Embarrassing moments

keslo66 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

ive just sat here and read them ALL

and OMG you have had me in stitches.

There's some hilarious ones aren't there.

At the moment we have loads of stickies though :( we don't like to have too many. Maybe later on we'll have more room when a few aren't needed.

can see whereyour coming from though.

we will have to keep bumping it :wink:
:rotfl: :rotfl: ...you lot are nuts lol

The only thing at the moment that I have gone bright red over.. taht I can think of anyway happend a few nights ago. I was talking to my OH as you do. We were talking about random rubbish about countries we had visited and want to visit etc and I said 'What about going to PACKY-STAN' God I almost died I didnt relaise that it was actually spelt and said Pak-i-stan and not packy-stan. No wonder ive been having all these funny looks for years lmao :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Please let me point out that I am not racist, I am just lacking some parts of the brain that cause it to function correctly lmao :rotfl:
Bexter said:
I don't have too many embarassing stories thankfully, but this one springs to mind....

A few years back me and DH went to the cinema to watch Lord Of The Rings 3 and i'm such a softy, i started crying my eyes out at the end.
DH turned to give me a look, which made me do the biggest, loudest snort so then i was laughing and crying.

A few people did look around, thankgod it was dark! :oops:

I had somethig similar happen to me when i watched Troy in a packed cinema. When a baddie got branded in the neck with a red hot poker by brad pitt it made me jump so much i did this really really loud snort. after that i got the giggles for ages and couldnt control myself. My poor mum was sitting next to me probably wondering if i was ok :rotfl:
lol ill have a proper read in a mo

but i thought i would add mine

I got unbelieveably drunk one night, sooooo drunk my boss actually told Ian to take me home because i was at work the next day, lol, so ians there walking me down the entrance to our flat where we used to live with my flatmate, and i was there saying
"i dunno where you think your going but im going danceing" followed by ... "omg i am going to be sick open the door open the door open the door!" got upstairs and was being sick in the bathroom. Ian then stripped me off so i wouldnt go back out, then he left me hugging the toilet naked and he went back out ... i couldnt believe it mind you i was so paraletic(sp) i didnt care. anyways i ended up somehow waking up thinking i need to go for twosies, so there i am and its coming out all over the place (im SO sorry) so im being sick in the sick as the toilet was otherwise occupied.

heres the embarressing bit, wehat i didnt know was that my flatmate had come back whilst i was sat on the toilet naked with my head in the sink passed out with her mates (lads) and they needed the loo, opened the door to see me completely starkers and for the next 6 weeks they all took the p*ss outy of me. Luckily this was when i was a size 8 toned and had boobs that stood up like begging puppies so i asnt too upset!
Alfiesmummy said:
lol ill have a proper read in a mo

but i thought i would add mine

I got unbelieveably drunk one night, sooooo drunk my boss actually told Ian to take me home because i was at work the next day, lol, so ians there walking me down the entrance to our flat where we used to live with my flatmate, and i was there saying
"i dunno where you think your going but im going danceing" followed by ... "omg i am going to be sick open the door open the door open the door!" got upstairs and was being sick in the bathroom. Ian then stripped me off so i wouldnt go back out, then he left me hugging the toilet naked and he went back out ... i couldnt believe it mind you i was so paraletic(sp) i didnt care. anyways i ended up somehow waking up thinking i need to go for twosies, so there i am and its coming out all over the place (im SO sorry) so im being sick in the sick as the toilet was otherwise occupied.

heres the embarressing bit, wehat i didnt know was that my flatmate had come back whilst i was sat on the toilet naked with my head in the sink passed out with her mates (lads) and they needed the loo, opened the door to see me completely starkers and for the next 6 weeks they all took the p*ss outy of me. Luckily this was when i was a size 8 toned and had boobs that stood up like begging puppies so i asnt too upset!

I was at Mr Felix's party on Friday night and hubby had taken Lennon back so I had a few then next minute, i'm lying on the floor :shock: apparantly I fell, slammed this very old and heavy door shut with my head :shock: landed on my knee but my drink stayed upright and intact. Had no cuts to the face or hands but my knee is very bad. Just turned round and made sure Richard didn't see me. What am I like? :x
i was flirting with a lad once in a night club i thought i was great :oops:
then i undone my "lipgloss" put it on my lips to realise it was my mascara. the shame!!!!

i tryed to lick it off quick but it went all over my teeth
sarahx500 said:
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

u no that BIG YELLOW FISHERMAN that stand outside Barnacles with a fish in his hand, the statue..... well i walked into him and then appologised to him!!

saturday afternoon in a packed town centre and i was just a touch embarrased.. still laugh about it now

lmfao id do that lol
dionne said:
i was flirting with a lad once in a night club i thought i was great :oops:
then i undone my "lipgloss" put it on my lips to realise it was my mascara. the shame!!!!

