aaargh! there are so many posts and the topic review doesn't go far enough back... am trying to remember everything but if I've forgotten, sorry!

at the flat boobs comment! Actually, I find that non-underwired bras are about the least flattering item of lingerie (if you can call them that) known to woman. They're even less flattering than 'period knickers'. There was a reason why my photo was cropped below the chest!!! (and I deliberately moved the mirror so that it was in front of a door, too...

) Well, I have to say that I'm very jealous of both you and Tasha. You both have definite baby bumps - it's really not fair. Are you going to be posting a scan pic?
Tasha - you look like you've swallowed a football, or at the very least shoved one up your top/down your trousers

Your bump's hilarious, it's so neat and round!! You're right - there's absolutely no mistaking that you're pregnant

And you were obviously wondering the same thing as me - what to do with the mirror-side arm! Mine kept getting in the way - if I put it by my side, you couldn't really see my tummy at all, because of the slight twist with holding the camera in the other hand - and if I held the camera with that hand, the 'bump' stretched completely flat

I have to say that your bleeding pattern really does just sound like cervical erosion - I don't think it's a coincidence that it happens in the couple of days after sex. Also, it sounds like a classic case, as described by a couple of my books - brown loss, then pink/brown spotting (and yes, I think I have probably read everything in every pregnancy book that mentions bleeding by now

). I completely understand why you're worried, but trust me, if it was coming from near the baby, it would be very unlikely to be pink spotting. Generally, it's either a gush of red, if it happens quickly, or if it's only a little and it ekes out slowly, it's brown - because the time it takes for spotting to get to your knickers/tissue from inside means that it's not likely to be pink. When I had the internal exam last Weds eve, which would have been 8 hours after the gush that morning, the doc said that the blood round my cervix was all brown already. And the amount of loss I've had, both last week and between weeks 6-11, was like a period. Even so, it appears the baby is still fine. I don't mean to belittle what you're going through, because any bleeding at all is so worrying, but hopefully this will reassure you a bit. Did you mean today, or Thurs next week for the scan? Good luck, whatever.
ROM - WE WANT PICS!!!! And what's the point of being heavily pregant if you don't have a big bump to show off? Come on, post them, lady! Love the nursery photos, by the way - I think you posted a pic of the rug before, but I forgot to ask you, where did you get it from? I really like it! And did they do other animals? Glad that George is getting ready - he's a very obliging baby!
Actually - can we have lots of nursery pics from everyone please? If not on here, at least post them on photobucket for us to look at! I'd like some ideas...
Sookie -

I so know what you mean. I was torn between wanting to get pg again immediately, and never trying again in my life. Immediately after the m/c, I thought I was well over it - and then later on I realised I wasn't. I'm still not, but that's another story. Don't lose touch with us all though. If you can't face coming onto the forum, you know you can email all/any of us at any time and tell us your news, or your feelings. It'll happen one day, but it sounds like you have so much else on your plate right now you really need to make time for you. One thing I really regret is that I didn't get the chance to pamper myself properly before getting pg again - I know that sounds silly, but I could really have done with a couple of girly evenings at the spa, or massage treatments, or facials - anything to make myself feel human/feminine/whole again. I really do still feel like damaged goods and it's affecting this pregnancy quite badly - more so than I realised. Have some fun for us! And then tell us all about it so we're jealous
I can't see any further on the review, so from memory:
Loola - no need to tell you to have fun! How many parties do you have lined up for this week?

As for being quiet till the wedding, I don't believe a word of it! So are you going to model any of your wedding purchases (not the dress, obviously), or are you superstitious about that? Have you got your shoes yet? You're going to look so glamorous. And I think booking a good hotel for the first night is so important - if you booked a grotty one, it would really ruin the day. All you'd remember would be the mouldy bathroom, the manky carpet and the stained sheets
babydust - great pushchair - and a good bargain too! Glad Zak's name was decided - and how sweet that your grandmother was so touched. It must have meant a lot to her. How are the girls reacting to the baby now? I bet they're really spoiling him!
kmac - how are you feeling now? Any more pics of Kian? Hope it's all going a bit better...
Mildly -

Good to see you again - and Oscar looks so grown up now - it's incredibly how quickly babies grow. He is adorable... He looks really cuddlable!

I've forgotten who else has posted recently so if I've missed you out, I'm really sorry...