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Beth88 said:
Thank you so much girls, you all reassured me so much :hug:

i don't know if i dare ask, but mum2be, did your pregnancy last when you were waiting on your results etc?

i did not say as don t want to worry you but no im sorry to say they went up first on wed then fell friday :( but i was bleeding very heavy as i expected it.

Please dont panic i am sure all is ok. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Aww hun I hope you get to see beans heartbeat soon.

I am praying all is well with bean :pray:
I read this earlier before anyone had posted but i didnt know if an empty sac was normal or not so i didnt reply till now. Anyway all sounds good from the other comments...have a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beth88 said:
aw mum2be im sorry :( well i havent had bleeding so :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

its ok, i have another chance now and so far so good with this baby!

Hope scan goes well tommorrow for you!

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