Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

Hello all!

Super bump pic ROM!

Kitty - DH is all up for a private scan now, he wants to see more. From the websites they look good value for money, as ROM said it's more special when you aren't being 'rushed'. Not that we felt rushed yesterday but we knew we only had a short time to take everything in.

Well the scan went super well! Dh was nearly crying, I kept laughing and making Cuthbert flip over. Poor thing will probably come out early to get some peace and quiet. They've put me forward to 14+3 so I gained 5 days in 5 seconds - great! Erm what else??

Ma and Pa came in at the end and were very happy to see all was well. We could see Cuthbert had a full tummy so it takes after daddy already! :lol: In a complete spooky randomness situation DH was explaining to the sonographer that it's tradition to call all babies Cuthbert whilst they're cooking. She just pointed at her name badge which read Y Cuthbert!!!! :shock: Now I'm not a superstitious person but I'm taking that as a really good sign.

Anywho enough rambling here are the pics.




You can see the fingers on the 3rd pic. (I couldn't see them a lady at work just pointed them out to me!! :lol: ) The little tease was not for having it's picture taken at all. The whole time he kept his arms in front of his face. :roll:
Great news, Trudy - but you seem to have an Australian baby :lol: Also, you may want to crop your scan pics so your name and details aren't visible. I'm terrified of identity theft - but I might just be paranoid! Anyway, brilliant news and pics. (p.s. - sent you an email about pushchairs!)

thanks for feedback about private scans. I'm going to look into it and talk to DH. We're lucky, we can afford it - it's just whether there's enough of a benefit to justify it. I'm really concerned about what caused the bleeding last week, and if they could tell me that - or at least tell me that there's absolutely nothing threatening at the moment - it would be money well spent. I have a MW appt next week, but my 20w scan isn't till 23w, so I have another 8 weeks to go. On the other hand, the bleeding has stopped...

I did a yoga class yesterday, and I was holding my breath throughout (even during the exhalations!) just in case it was about to provoke a bleeding episode - but all seems fine. I'm going to brave the aquaerobics class next week... I've even booked in for a waxing session later today to ensure I don't have an excuse! So I may be able to drag DH to the pool on Sunday. Think I'd better check my costume fits first... could be embarrassing! :lol: Anyway, in the meantime I need to get on with work - I have yet another pile of marking to do, plus two seminars to prepare, and what with an acupuncture session in 30 mins, and waxing this afternoon, and then a school governors' meeting, I'm short of time already! That's the problem with flexible working/working at home - you need self-discipline, and I'm not sure I have much :(
Kitty when we had our private scans they explained that should they see anything untoward they would refer us straight back to the NHS - they also provided us with a written report of each scan - measurements, dates etc and also sent a letter to our GP with the same information. The lady that did ours was NHS trained and was fantastic we were able to ask her all sorts of questions we didnt have time for at the hospital - if you can afford it I would urge you to go...... but then I am a spendthrift :-)

Jane x
Claire do you have the 3d? if you do you have to pull up the handle catches and press down and then pull up the handle on the main lock at the back and it should start to fold. Tilt it forwards and push down on the handles and the pushchair should lock.... To be honest we have only done it once ourselves.... Let me know how you get on with it :-)
Hi ladies! :wave:

Jane your bump is fab! I think its very tidy, I would be more than happy with a bump like yours! :lol:

Trudy - what fantastic scan pics you have! Cuthberts spine is so visible, I am very impressed! I would definitely take the sonographers name being Cuthbert as a good sign, how spooky is that! :o

Kitty -I promise Im going to be a good girl from now on! I really cannot afford to go partying anymore so instead Mike and I shall be doing organic cider and Lips (karaeoke) nights at our house. Ill only have 2 bottles our cider. Im on a strict diet at the moment. I have lost 4lbs so far so thats good. Im hoping to lose almost 2 stone by the wedding so Ive been eating a lot less and a lot more healthily. Mike is doing the same, he has a lot more to lose than me, but it was his drinking that was the problem really. Now he is only having 4 bottles of cider on a Fri and Sat night, organic cider too which I hope will be better for him than the usual gut rot. So that should help him lose weight and hopefully improve the quality of his swimmers. So if all goes according to plan we shall conceive on our wedding night in our posh hotel! :lol:

I have some more wedding things to show you ladies!

