Evie updates!! **BABY IS HERE**

My bp is fine it's just my temperature and they are discussing it apparently and have been for like thirty mins plus :wall2:

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ohhh temp not bp, sorry evie.. either way they need to hurry up and realise its not helping u at all x
:shock: they sound wonderful Evie :dohh:

Hoping someone sees sense very soon :hug:
Hope they hurry up and u still get ur vbac xxx
This must be very very frustrating for you Evie ...... hope they make a bloody desision soon!!!! XXX
oh Evie, you poor thing! This is the last thing you need! Your already like 8 days overdue, with leaking waters and a high temp for gods sake, give this woman a break! I would be demanding to stay put, surely they should be able to monitor you on a Mat ward - sounds like they are debating what to do as induction after a previous c section increases the risk of scar rupture. If they leave you longer you may go into labour naturally but if not I reckon they will probably just want to do another c section. Not many Trusts will induce after previous section xxx
if your waters have broke will they not keep you in incase of infection xx
That's what they r doing now dissided they don't want to induce just monitoring me coz my temp has gone up and they can't "confirm" or "not confirm" they have gone even tho I have a whole towel full at home! And surprise surprise my bump measurements are smaller all of a sudden?! Wonder why? Wonder what's missing? Oh maybe it's the litre an a half of waters lost lol!! Idiot doctors lol!!

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Well at least they haven't just sent you home but still I would be getting very very frustrated with them!
They have finished talking and they r keeping me in to be monitored no formal plans for induction but if my temp keeps going up they will do something or re discuss apparently so goodness knows! My DH just told them the whole house smells like when the cats waters went and he still has the towel if they want it and they said they don't and are just going to wait and see so basically let me and the baby get I'll before anything :(
At least they're not sendin u home...fx somethin happens for u soon xxx
oh evie, sounds like your having a real bad experience this time round, fingers crossed they decide to do something for you hunny.........:dust::dust::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
really hope they decide to do something soon, its ridiculous!! x x
i guess they are trying to make sure you get the delivery you want <---me trying to put a possitive spin on it lol
i would be really frustrated too
Blimey hope something happens soon - i was expecting to come online and for you to be well into labour. Really hope you get a vbac Evie :love: Why don't Drs listen when you say your waters have gone????!
oh evie I hope baby decides to come and the final part is quick for hyou all this waiting must be driving you crazy x
Hey hon, been away with work so just caught up. Hope all ok and hope bubs is here really soon x x x
omg this is awful hun. i bet you and your husband are so stressed! it's pathetic why don't they try and pop your other waters in there if there is more?? stupid nhs ****s. good luck hunni and hang in there :dust: xxx

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