least I didn't get any morning sickness whatsoever. Last week's episode gave me a bit of a shock, but it was just the one bleed in the morning and nothing since - not even spotting. I know some women get bleeding throughout, and for some women, the subchorionic haematoma grows instead of shrinking.

I didn't mean that you have no 'right' to worry, at all, just that from everything I've read, it sounds to me like it's a real nuisance rather than something serious. That doesn't make it any the more acceptable to you, but hopefully at least you'll be able to sleep at night.

Tbh, I don't think the amount of bleeding makes much difference - whether you're spotting, or it's period-like, you still need to wear a liner/towel, and you still can't go swimming, and you're still afraid of doing anything to aggravate it. Once I knew what it was, it was a nuisance rather than a worry for me too. It's the not knowing that's so worrying, which is why I understand your concern at the moment!
:hug: Oh I didn't take it as you said I had no right :lol: sorry I tried to put that across in my post but must not of :doh:

I suppose its not compairing as no matter what each individual woman like you said over a small, heavy bleed will probably feel equaly as worried and upset.

And yes compaired to some women you are lucky too :hug: your baby is growing and all is going well again.

My friend has done nothing but worry over her pregnancy (due a week before me) which I mainly put down to me having a miscarrige (kind of opened her eyes I think) and shes been bleeding lately too and with small clots, but shes seen baby and shes heard her baby but she still worries.

Oh hearing that baby most nights does help me sleep, It was the best buy ive ever had that doppler.

Thank you Kitty and please I honestly understand what you meant, sorry if it didn't come out that way :oops:
no probs, I was worried I'd offended you! :lol:

I agree about dopplers - honestly, if I hadn't heard the hb at home after spending 6 hours in the hospital last Wednesday and not getting a scan or even a fetal heart monitoring, I would have been a mess. We both came home saying "well, we know that the baby's not about to fall out - but we don't know whether it's alive or dead". Nobody at the hospital even checked to see if it was a missed miscarriage.

It's funny, I haven't bothered to listen since. I've got the doppler, but it's only when I really need the reassurance that I use it - I was a bit worried that if I got one, I'd use it all the time and become addicted to it, but strangely, it's the thought of having it as much as actually using it that's comforting. I did buy an expensive one - I bought the Sonotrax medical-grade one (DH saw two exactly the same in the examination room - clearly the gynae didn't see them!!!), and I guess I could have got away with a cheaper one, but I have to say I'd have paid £60 just to listen to the hb on Wednesday night!

I am wondering about whether to go for a private scan and check out what's going on. I've heard that private ones tend to be better quality, and I could do with someone double-checking that there are no lurking blood clots or placental tears... I really don't trust the hospital at all now.

Any thoughts on private scans, anyone?

Yes the reassurance that I know I have it there when I need it for that extra bit of comfort to here my baby, is the best.

I can understand why you bought the one you did, if I had the money I probably would of too!

From what I have read regarding private scans (wanted one myself) is that they take there time with it, talk you through what they are doing, ask if you any questions about the scan. Then make sure the get some good shots of the baby for you to take home. Where as in my experience with nhs its all very rushed and theres not alot of talking.

I would go for it if we had abit of extra cash, no doubt about it!
Kitty - I have to say our private scans (we had 3) were the best thing we did - each one was for over 30 minutes in a really lovely environment and the image was projected onto a large screen. The lady went through everything in detail with us - the first was a dating scan which was linked to the second which was the NT scan and then the third was our sexing scan. For a basic reassurance scan they charged about £55 I think and I have to say it was worth every penny.

Jane x

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