These are my shoes, Im not very good at heels so I really didnt want to be tittering around feeling uncomfortable all day so this is what I got. They are really comfy as they are padded, plain and simple, though I have big feet anyway and they do make them look like canoes but Im hoping the dress will cover them up a bit!


This is my fascinator, its massive! but I love it, I think it will look lovely with the birdcage veil and a vintage brooch (for my something old). I think Im going to have to have my hair down for it to look right, so Im going to see what some old hollywood curls look like with the whole ensemble.


Ive just bought this on ebay too, Im slightly concerned as it was so cheap! Ive been looking for a wishing well but couldnt afford a wooden one as they are about £60, so I was planning on getting a paper one. Then I saw this today, Buy It Now for £5!!! So Ive bought it, it seems a little bit too good to be true as its a real wooden wishing well and the postage was only £2.50 :o We shall see what its like when it arrives (if it arrives!) The seller does have 100% feedback and seems to be selling other wedding items off so its looking promising :cheer: Im so chuffed! Ill use it as a garden ornament after the wedding too :)


All I can think about is the wedding at the moment, im so excited! and its all coming together nicely so far! :cheer:
Thanks guys I hadn't even thought about my details. All cropped now! Hopefully not too late. :doh:

Loola I love that facinator, it'll go beautifully with the birdcage veil. Good idea on the shoes. I wore heels for the ceremony then changed into my trainers for the reception. So comfy.

Is a wishing well a traditional wedding item? I only ask because I've never heard of them being used before and I'm intrigued.
Sorry I didnt really explain what the wishing well was for did i! Basically we are not having a gift list, we are going to be cheeky and ask for money to pay towards a honeymoon as thats what we really want but cannot afford. So the idea is to put an envelope of money into the wishing well then to make a wish. The only ones I could find were cardboard ones which looked tacky or wooden ones which were very expensive, so if it arrives in good condition I will be chuffed! Ill be able to decorate it in our gold and pearl theme too I reckon, just need to add ribbon :)
Kittykins said:
Great news, Trudy - but you seem to have an Australian baby :lol:
Forgot to comment on that in my panic to crop the pics. I know it's already proving to be an awkward and independent person. I don't know where it gets that from! :angel:

Everytime she moved the scan thing to get a different angle he'd flip over and hide his face. I can already imagine the battles we'll have come puberty! :roll: :lol:
Hi everyone

Just checking in. Still feeling a bit swamped by everything. Kian's weight went up so we were told to stop topping him up with formula, but today it has gone down again, so i am still getting a midwife visit every day which is making me feel like I am doing something wrong.

I have hardly seen the same midwife twice, and they all give different advice.
Today I have ben told to feed him every 3 hours 10 minutes from each boob. I just gave him 10 minutes and now he is totally zonked out, but I very much doubt that will last him for 3 hours.. I'm so confused!!
Anyway, midwife will be back tomorrow to weigh him again.

On the plus side, things are a bit calmer. We had to resort to a little dummy. I deduced after having him stuck to my boob for 7 hours that he just likes sucking, so the dummy really helps to settle him. I thought I wouldn't use a dummy but needs must!!

I just can't believe how different the advice is everyone gives you. Not just on feeding but everything.
My mum wants me to switch to formula but she isn't pushing it and I know it's only out of concern for me. She has been through a few times but she just helps out around the house and baths him etc as it's still a bit awkward for me with my scar. ANd this morning she watched him while I had a nice snooze - it was so much easier to relax knowing someone was there.