i tryed to lick it off quick but it went all over my teeth

Oh Dionne :hug: did the lad see it?
once when i was younger i went out for a meal with my boyfriend and his posh family, i ordered steak, when they asked me how i wanted it cooked, i was confused didnt no what they ment so i just said "ummm im not bothered" they said wel how do you usually have your steak?" i said in the cooker :oops:
Ok heres mine :

when preg i went into the lads instead of the ladies loos :shock:

Another embarrasin moment was when i was goin round the "magic roundabout " in swindon - think its 5 mini roundabouts in 1 , this **** came round the roundabout pretty fast - so i stuck my finger up !!!
Then once i were off the roundabout a blue light went on, and a command to pull over :oops: he was an undercover oops lol


In tescos car park, was parkin me pug and erm a lad came over started talkin to me, i thought omg i beein chatted up here, he were smilin giglin and even hugged me :shock:
erm cant remember how it went i thought he were interested in me tho, yet he were a 205 fan :oops:

the classic embarrasment :
in with the mw whilst preg, this was the convo

mw "have you noticed any swellin?"
ME "yea my belly"

then i realised ohh the shame :oops: lol
I have had so many but I can never think of them when I want too... :think:

Blonde moment anyone?
Once I went to a 205 drivers forum meet and was talking to my friend, I looked over and said is that you're van, he was like yeah 205 is at home in peices waiting for a new engine...then I turned around and looked at all the 205's lined up and said "so which one is yours?" :lol:

When I was pg I was at work and I was sitting on the floor with my legs open and my knees up (it sounds weird) but it was because I had a child lying across me so it was to hold him up if you see what I mean, anyways the room was really quiet because all the children were asleep and in the room was my collegue and a agency staff that I had never met before...well out of nowhere came this MASSIVE fart...I went bright red and the woman looked at me in horror and sarah started laughing and I was like "umm omg marcus!!!! how did such a big fart come out of such a tiny person!!" lol :oops: :oops:
cassi said:
I have had so many but I can never think of them when I want too... :think:

Blonde moment anyone?
Once I went to a 205 drivers forum meet and was talking to my friend, I looked over and said is that you're van, he was like yeah 205 is at home in peices waiting for a new engine...then I turned around and looked at all the 205's lined up and said "so which one is yours?" :lol:

When I was pg I was at work and I was sitting on the floor with my legs open and my knees up (it sounds weird) but it was because I had a child lying across me so it was to hold him up if you see what I mean, anyways the room was really quiet because all the children were asleep and in the room was my collegue and a agency staff that I had never met before...well out of nowhere came this MASSIVE fart...I went bright red and the woman looked at me in horror and sarah started laughing and I was like "umm omg marcus!!!! how did such a big fart come out of such a tiny person!!" lol :oops: :oops:

wow lol ur a 205 lover too :clap: :clap:

omg that fart must hav been well embarrasin ohh that reminds me . . .

when i was pg...
me erm fella like was down there if u kno what i mean and i farted too !!!
Thankkfully it didnt smell and he actually carried on, shud hav seen his face lmao :rotfl:
I lived in Berlin for 6 months several years ago. One evening I went with my sister who lives there permanently and her husband and kids to this really nice thai restaurant down the road from them. My German wasn't too good at the time (not that its much better now), so I looked at the menu. In German the word 'vorspeisen' means 'starters'. Anyhow, I got this word mixed up with the word 'vorspielen' which means 'foreplay' and asked the waitress very loudly if I could have chilli pasta for foreplay at which everyone burst out laughing and I was so embarrassed :oops:
i dont remember this, but i embarrassed my mum when i was a toddler, we were on a beach on holiday and i'd said i needed the loo, so she took me to the shallow bit of the sea to do a wee. to her horror, as she held me up with my little legs akimbo, a poo plopped out, and she had to stand there until i'd finished and watch it float off towards sunbathers and swimmers!
when i was doing my training a patient asked me to take her to the toilet, i had to transfer her into her wheelchair so started looking for her slippers. i found one by her chair but couldnt find the other, i was crawling around on the floor saying" i can only find one where is it?". she replied " ive only got one" shed had her leg amputated thats why she was in hospital. :oops:
well...this was only from last Saturday!!! :oops: :oops:

me, DF, my dad and his mate went to this party on Saturday night, i was wearing my new (very high - hurt my feet!) boots which were slippery... after a few drinks, my dad started dancing and decided to pull me to dance, i told him not to pull me as my boots were very slippery, but did he listen? NO...so he pulled me and i slipped and fell, banging my head,arm and leg on a table FULL of drinks, the table fell over and all the drinks went all over me - OMG!!!! :oops:

i have now got a beautiful big purple bruise on my leg and on my arm and also a lovely bump on my head!!

Thanks dad :roll:
wen i was 10 my dad took me and amanda (my sis) to our first football play off (most u know i support ipswich and neone who knows bout footy we dont do to well in play offs :rotfl: )
so neway we lost and me and my sis were so sad literally crying our eyes out lol and on the way out of the ground a policeman asked my dad if we were ok as we were crying so much hehe

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