I'm glad it's the weekend though and I have DH for a couple of days although FIL is visiting tomorrow and on Sunday my uncle is visiting my parents so we are going to attempt a trip through to see him.

Glad everyone seems to be doing well. I am lurking about and reading all your posts.
I apologise for not mentioning you all individually but DH has just brought me my tea so I had better go and eat it!

Love and :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all
:hug: Aww Kmac those bloody midwives are so inconsistent, but well doen on not needing formula top ups! :cheer:

Feed on demand hun, when ever he wants it and like I said before if you think he needs more, pop him on again just to be sure.

The 10 minute rule is old!

I found to make sure Oli had fore and the hind (more fattening) after the one feed id pop her back on the same boob on the next feed to make sure she had the fattier milk. then continued feeding on the other after she totaly drained the breast.
Then carried on doing the same but on the otherside.

Oh and as for the dummy I believe what ever works for you and you baby is best, dummies are great when a child wants them, I would of loved to have given my nips a break :lol:

I am pleased you got some sleep hun :hug: your doing very well :hug:
Thanks babydust and Tasha.
I am quite confused :?

I think the reson Ihave to do the 10 minute thing is to stimulate my boobs into full action. I assume this is not how I will be continuing. I'll ask her tomorrow. I was wondering about him not getting the more fattening stuff.

I feel so thick when it comes to all this stuff :doh:

Well he's crying now so I'm off...

Hope your DD is OK babydust

Yes we got the carseat - it looks really cosy but to be honest not that big... had a practice putting that on the pram and it seems quite easy (wait now until we have a LO in it :-)) The only problem is that it doesnt have a base so you have to put it into the car each time with seatbelts - that was interesting ....... two adults, one car seat and a seat belt - it took us ages but I think we have it sussed now :-)

Kmac :hug: sounds like you are having a right nightmare - I wouldnt worry about the dummy - Han sucked her thumb and if I am really honest she still does now occasionally!!! Thats at 21!! I introduced a dummy with Josh straight away - he was a comfort sucker and we were able to take it off him by the time he was 18 months old - I havent seen him with one since :D although in all fairness we havent had one in the house for sometime :D I'll let you know if he pinches George's.

Jane x
Babydust you are right, it isn't 10 min every 3hrs, its when ever the want/need it!

Also Kmac the chart they would be plotting hsi weight on (if they are) are for formula babies

Here is a link to the one for breastfed babies

Boy chart

http://www.who.int/nutrition/media_page ... _z_0_5.pdf

Kmac your not thick, you are both learning, if they wanted you to stimulate your milk more it would of made more sense for you to pump in between feeds, but I really feel that isn't nessesary as babydust said, bf babies put on weight much slower as its made just right for them, where as with formula it adds weight quicker due to it not being made in the same way.
Hi all, I cant believe that Harvey is a month old now......time just absolutely flies at the moment! I am trying to savour every day!

He was born at 8lbs 7, went down to 8lbs 2.5 at day 5, by day 10 he was back up to more than his birth weight, and at the last weigh in was 11lbs 2! I think we can safely say he is gaining weight, little porker!

He's a bit sicky sometimes, and seems to have a real habit of waking up at about 3am and not going back to sleep til 7, little monkey! Not quite sure how to reset his bodyclock to fit in with mine!!!

Hope everyone is well, have I missed much? There are just too many pages for me to go back through since I last posted as I dont seem to get many minutes to myself before Mr demanding wants something, a boob, a cuddle, a change......ho hum, its all (mostly!) good.

Just didnt want people to think I had disappeared entirely, I am still thinking of you all even if I cant get online
x :hug:

kmac - everyone has a different opinion on what is right with bf.....just go with your own instincts, everyone else will have a different opinion, particularly professionals.....Im sure you are doing just fine
Hey all! :wave:

Well, with things apparently kicking off big-time elsewhere on the forum (haven't read everything, started to read one thread and decided I didn't want to know any more), I'm very glad that we've still got this thread to retreat to! I can honestly say I could take or leave 99% of the other threads here, but I couldn't have done without you ladies over the past year (er, longer actually, yikes...) :hug:

Anyway - Kmac, don't worry. I'm not even going to pretend to know anything about bf'ing (makes a change :lol: ) but I'd definitely take the advice from stalkers over inconsistent stuff from the midwives. Babies don't fit into neat little boxes anyway, and there are going to be daily fluctuations in weight. It's got to be a longer-term view, which is very difficult when you have such a small baby. But hey, I can put on a couple of pounds in weight overnight, simply by not going to the loo before weighing myself! Likewise, drink a litre of water, and you're going to be a whole kg heavier afterwards. So if your MW(s) is measuring Kian at different times of day, or before or after a feed, or just before or after a nappy change, that's all going to make a difference too. They're not there to criticise, they're there to help you - but sometimes they don't do a great job, especially if it's not always the same one.

Babydust - I think it's fair to say you'd never be shot down on here! Your poor DD. I'm sure the doll will have made her feel better though - and I bet you'll have suffered more pain than she did. She'll probably be showing off her bruises and scrapes very happily at school next week :lol:

Chok - good to see you again! But you can't come on here without giving us some pics to look at :shakehead:

Loola - love the shoes! (but I did have some very similar myself so maybe I'm biased :lol: ). I got a pair of 'wedding flipflops' from eBay for £7, which I kept for changing into later in the evening. Also, the Scholl partyfeet gel cushions were a godsend - really worth putting a pair of those in and wearing the shoes around the house in advance of the day to soften them a little. You don't realise how much time you spend on your feet - so many people want to talk to you. Which reminds me - have a BIG brunch! I didn't get to eat any of my dinner - my main course was taken away before I even started eating :( Every time I was about to start, somebody else came to talk to me. By the time I was finally able to sit down, everyone else had finished and pudding was being served. And then we were expected to go walkabout...

:wave: to ROM, Trudy, and everyone else.
Hey all

I don't know what's going on elsewhere on the forum either - I started reading a thread then had to go as FIL was visiting, when I went back it was gone... Anyway, I think I will just be posting in here from now on. I really can't be a***d with any of that nonsense.

Midwife came again today - same one as yesterday so same scales - and Kian's weight is down again :(
She rang the hospital to speak to a paediatrician so we're back on the formula top ups after the 3 hourly 10 mins on each boob. I reall feel like giving up but I won't (not yet anyway). I just tried expressig after a feed but hardly anything came out.

Babydust/Tasha - if he is looking for more before the 3 hours is up I am giving him the boob, so it is on demand really.

She did say he looks fine - he's still a bit jaundiced looking - but he's peeing and pooing and perfectly OK otherwise.
She's coming back tomorrow....
I had a bit of a cry and she was very nice, even gave me a hug. But it's really starting to bother me now that I can't do it properly.
She suggested I attend the breastfeeding clinic at the hospital on Tuesday, which I agreed to, but after she'd gone I realised I can't as I can't drive for 6 weeks :doh: and there is no bus I could easily get. Plus I'm not sure I should be wrestling with pram etc so soon after the section either.

Sorry to go on... :oops:

Loola - I like our wishing well idea. That's a good plan. I bet you will still get some hideous/pointless gifts though! We certainly did! (Or maybe I just have cheap relatives!). Love the shoes and headwear too! I had terrible trouble getting wedding shoes as i wanted them flat, and i'm a size 8. I got some in the dress shop that the woman assured me would stretch to fit if I wore them round the house, but they were agony, and they wouldn't take them back. I sold them on ebay but the person that bought them had the same problem! In the end I got a pair from John Lewis in the sale that were perfect. And afterwards I got them dyed purple and i still wear them as going out shoes.

I am rambling now.

Chok - glad everything is going well.

Where is rom today?? Hope all is ok with you jane :hug:

Hope everyone else is ok.
:hug: :hug:

Kirstie he is bound to loose weight if hes been on formula, and I am concerned that she is weighing him everday, it isn't nessesary at all, the only way you will se improvement in weight is an overall which would be at least ever 5 days not everyday, even more so that he has poo nappies and wee, so there is no concern! and by coming out everyday she is doing you no good in making you feel you can provide for your baby, which more frustratingly you can. (not frustrated with you, with her)

Formula is fattening, where as breastmilk is designed only to put the right amount into your baby, so because he had stopped the formula he would have gone back down and started to loose the weight put on by formula and then he would put weight back on through the breastmilk, I strongly suggest you ring these guys.


Very nice and very helpfull and will hopefully be able to put you intouch with a local breastfeeding peer supporter and they often offer to find someone to come out to you and give you support and encouragement.

They know exactly what they are talking about and will know more than your midwife about breastfed babies I can garantee you that my hun.

Midwives are not trained breastfeeding consultants and most have never even breastfed themselves, it shows that due to having to ring others and it seems shes not 100% sure herself.

Keep feeding him like you are, scrap the 10 minute let him feed as long as he wants, then put him nack on that breast for the next feed before switching, he will have got the more fattening milk that way.

The 10 minute will not pick your supply up anyway, constant feeding and pumping will only do this and certainly not putting him on formula will help you either.

When you pump for the first few times, you wont get much, please do not expect much as a pump has a totaly different motion to your baby, your baby is the expert in gettign milk out.

Nipple stimulation is what will increase your supply.

:wave: I'm still here Kmac :D just spent the afternoon with my mum as Dave had to go upto Sheffield.... Had quite a sad day actually as my aunty was rushed to hospital, she is very poorly and what makes me even sadder is that she lives on her own and had been really ill for 2 days but didnt want to disturb anyone bless her. By the time the doctor came out to her she had to go in an ambulance, what annoys me is that she has a daughter that she does everything for and she knew she had been feeling poorly on Thursday but hadnt been bothered to pop around or ring her!!! It was only when my mum phoned her this morning that we realised what a state she was in...... Her daughter is so selfish, you can rest assured that if she had wanted a babysitter sometime over the past 2 days she would have been on the phone!! She had been too ill to even make herself a drink for the past 36 hours!! Anyway she is now in the best place and hopefully they will find out what is wrong soon :(

I started to read that thread too and was going to post exactly the same as Kitty but thought perhaps people would laugh.... wasnt sure if it was my hormones that were making me glad to have you lot :D

Right I am off to bed now - I have given up thinking I may sleep so I have a good book and a large bottle of gaviscon to see me through the night :D

Jane x
Tasha20 said:

Nipple stimulation is what will increase your supply.

I was about to post a reply to the thread last night when DH came in and read this line aloud (it was at the top of the screen). You can imagine what he said :lol: He has offered to "help me start increasing my supply" already... And yes, he did get a slap for his troubles! :lol: Anyway, I decided to leave my reply...

ROM, hope your aunt's better :hug:

babydust - :rotfl: at your daughter! she's obviously milking her "war wounds" for all they're worth - and she's not stupid, either - from lollipop to computer in 24 hours is a smart move! You could always stick a lego one under her pillow :twisted:

I don't mind sharing house pics with your guys, if you really want to see them - but I'll have to wait till the weekend to take any, I'm working in college/library all week so it's dark when I'm home. Plus I have some serious clearing up to do - my parents were here last week, helping to move furniture, and we now have to replace all the drawer and cupboard contents that we emptied so we could lift the stuff. I also have a large number of cardboard boxes stacked in the hall - the travel system arrived so we were checking it all over yesterday. But if everyone else is posting pics, I guess I could get myself sorted by the end of the weekend!

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